
guó zhài
  • national debt;government loan
国债 [guó zhài]
  • [national debt] 国家的内外债务

国债[guó zhài]
  1. 增加税收已使国债有所减少。

    Tax rises have made some inroads into the country 's national debt .

  2. 它有时要求读者容忍不愉快或烦恼——例如,当他读到国际局势充满威胁、国债不断攀升、税收越来越高、市场日益衰落、住房稀缺和癌症时。

    It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance — as , for example , when he reads of the threatening foreign situation , the mounting national debt , rising taxes , falling market , scarce housing , and cancer .

  3. 另外,国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。

    In addition , interest on Treasury issues isn 't subject to state and local income taxes .

  4. 接着,国债和黄金的价格上涨,而美元价格则猛跌

    Treasuries and gold rose in response but the dollar fell sharply .

  5. 但随着成员国债券收益率之差扩大,市场已经分割开来。

    With member-country bond yields now diverging , ' it 's a fragmented set of markets .

  6. 如果鲍尔斯先生的预计是对的,那么低收益的国债将会失去吸引力同时股价将会反弹

    If Mr Bowers is right , low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound .

  7. 会议指出,要抓紧研究提出一揽子宏观政策措施,适当提高财政赤字率,发行特别国债,增加地方政府专项债券规模,引导贷款市场利率下行。

    A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .

  8. 具体政策包括:年通货膨胀率达到2%,抑制日元过度升值,制定负利率,量化宽松,扩大公共投资,日本银行购买建设性国债,以及修订《日本央行法》。

    Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2 % annual rate , correction of the excessive yen3 appreciation4 , setting negative interest rates , radical5 quantitative6 easing , expansion of public investment , buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan ( BOJ ) , and revision of the Bank of Japan Act .

  9. 国债指数GARCH模型实证研究

    An Empirical Research in the National Bonds Index by GARCH Model

  10. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)今年前3个月也在投资组合中加入了超过6亿美元的意大利国债。

    Bank of America ( BAC ) , too , added over $ 600 million of Italian government bonds to its portfolio in the first three months of the year .

  11. 日本的国债总额飞升至GDP的180%&这是美国的三倍,也是经合组织国家中最高的。

    The gross national debt soared to180 % of GDP & three times more than America 's and the largest within the OECD .

  12. 尽管自大衰退(GreatRecession)开始以来,美国家庭储蓄率已有所上升,但仍不足以吸收每年上万亿美元的美国国债净发行。

    Although the US household savings rate has risen since the Great Recession began , it has not risen enough to absorb a trillion dollars of net Treasury issuance a year .

  13. 基于VRP方法的上交所国债利率期限结构拟合模型

    VRP fitting model for the term structure of SSE T-bonds

  14. 通过对美元国债的实证分析和计算,验证了MCMC方法的优越性。

    And a computing example of US treasury bonds proved the advantage of MCMC .

  15. 影响我国国债发行规模的最重要因素是居民储蓄、GDP、国债还本付息额和财政赤字。

    The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller 's savings , GDP , repayment of capital and interest of public debt , financial deficit .

  16. 骑乘收益率曲线策略的研究基于对利率期限结构的分析,本文使用了B样条拟合国债隐含的利率期限结构,并比较了策略在不同期限的债券、不同持有期的情况下的不同表现。

    For analyzing the term structure in Riding the yield curve , B-spline is used to fit the interest rate term structure implied by treasury bonds . Performance is compared between bonds with different maturity and different holding period .

  17. 只有当英国央行(boe)通过定量宽松政策购买债务时,英国国债才是安全的。

    UK debt is only secure as long as the Bank of England buys it through quantitative easing .

  18. 如果说像外界预期的那样,英国央行(bankofEngland)本周准许实施新一轮国债购买计划会对英国经济起到提振作用,那么由于奥运的原因,这一努力的进程可能不得不放慢。

    If , as expected , the Bank of England gives the go-ahead this week for another round of gilts purchases to help boost the economy , it may have to slow these down because of the Olympic effect .

  19. 美国和日本的情况相似,日本也有一套结构性机制,使其在丧失AAA评级后仍然能使国债收益率维持在低位。

    It 's akin to Japan , which also had a structural mechanism that kept rates low even after the country lost its AAA rating .

  20. 伴随着美国国债市场收益率的大幅上升,美国抵押贷款利率上周急剧上涨。投资者开始坚信,通胀压力可能迫使美联储(Fed)在今年晚些时候加息。

    US mortgage rates soared last week amid a sharp rise in Treasury market yields , as investors started to bet that inflation pressures could prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates later this year .

  21. 此次美国国债拍卖的需求规模让华尔街经纪商震惊,资产管理者等投资者的购买量达到创纪录水平,外国央行选择直接从纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)购买10年期国债。

    Wall Street dealers were stunned by the scale of demand in the Treasury auction , with record buying by investors such as money managers and foreign central banks electing to purchase the 10-year note directly from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York .

  22. 通过分析得出,影响我国国债规模最关键的因素是GDP增量、居民储蓄规模,而且我国国债规模与GDP增量、居民储蓄规模存在正相关。居民储蓄分流问题新视角:储蓄替代型证券

    The models indicate that the key factors to influence the scale of China 's government bond scale are GDP increment and scale of personal deposits . New Angle of Personal Deposits Distributary : the Securities which Substituted Saving

  23. 在欧洲金融稳定机构(EFSF)借贷范围扩大并运转之前,欧洲中央银行(ECB)将其最近购买西班牙和意大利国债的决定视为权宜之计。

    The European Central Bank ( ECB ) regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded EFSF is up and running .

  24. 此外,欧洲央行(ecb)上周决定延长非常担保机制该机制允许持有希腊国债的银行用其资产换取廉价央行资金。

    Moreover , the European Central Bank decided last week to prolong the exceptional collateral regime , which allows banks that own Greek bonds to exchange their assets for cheap central bank funds .

  25. 如果美联储决定实施扭转操作(operationtwist),财政部将会扮演关键角色。扭转操作是指美联储增加较长期国债的购买量,以削减其他投资者能够购买的这类债券数量,从而压低长期利率。

    The Treasury would play a crucial role if the Fed decided to launch Operation Twist , where the central bank would buy more longer-term Treasury securities to drive down long-term interest rates by reducing the amount of such debt available to other investors .

  26. 上周,这些承诺的“价值”创出新的纪录,efsf10年期债券收益率及其相对德国国债的息差均创新低。

    Last week those promises hit a new record value , with EFSF 10-year bond yields , and their spread over German bonds , hitting a new low .

  27. 英国的QE政策已经起了作用,它通过把大量的国债剥离市场以让卖者使用回收到的钱去投资风险更大的资产,比如企业债券和股票。

    Britain 's brand of QE has worked by taking a slug of government bonds off the market so that sellers might use the proceeds to buy riskier assets , such as corporate bonds or equities .

  28. 路透社(Reuters)的报道就不用放在心上了。路透的报道称,意大利经济部长特蕾蒙蒂(GiulioTremonti)说,只要欧洲央行没有购买意大利国债,亚洲投资者就不会有兴趣。

    Never mind that Reuters reported that Italy 's Economy Minister , Giulio Tremonti , said Asian investors weren 't interested in Italian debt as long as the ECB isn 't buying it .

  29. 一旦美联储终止购买美国国债,房地产活动、个人消费和股价之间的关联得以重建,就必须引起警觉:美联储在几个月的犹豫不决后,可能会推出第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)。

    If the end of fed bond purchases restores the link between housing activity , personal consumption and stock prices , watch out below & and then watch out , after a few months of handwringing , for qe3 .

  30. 协整检验方面总共包括shibor利率四组、1年期以上国债即期利率四组、银行间回购利率三组、从不同利率体系分别选取一个序列交叉利率两组。

    Co-integration test in a total of four groups , including shibor rate , 1-year Treasury spot rate more than four groups , three groups of inter-bank repo rate , the interest rate system were selected from a different sequence of cross-interest groups .