
ɡuó jì ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ ɡuān xi
  • international public relations
  1. 坐在我身边的CNN国际公共关系负责人奈杰尔·普里查德准备了一份备忘录,提醒自己的老板最好留意不要涉及的一些事情。

    Nigel Pritchard , CNN 's head of international public relations , who is sitting beside me , has prepared a memo outlining some things his boss might like to consider not saying .

  2. 开展国际公共关系,做好在华日军、国际友人及爱国华侨等的公关工作。公共关系增强了新四军的凝聚力;

    By exerting efforts on international public relations .

  3. 为何美国在国际公共关系的发展中会落后?

    Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race ?

  4. 从历史上看,早在大众传媒出现之前,很多政府就采取过国际公共关系的手段塑造国家形象了。

    Moreover , many governments have applied international public relations to build their national images .

  5. 2006年中国国际公共关系大会

    China International Public Relations Congress 2006

  6. 本文试图从国际公共关系的视角,探讨提升我国多边外交成效的应有策略。

    This paper attempts to approach Chinas multilateral diplomacy from the perspective of international public relations .

  7. 通过这些分析,不仅拓展了国际公共关系的应用范围,而且为我国跨国并购研究提供了新的视角,具有重要的意义。

    Through this analysis , the article develops the applying range of IPR and provides a new perspective for Cross-border M & A research .

  8. 本文从国际公共关系学的视角出发,对城市形象国际公关管理进行理论研究和实践总结,创造了城市形象国际公共关系管理的模式,并对其基本问题进行分析。

    This article view from the international public relations ' perspective , analyzed the theory and the practice of the international public relations of city reputation , and created the model of international public relations management of city reputation .

  9. 构建国际旅游公共关系学的理论框架

    The Construction of Theoretical Framework of the Study of International Tourist Public Relations

  10. 如果地方上合而为一,则统称“国际国内公共关系协会”,如“贵州国际国内公共关系协会”等。

    If combined into one , it is named International and Domestic Public Relations Society such as International and Domestic Public Relations Society of GuiZhou Province .

  11. 如果电视台同意播放的话,国际扶轮的公共关系部门会提供广播品质用的免费录影带。

    The PR division at RI will provide a broadcast quality tape at no charge if a television station has agreed to air it .

  12. 作为研究组织与国际公众关系的国际公共关系学科,有着自身丰富的理论和实践体系。在如何塑造国家形象方面,国际公共关系提供了很多启示。

    International public relations which deals with the relations between organizations and its international publics has its own profound theory systems .