
dài lǐ fú wù
  • Agent Services;proxy service;procuratorial services
  1. webapplication模式使用代理服务将需求传递给虚拟应用程序。

    The Web Application pattern uses the proxy service to route requests to your virtual application .

  2. Web应用服务器中代理服务的Java实现

    Implementation of Proxy Service of Web Application Server with Java

  3. 金士顿追求,可帮助您的公司在谈判中,经纪,代理服务,货源工厂或财产

    Kingston Quest Can Assist Your Company In Negotiations , Brokering , Agency Services , Sourcing Factories Or Property .

  4. proxy-config.xml:为HTTP和Web服务提供代理服务信息

    Proxy-config . xml : Offers proxy service information for HTTP and Web services

  5. 基于移动agent技术的电子商务系统能够为消费者和商家提供智能化和自动化的代理服务;

    E-Commerce based on MA can offer intelligent and automated agent service for both consumers and enterprise ;

  6. 您应当看到Linux代理服务接口界面

    You should see the Linux agent service interface screen

  7. 基于CAMP信号通路模式的代理服务安全性研究

    Security Research of Surrogate Service based on CAMP Signal Access Mode

  8. 通过向EnterpriseApplication组件中添加Scaling和Routing策略来启用Web应用程序模式,从而使用代理服务。

    Enable your Web Application pattern to use the proxy service by adding the Scaling and Routing policies to the Enterprise Application component .

  9. HTTP代理服务系统的买现与分析

    Implementation and Analysis of HTTP Proxy Server

  10. 网络服务器提供的服务包括邮件服务,文件服务,Web服务,动态主机配置服务,代理服务,域名服务,流量控制等。

    Network dedicated server provide mail service , file service , Web service , dynamic host configuration protocol service , proxy service , domain name service , etc.

  11. 在警务移动代理服务(PoliceMobileAgentServer,PMAS)系统中,终端缺乏有效的可信机制。

    In PMAS ( Police Mobile Agent Server ) system , the terminal lacks of valid mechanism of trust .

  12. 同样,内部服务被导入到Gateway中,使其作为代理服务可供外部使用。

    Likewise , internal services are imported into the Gateway and made available as proxy services externally .

  13. 汇丰私人银行已在通过PropertyVision提供此项服务,PropertyVision是其高端房地产代理服务,帮助客户购买住宅或乡村别墅。

    HSBC Private Bank is already doing this , through Property Vision , its upmarket estate agency , which helps clients buy a house or country estate .

  14. Agent是轻量级代理服务程序,被部署在单独代理服务器上,用于接收Server的数据采集需求,并为Server提供采集数据。

    Agent is a lightweight proxy service program and is deployed on separate proxy server to receive data collection needs of the server and provide collected data .

  15. 针对Web网络的安全问题,基于SSL单代理服务模式已经无法满足网络的安全要求了。

    Aimed at the safety of Web network . Single substitute mode based on SSL could not meet the safe need of net .

  16. 在TIS的WWW代理服务中实现基于网络安全的内容过滤

    Implementing Content Filtering Based on Network Security in WWW Proxy of TIS

  17. 本文介绍了代理服务的安全特性,并针对各种Internet服务的特点,详细讨论了用代理服务提供这些Internet服务时所需采取的安全策略。

    The paper introduces security characteristics of proxy services , then in allusion to the characteristics of various Internet services , discusses the security strategies of these Internet services supported by proxy services .

  18. 利用MS-Proxy实现局域网的Internet代理服务

    MS-Proxy Applied to LAN Internet Proxy Services

  19. 随着Internet与Intranet的飞速发展,作为连接Internet与Intranet的桥梁,代理服务在实际应用中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    With the rapid development of Internet and Intranet , Proxy Server , as a bridge linking Internet with Intranet , plays a more important role in many applications .

  20. 分析了防火墙系统中分组过滤技术和代理服务技术存在的安全性缺陷,指出了HTTP协议身份验证方案存在的问题。

    The weakness of packet filtering and proxy technology in firewall are analyzed , The security problems of HTTP pro-tocol 's valid usr-identity are pointed .

  21. 管理已注册MBean的附加功能,由JMX代理服务执行。

    Additional functionality for managing registered MBeans is performed by JMX agent services .

  22. 要使用WebsphereMQ代理服务,仅在第一次使用代理时需要完成初始设置步骤。

    To use the WebSphere MQ broker service , there 's an initial setup step required only the first time you use the broker .

  23. 架构一种网络代理服务程序模型,将传统HTML网页转换为PDA可浏览的网页。

    So it is necessary to bring forward a network agent service model which can translate HTML page into contents that PDA can browse .

  24. 与通用服务器不同,它只向用户提供一种或几种网络服务(比如Email服务、Web服务、代理服务)。

    To be quite different with the common servers , Web Server can only provide a sort or sorts of web services to the clients , such as email service , http service , proxy service , etc.

  25. 在某种程度上,ESB代理服务使COBOL客户端不受那些可能会导致目标POJO改变的变更的影响。

    To a certain extent , the ESB Proxy Service shields the COBOL client from changes that might affect the target POJO .

  26. 针对通信功能,研究了GPRS功能模块,相关的AT命令,以及拨号上网过程,实现移动终端与移动代理服务平台之间的连接通信。

    Refer to communication , GPRS function framework , corresponding AT command and dial into internet process is discussed . And it is realized to communicate between mobile terminal and server .

  27. 设置并测试您的nginx代理服务的过程到此结束。

    This completes the process of setting up and testing your nginx proxy service .

  28. XMethods是代理服务的一个示例。

    XMethods is an example of a broker service .

  29. 他说,在发出电子邮件威胁索尼员工并在网上贴出解释其工作的声明时,声称为此次网络袭击负责的和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)使用了代理服务掩饰他们的位置。

    Guardians of Peace , the group claiming credit for the attack , used proxy services to disguise their location when sending emails threatening Sony employees and posting statements online explaining their work , he said .

  30. 表示自nspi代理服务启动之后成功满足的mapi客户端引用请求数。

    How many Mapi client referral requests have been successfully satisfied , since the NSPI proxy service was started .