
  • 网络Ethical Marketing
  1. 企业可持续性发展战略的探究&道德营销

    Analysis of Strategies for Enterprise Sustainable Development & Ethical Marketing

  2. 并通过案例分析,为其他企业实施SA8000标准提供参考,找出企业在面对SA8000标准时存在的问题和解决方案,使其在国际贸易中从社会道德营销中获益。

    And , this actual case can provide a reference for other companies to find and fix their problems when they face SA8000 and gain profit from social morality marketing .

  3. 目前,道德营销已经成为现代医院营销战略发展的主流趋势。

    At present , Moral marketing has already become leading tendency in hospital .

  4. 当前,企业不道德营销问题成为和谐社会构建过程中一个比较突出的问题。

    At present , unethical marketing has become a prominent problem in the process of building a harmonious society .

  5. 包括不道德营销,使用有害技术和有毒生产流程,销售有害产品。

    These can include unethical marketing , the use of hazardous technologies and production processes , and the sale of harmful products .

  6. 企业的道德营销行为可以为企业的生存和发展创造稳定的经营环境,并可以为企业创造超额利润。

    The marketing ethics and morality plays a remarkable influence on the profit of a company . The moral marketing actions will create an advantageous environment to exist and develop soundly for the company , and could bring in extra benefit .

  7. 中国优秀传统商业道德是营销道德的重要组成部分。

    Chinese excellent traditional business ethics is an integral part for marketing ethics .

  8. 道德型营销战略管理问题研究

    The Research on Strategy Management of Ethical Marketing

  9. 医药营销道德与创新营销方式的思考

    Thinking About Pharmaceutical Marketing Morals and New Marketing Modes

  10. 前言:目的:研讨医药营销道德与创新营销方式。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the pharmaceutical marketing morals and new marketing modes .

  11. 本文在综述前人研究成果的基础上,通过理论和实证调查分析,从以下几个方面论述了营销经理的道德问题:营销经理和企业营销道德的关系;影响营销经理道德选择的因素;

    On this paper , in the first part is about relationship of marketing manager and ethics of enterprises .

  12. 而企业核心管理层的道德偏好对营销决策的道德品质有决定性影响。

    Moreover , morality extreme of enterprise 's executive administrators has decisive influence over morality character of marketing decision-making .

  13. 所以我们说经济伦理、计算机伦理、营销伦理,但我们不说计算机道德,或者营销道德。

    We speak , therefore , about business ethics , computer ethics , and marketing ethics , but not about computer morality or marketing morality .

  14. 通过本论文研究以期能帮助企业及时了解消费者的观点,从而为企业制定出更具道德性的营销决策及进行有效管理提供帮助。

    Through the study of this paper in order to help companies understand the consumer perspective in a timely manner , so as to develop a more ethical corporate marketing decision-making and effective management to help .

  15. 购买保险产品是投保人与营销员交易过程,因此最初社会把引起销售误导根源归咎于营销员职业不道德,而营销员作为保险公司的代理人,保险公司在管理上也存在缺陷。

    As insurance is a deal between policyholder and insurer that society blame misleading sale to the insurance sellers ' professional immoral , while there are some defects in insurance company for insurance seller acting as agent for company .

  16. 营销道德不同于道德营销,更与营销伦理、法律规范、社会责任有别。

    Marketing Ethics differs from Ethical Marketing , Law and Company Social Responsibility .

  17. 企业市场营销需要伦理道德,只有符合道德的营销才能真正促进市场经济的发展,促进社会的进步和可持续发展。

    The marketing ethics of enterprise is very important for sustainable development of the economic .

  18. 西方学者在探讨市场营销过程中存在的道德问题的基础上,提出企业市场营销应遵循的道德标准和市场营销决策人员应具备的社会责任与道德规范,呼吁管理者重视树立市场营销道德观。

    The western scholars explored the moral problems of marketing and advanced the moral standards during the marketing process and social responsibility and moral criterion that the marketers should obey . They appealed that the managers show their attention to marketing morality .