
  • 网络Loan credit insurance
  1. 贷款信用保险定价研究

    A Study of Pricing of Loan Credit Insurance

  2. 其次,具体探讨了中小企业贷款信用保险的模式,包括其内涵及运行模式等。

    Secondly , it introduces the model SME loan credit insurance , which including content and operation mode and so on .

  3. 其次,对中小企业贷款信用保险从风险管理理论、信息经济学两方面进行了理论分析和可保性分析。

    Then , this part has a theoretical and insurable analysis in risk management and information economics theory .

  4. 其次,分析了中小企业贷款信用保险对中小企业、保险公司、银行的重要作用。

    Secondly , it analyzes important functions of SME loan credit insurance to small and medium enterprises , insurance companies and banks .

  5. 同时,实践证明中小企业贷款信用保险是解决中小企业融资的一种有效方式。

    Meanwhile , practice has proved that loan credit insurance to SME is an effective way to solve their problem of financing .

  6. 开展银行贷款信用保险可有效防范银行信用风险,并为保险业提供更广阔的业务空间。

    Carrying out the credit insurance of bank loan can reduce the credit risk of bank effectively and provide more business for insurance .

  7. 信用保险是指权利人向保险人投保债务人的信用风险的一种保险,本质是以无形财产利益为标的的财产保险,贷款信用保险是其中的一个种类。

    Credit insurance is a property insurance essentially which based on intangible property interests , loan credit insurance is one kind of credit insurance .

  8. 首先,在实证方面介绍了国外关于中小企业贷款信用保险及信用担保等的发展,提出我国可以根据本国实际情况合理地借鉴其成功经验。

    Firstly , it introduces the development of SME loan credit insurance and credit guarantees in foreign country , our country can learn from their successful experiences according to actual situations .

  9. 为此,本文的研究具有深刻的理论和实践意义。第二章阐释了发展中小企业贷款信用保险的基本理论,奠定讨论的理论基础。

    So this research has profound theoretical and practical significance . Chapter ⅱ explains the basic theories for developing loan credit insurance to SME and lays a theoretical foundation for the discussion .

  10. 本文就我国银行贷款信用保险业务开展现状、存在问题及原因进行了系统研究,并提出了拓展我国银行贷款信用保险业务的政策措施。

    It is analyzed that the present situation of credit insurance business of bank loan , the existing problem and the reasons in this study . The necessary policies and measures are suggested .

  11. 保险是风险管理的基础,是最有影响的风险管理方式,大多数现代风险管理形式就是从购买保险的实践中发展而来,具体而言,中小企业贷款信用保险是银行进行信用风险管理的有效方式。

    Insurance is the foundation of risk management , and it is the most influential risk management , many modern forms of risk management is from the practice of insurance . In particular , the loan credit insurance to SME is an effective way to manage credit risk for banks .