
  1. 这些措施包括提高贷款利率和存款准备金率。

    These included hikes in the lending rates and banks reserve requirement ratio .

  2. 近几个月出台的支持措施包括,对农村贷款机构下调存款准备金率,放松各地针对购房的限购令,以及让房地产开发商和中小企业更容易获得资金。

    Previous supportive measures in recent months include RRR cuts for rural lenders , an easing of local home purchase restrictions and easier access to funding for property developers and SMEs .

  3. 从近几年来市场价格对利率调整可忽略不计的反应来看,市场已经认识到,真正重大的政策转变仍是通过贷款额度和存款准备金率来体现的。

    Judging by the negligible reaction in market prices to interest-rate adjustments in recent years , markets realise that the really significant policy turns are still signalled through loan quotas and the RRR : the proportion of deposits that must be locked away as reserves with the PBoC .