
  • 网络loan restructuring;refinance
  1. 其时的默里斯并没有消极坐等业务量回升,而是决定在贷款重组方面增强实力,为众多债务问题缠身的公司提供顾问服务。

    At the time , rather than wait for M & A deals to return , he decided to build expertise in loan restructuring , to win business advising the many firms that were struggling with their debts .

  2. 刍议贷款重组论合伙人资格

    Initial Discussion of Restructuring of Credit Loans On copartner 's qualifications

  3. 刍议贷款重组

    Initial Discussion of Restructuring of Credit Loans

  4. 对于家庭债务,美国已经实行了按揭贷款重组方案,但这些做法被广泛认为并不成功。

    In the case of household debt , the US has implemented programmes for mortgage restructuring but these are not widely seen as successful .

  5. 而将贷款重组为同业资产以避开放贷上限,以及由不透明的贷款池支持的投资产品所引发的忧虑,是任何经历过金融危机的人的噩梦。

    Worries over loans structured as interbank assets to dodge lending caps , and investment products backed by murky pools of loans , are the stuff of nightmares to anyone who suffered the financial crisis .

  6. 然而,美国破产法不允许房产业主宣布破产,然后对其抵押贷款进行重组。

    Yet American bankruptcy law does not allow homeowners to declare bankruptcy and have their mortgages reorganised .

  7. 希腊自身则必须再进行一场大规模债务重组,这一次必须将官方贷款的重组包括在内。

    On Greece itself , another large debt restructuring is needed . This time , that must include restructuring of official loans .

  8. 这家公司不会获取任何利润;它仅仅是将这些贷款资金重组,并以债券的形式将其出售给投资者。

    This company would not make any profits ; it would simply repackage the streams of mortgage payments into bonds and sell these to investors .

  9. 相当大一部分已出台和计划中的财政措施,以及通过私人银行或政府发起的实体对抵押贷款进行重组的举措,都旨在援助贷款者,防止房子被银行收回。

    A substantial proportion of the fiscal measures enacted and planned , as well as the initiatives to restructure mortgages either through private sector banks or government-sponsored entities , are intended to bail out borrowers and prevent the repossession of houses .

  10. 为外商投资企业的融资、贷款;股权重组、解散、清算提供法律服务;

    Provide legal service for foreign invested corporation on financing , loan , equity reconstruction ( purchasing and selling equity ), dissolution and liquidation .

  11. 本论文第一章介绍了国家助学贷款的背景与现状。刍议贷款重组

    The first part of the thesis is based on the theoretical analysis and the current situation of GSSLS policy . Initial Discussion of Restructuring of Credit Loans

  12. 基于银行金融业贷款系统逾期还款业务的大型机技术实现刍议贷款重组

    The Implementation of ALS Delinquency Operation Using Mainframe Technology Initial Discussion of Restructuring of Credit Loans

  13. 住房按揭贷款证券化是银行等金融机构将发放的住房按揭贷款进行匹配重组,以按揭贷款集合的预期现金流为保障进行证券化融资的过程。

    Mortgage - backed securitization is a kind of refinancing mechanism by which the financial institutions such as banks issue mortgage-backed securities that are based on the anticipated cash flow created by the assembled loans .