
  • 网络deferral;deferred item
  1. 对税收递延项目的成本估算,可以按收入放弃法原理计算损失的利息,也可以考虑引入现值法的做法。

    The cost estimate of tax deferred items can be implemented to measure loss interests by either the revenue forgone approach or present value approach .

  2. 在中期资产负债表上其余额以递延项目列示。

    The balance is reported on interim balance sheets as a deferred item .

  3. 因为这个余额是缘于本年度的经营活动产生,故不应带入下一年度,并作为递延项目列示在资产负债表中。

    Since this balance applies to the operations of the year just ended , it should not be carried over to the next year and reported as a deferred item on the balance sheet .