
  • 网络domestic marketing;international marketing
  1. 第七章是关于国内营销研究主题变化的分析。

    In chapter 7 , domestic marketing academic research was analyzed .

  2. 论出口加工型企业开展国内营销的障碍及对策

    On Obstacles and Countermeasures of the Export Processing Enterprises to Develop Domestic Marketing

  3. 国内营销、策划界专家&对金六福的点评和建议

    The Advice of Experts

  4. 本文只对光明乳业股份有限公司的国内营销战略进行研究,没有涉及到全球乳品市场,这将是今后研究的方向。

    This article only dedicates Bright Dairy Co. , Ltd for the future marketing strategy research in China .

  5. 企业应对高度重视用户的信息反馈,提高产品质量,进一步扩大国内营销市场。

    Enterprise should highly emphases info fed back from user , improves quality of product to further expand domestic market .

  6. 在对大量市场数据研究的基础上,确立了在国内营销上以打造全国棒线第一品牌,实施销售三集中的营销战略定位。

    On the basis of the research on market data , set up to " build first national bar line brand ", implement " three sales concentrations " strategy orientation .

  7. 与全球化相关的概念包括“国际化”,“多国国内营销”,多国或跨国营销”,这意味着全球化的基本标准是跨越国界的交易。

    Concepts related to globalization include internationalization , " multidomestic marketing , " and " multinational or transnational marketing , " suggesting that the basic criterion is transactions across national boundaries .

  8. 本文一共七章,除了第一章的引言对论文的背景和理论做了简单的介绍外,其他六个部分围绕着正处于战略转型期的美的生活电器的国内营销组织的重构展开。

    Chapter one has made a brief introduction on the background of this thesis . Besides Chapter one , the other six parts are all talking about the strategy reorganization of Midea CE domestic marketing .

  9. 综合上述分析得出以下结论:1.国内营销学界对品牌形象的研究,仍过于零散缺乏行业针对性,在研究的广度和深度上有待学界进一步挖掘。

    Through the analysis , I draw the following conclusions : 1.By analyzing , we find the domestic marketing academics on the brand image is still too fragmented and lack of industry-specific , the breadth and depth of study need to further tap . 2 .

  10. 随着我国逐步落实WTO承诺以及国家进一步放开成品油营销市场,行业内企业竞争日趋激烈,因此成品油行业也亟需对国内市场营销进行战略选择,以更好地适应市场发展,维持企业的竞争优势。

    Along with the gradual implementation of WTO commitments , as well as the country further open product marketing in the industry market , enterprise competition is becoming increasingly fierce .

  11. 此外,以电力行业和公共计量仪表为主拓展多元化,也是H公司发展战略的必要选择,这有利于借助国内外营销网络优势,实现企业综合实力的提升。

    Diversification is a necessary option for the development strategy of H company , with domestic and international marketing network advantage , H company can achieve the related diversification of the power industry and public measurement instruments .

  12. W公司作为有代表性的外资企业,在国内开展营销活动已有10年的历史,但在经销渠道管理方面仍然面临很多问题:W公司与经销商由于企业文化背景不同而导致的沟通障碍;

    W is a typical foreign company , which has developed business in China for 10 years . It has to face some problems in marketing channel management : W and their distributor could not communicate well ;

  13. 本文系英国A机构委托国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院为A机构英语水平ESOL证书及课程所做的国内市场营销建议书。

    This thesis is actually a marketing strategy proposal for a Scottish official institute by Foundation College of China Scholarship Council .

  14. 而目前国内的营销仍然停留在用户到汽车卖场或3S店购车,销售代表提供价格等简单服务的初级营销阶段,与国际先进的营销模式差距巨大。

    And domestic marketing stay in the elementary stage that users purchase cars in the sales or 3S shop , and the sales representative offers simple services such as prices , etc. And it is enormous disparity with the international advanced marketing mode .

  15. 嘉陵集团国内市场营销战略和策略研究

    A Research into Domestic Marketing Strategies and Tactics of JIALING Group

  16. 但限于笔者的业务能力和精力有限,这些研究工作仍然是比较粗浅的、不完全的,对国内寿险营销渠道的论述可能不够全面透彻,结构连贯性不够强。

    However , these studies are still relatively limited , incomplete , without a strong structural coherence .

  17. 全球经营与国内市场营销&以爱华公司为例

    Global Operation and Domestic Marketing

  18. 希望能够对大唐袜业今后国内市场营销工作有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

    I hope this essay can be a reference and a guide to the future domestic marketing of Datang Hosiery .

  19. 在西部国内旅游营销中,要把东部客源市场作为远程旅游目标市场,远程旅游产品的开发要以市场为导向。

    In the domestic tourism marketing , eastern tourist market was the target market of long-distance tourism in Western China .

  20. 文章在分析2003年中国国内汽车营销现状的基础上,提出了汽车营销人才应该具备的能力。

    By analyzing the situation of the automobile market in 2003 , this paper introduces the abilities the automobile marketing talents should acquire .

  21. 这样的研究在国内外营销管理学界具有一定的创新性和学术价值。

    At present , such kind of study has a great meaning of initiation and academic value in the field of domestic and foreign marketing management .

  22. 运用比较的方法分析了国内外营销道德研究现状,介绍了本文的研究方法、创新之处和文章结构与框架。

    Using the comparative method to analyze the status of domestic and international marketing ethics research and introduced research methods , innovations , structure and framework in this paper .

  23. 随着产品品牌网络论坛的普遍,品牌社群已成为国内外营销学者最为关注的领域之一。

    With the widespread of the online brand forums , the brand community had became one of the most concerned areas of marketing by scholars at Home and abroad .

  24. 同时,本文对国内外营销渠道冲突及管理的的相关理论进行了系统概括,并结合网络环境下IT企业营销渠道冲突的特殊性通过定性与定量的方法深入分析了网络环境下渠道冲突的成因。

    Meanwhile , this essay summarizes the theories about channel conflict and management , and studies the causes of the marketing channel conflict by a qualitative and quantitative way .

  25. 介绍了国内外营销学者对关系营销概念的解释,阐述了关系营销思想的主要内容。

    This paper introduces the explanations on the relationship marketing concept of some marketing scholars in China and foreign countries , and expounds the main contents of the relationship marketing thought .

  26. 从国内汽车营销产业电子商务的发展现状及存在问题入手,通过对电子商务在汽车营销中的应用分析,探索建立国内汽车营销产业电子商务的基本思路。

    To research the new idea of setting up the electronic business of the national automobile sale by analyzing the development situation , the problems and usage of the national automobile sale .

  27. 农业产业化经营组织利用农业信息化技术,不仅可以把握市场,进行国内外营销,而且可以提高其生产管理水平,进行科学管理。

    Utilizing agricultural informatization technology , integrated management organizations of agriculture can not only grasp the market so as to market home and abroad , but improve management level and implement scientific management .

  28. 第一部分导论,介绍论文研究的背景和意义,并分析国内外营销管理研究情况,以此为借鉴。

    The first part of the introduction , describes the background and significance of thesis research , and analysis of research in marketing management at home and abroad , take it for reference .

  29. 之后,作者重点分析了国内家电营销渠道,对家电销售业进行了竞争分析,介绍了主要的营销渠道和渠道模式。

    Later on , the author emphasized on the analysis of marketing channel of domestic electric home appliances , analyzed its competitive situation , and introduced the main marketing channels and channel models .

  30. 广泛建立国内外营销网络,长江三峡水利、大庆油田、内昆铁路、北京奥运等国家重点工程项目相继选用华仪产品。

    In addition , by building a large marketing network covering both domestic and foreign markets , its products were adopted by such national key projects as Three Gorges Dam and Beijing Olympic Games .