
  • 网络international marketing;MSc International Marketing
  1. 基于网络的ESP课程设计&以国际营销英语课程为例

    Internet-based ESP Course Design : A Case Study of English for International Marketing

  2. ABC的国际营销团队由一群富有工作激情,专业知识和服务意识的青年才俊组成。

    ABC international marketing team is made up of passionate , professional and service-conscious young talents .

  3. 加入WTO后我省纺织应加强国际营销战略研究

    Shandong Province Textile Industry Should Strengthen Trade Strategy Research for International Market after Joining in WTO

  4. 同时,随着中国加入WTO,绿色食品国际营销也成为我国农产品打通绿色壁垒、进军国际市场的客观需要。

    With China joining WTO , the international marketing of green food becomes the objective requirement for our agricultural products marching into the international market .

  5. 基于竞争力提升的SY公司国际营销渠道管理研究

    SY Company International Marketing Channel Research Based on Competitive Forces Promotion

  6. 并采用SWOT分析法进行详细的对比分析,从而制定了鞍钢国际营销的战略构想。并提出了为保证战略实施而采取的相应策略。

    And it makes very detailed contrast SWOT analysis , so as to formulate the strategic plan of Angang 's international market .

  7. 第二部分:考察加入WTO后绿色食品国际营销的背影,总结做好绿色食品国际营销工作的地位和作用。

    Part two : Analyze the background on international marketing of green food after the entrance of China to WTO , sum up the position and roles on international marketing of green food .

  8. 文章以ESP中的国际营销英语课程为例,结合该课程的教学实践,探讨网络语境下ESP课程设计的理论依据、设计方法,试图提出该课程设计中应遵循的原则和规律。

    This paper conducts an internet-based case study of English for International Marketing to explore the theory base , design method , principles and rules in the design of ESP courses .

  9. 贝松还聘用史蒂夫鲁宾(steverubin)出任欧罗巴电影公司的一个新设职位国际营销主管。

    Mr Besson has also hired Steve Rubin , previously managing director of Warner Bros France , to become head of international marketing , a new position at europacorp .

  10. 为提高其品牌在海外消费者中的知名度,华为一直在扩大国际营销支出,主要是通过与欧洲的职业足球队签订赞助协议,比如英国的阿森纳足球俱乐部和意大利的AC米兰足球俱乐部。

    To make its name more recognized by consumers abroad , Huawei has been spending more on international marketing , mainly through sponsorship deals with professional soccer teams in Europe , such as the U.K. 's Arsenal Football Club and Italy 's AC Milan .

  11. 第四部分是对KYD电器国际营销渠道模式选择效果的总结、评价和启示。

    Chapter 4 includes summary , evaluation and revelation from the case of KYD international distribution channel mode selecting .

  12. 本文根据市场营销SWOT,PECT等工具对所在SH企业地毯国际营销策略进行分析,找出企业现在的发展瓶颈以及未来的国际营销渠道建设的策略。

    According to the marketing methods of SWOT , PECT and other analyzing tools , the paper focus on the carpet business where SH Business Company will make an international marketing strategy . The paper analyzes to identify bottlenecks for the development .

  13. 知识经济条件下国际营销渠道的变革趋势与策略

    Features and Tactics of International Marketing Channel in Knowledge-based Economic Conditions

  14. 新经济环境下国际营销渠道的创新与整合

    The Innovation and Integration of International Marketing Channel under New Economy

  15. 中国民营企业国际营销模式标准化与本土化

    International Marketing Pattern of Chinese Privately Owned Enterprise Standardization and Localization

  16. 国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  17. 我国企业国际营销中的品牌管理策略研究

    Research on Brand Management Strategy of International Marketing in Chinese Enterprises

  18. 应用国际营销理论分析中国非赢利性医院运营

    Application of International Marketing Theory to Analyze Operation of Chinese Non-For-Profit Hospitals

  19. 禁忌对于国际营销影响是通过对于东道国消费者消费行为的影响进行的。

    Taboo influence IM through influence consumer behavior of the host countries .

  20. 我国中小企业国际营销战略研究

    International Marketing Strategic Research of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Our Country

  21. 同时,它是闭于国度的国际营销。

    At the same time , it is about marketing countries internationally .

  22. 企业国际营销的文化风险识别与规避

    Identify & Avoid Cultural Risk in Enterprise 's International Marketing

  23. 国际营销中全球企业经营战略比较

    A Comparison of the Global Operational Strategy in International Marketing

  24. 国际营销的本质是跨文化营销。

    The essence of IM is a cross-culture marketing activity .

  25. 中国足球运动员国际营销模式研究

    Research on the International Marketing Mode of Chinese Football Players

  26. 国际营销渠道在电子商务环境下的变迁与整合

    Transition and Integration of International Marketing Channels in the Environment of E-Business

  27. 国际营销在企业走向国际市场中发挥着越来越大的催化剂作用。

    International marketing in the enterprise is playing an increasingly important role .

  28. 竞争情报研究及其在国际营销中的重要作用

    Competitive information research and its important role in international management and market

  29. 基于环境优先贸易保护论的国际营销对策

    International Marketing Approaches Against " Environmental Priority " Trade Protection

  30. 有些国际营销理念和国际营销手段都是新提出的。

    Some international marketing concepts and international marketing methods are new ideas .