
  1. 如果最终售价低于担保价,拍卖公司或外部担保人将被套牢。

    The house , or an outside guarantor , is on the hook if bidding falls short of that price .

  2. 为了击败对手佳士得,得到这位前老板的艺术藏品拍卖权,苏富比提供了5亿美元的最低担保金。拍卖将于11月和明年1月进行。这说明,从那次串通丑闻之后,情况已大有不同。

    Emphasizing how times have changed since that collusion scandal , Sotheby 's has secured its former boss 's art collection for sale in November and January , but only after guaranteeing the Taubman estate a minimum price of $ 500 million to stave off Christie 's , its rival .

  3. 今年3月,史密斯上任时向股东们承诺,他会谨慎使用担保金。担保金是拍卖公司就某件作品或收藏品向卖家担保的最低价。

    He took over in March , promising shareholders that he would be judicious in the use of guarantees , the practice by auction houses of promising a seller a minimum price on a work or a collection .