
dài kuǎn chénɡ nuò
  • loan commitments
  1. 此外,作为一个举足轻重的美元债权国,做出大额贷款承诺,有助于平衡资产与负债。

    And , as a massive dollar creditor , making large loan commitments better matches assets and liabilities .

  2. 与外国做生意的商人和在海外有贷款承诺的客户可以将远期外汇用作风险管理的一种有效形式。

    Traders with foreign countries and clients that have loan commitments overseas can use forward FX as an effective form of risk management .

  3. 第三部分,研究贷款承诺的定价。该部分分别从均衡定价和期权定价的角度,建立贷款承诺的价格模型。

    The third section discusses the pricing of loan commitment .

  4. 论商业银行中小企业贷款承诺业务的完善

    The Perfection of SMEs ' Loan Commitment in Commercial Banks

  5. 第一部分介绍贷款承诺及其价格结构的特点。

    The first section describes the features of loan commitment price structure .

  6. 亚洲开发银行作出了另外4000万美元的贷款承诺。

    The Asian Development Bank has committed another $ 40 million in loans .

  7. 非洲共获得了全部贷款承诺的百分之20,即48亿美元;欧洲和中亚地区获得了百分之17,即40亿美元;

    Africa had20 percent of total lending commitments with US $ 4.8 billion .

  8. 该行的贷款承诺在一些欧洲国家引起了争议。

    News of the Exim commitment caused a fuss in some quarters of Europe .

  9. 我们需要听到一个不止450亿欧元的、可信而周全的贷款承诺。

    What we need to hear is a credible and watertight commitment that extends beyond € 45bn .

  10. 不过,如果美联储的长期贷款承诺负担过重的话,就可能会难以实现这个目标。

    But if it is loaded down with long-term commitments , that could be tricky to pull off .

  11. 在上个财政年度,世行做出的贷款承诺大部分都与投资业务有关。

    The bulk of the Bank 's lending commitments in the past financial year were for investment operations .

  12. 本研究在利率风险的基础上,考虑了贷款承诺的数量风险和流动性风险。

    Besides the interest rate risk , there are quantity risk ( take-down risk ), liquidity risk within them .

  13. 第二部分在贷款承诺价格特点的基础上,以解决信贷市场道德风险和信息不对称问题为目的,建立价格结构的设计模型。

    In Section Two , we introduce a model of loan commitment price design , which can eliminate investment distortions .

  14. 存在争议的领域之一,是银行应如何评估那些可能重开谈判的交易中贷款承诺的潜在损失。

    One area of debate is how banks should assess potential losses on commitments for deals that might be renegotiated .

  15. 论述了贷款承诺产品的供求特性;讨论了贷款承诺理论定价和实际价格影响因素;

    It discusses its characteristics from perspective of demand side and supply side , and factors influencing the pricing of loan commitments .

  16. 各大银行的贷款承诺,也将有助于抵消由于银行向小企业提供额度有限且代价高昂的信贷而影响增长的风险。

    Lending commitments from the major banks will also counter risks of growth being undermined by costly , limited bank finance for smaller businesses .

  17. 如德国的主持银行、日本的主办银行和美国中小银行对中小企业的长期贷款承诺。

    Such as house banks in Germany , main banks in Japan and the long-term loan commitment of small and middle banks to SMEs .

  18. 新的贷款承诺相当于2006年所作承诺的两倍。本次峰会上,中非双方都强调它们的关系不止是中国获取原材料。

    The loan pledge was double a commitment made in 2006 and came during a summit at which delegates from both sides stressed their ties go beyond the Chinese acquisition of raw materials .

  19. 我们为2009年制定的计划,将使我们保持盈利,现金状况中性,并达到贷款承诺条款的要求,即使整体营业额下降50%,戴比尔斯的布朗说。

    Our plan for 2009 sees us remaining profitable , cash neutral and meeting covenants on our loans , even if overall turnover drops by 50 per cent , said De Beers ' Mr Brown .

  20. 中国主要政策性银行之一的国家开发银行因违规向小微企业收取贷款承诺费等违规行为被罚4880万元。

    The China Development Bank , one of the country 's major policy banks , was fined 48.8 million yuan for breaches including the illegal collection of loan commitment fees from small and micro businesses .

  21. 同时,本文从创新我国银行的信贷技术的角度,提出我国银行应该开发贷款承诺的信贷产品以及运用信贷评分标准来增加银行对中小企业贷款的质和量。

    At the same time , this innovation from the perspective of our bank credit technology , banks should make our development " loan commitment " credit products and the use of credit scoring standards to increase bank lending to SMEs , both in terms of quality and quantity .

  22. G-20再次向IMF(国际货币基金)以及其它贷款机构承诺1万亿美元,以提升世界经济和贸易。

    The Group of Twenty agreed to an additional trillion dollars for the International Monetary Fund and other lenders to strengthen the world economy and trade .

  23. 从1980年4月到2004年3月,日本对华官方发展援助(ODA)日元贷款的承诺额累计约29504亿日元,中方实际使用19400亿日元。

    Starting from April 1980 to March 2004 , Japan promised to offer China with ODA amounting to 2950 . 4 billion yen , of which , China used in effect 1940 billion yen only .

  24. 中国兑现了向非洲提供150亿美元优惠性质贷款的承诺。

    It has met the pledge of providing 15 billion U.S. dollars of lending of a preferential nature to Africa .

  25. 早些时候,一位德国高级官员表示,对希腊的纾困可能包括贷款或承诺购买希腊主权债券。

    Earlier a senior German official said that a bail-out for Greece could involve loans or a commitment to buy Greek sovereign debt .

  26. 除了在论坛上作出200亿美元贷款的承诺外,中国还誓言聚焦于农业、基础设施以及文化交流领域的合作,并提供奖学金让非洲学生来中国学习。

    In addition to the $ 20bn loan commitment made at the forum , China vowed to focus on co-operation in agriculture , infrastructure , cultural exchange and scholarships for African students to study in China .

  27. 政府降低了利率,增加了投资者可获得的贷款,并承诺调查任何涉嫌操纵市场的人。

    It has cut interest rates , made more loans available to buyers of stocks and promised to investigate anyone involved in market manipulation .

  28. 地方政府要积极拓宽资金来源渠道,引导银行等金融机构,为棚户区改造工程所涉及的部分行业提供贷款规模、承诺和担保等多种形式的支持。

    Local government should actively broaden capital source channels and guide banks and other financial institutions to provide various forms of supports like loan size , commitments , guarantees and others .

  29. 但是,在过去的六个月当中,用于消除银行业系统不良贷款方面,已经承诺了7000亿美元以上。

    But during the past six months , more than seven hundred billion dollars has been committed to cleaning up the bad loans in the banking system .

  30. 浮动利率的抵押贷款坏账率最高,这种贷款承诺在前几年实行固定低利率。

    Defaults are highest for adjustable-rate mortgages & loans that promised a low , fixed-interest rate for the first few years .