
  • 网络Moral suasion;moral persuasion
  1. 罗马尼亚央行行长穆古尔伊萨雷斯库(mugurisarescu)表示,他的机构将准备用一系列工具来支持列伊,其中包括利率政策、道义劝告和最低准备金率等。

    Mugur Isarescu , governor of the Central Bank of Romania , said his institution would be prepared to use a range of instruments to support the Leu , including interest rate policy , moral suasion and minimum reserve requirements .

  2. 但东西方工会实力的对比阐明了一个基本的事实:工会在经济增长时能很好地为会员服务,但在更艰难的时期,道义劝告是它们最好可能也是唯一的手段。

    But the contrasting strengths of unions East and West illuminate one basic fact : unions do well for their members in rising economies , but in more austere times , moral suasion is their best and perhaps only card .

  3. 某外资银行的台湾主管表示,台湾央行可能会继续采取“道义劝告”方式,而不会正式收紧监管规定。

    One local head of a foreign bank says the central bank is likely to keep to its strategy of using " moral persuasion " rather than formally tightening regulations .

  4. 银行界人士私下里透露,央行还采用了“道义劝告”手段,例如有一次曾召集业内人士,向他们讲解有关外资流入的技术性规定。

    Bankers also privately tell of the central bank using " moral persuasion " , such as in one case summoning bankers to lecture them on technical rules regarding foreign inflows .