
  1. 目前我国大多数企业防范外债风险措施不力,给企业经营和国家外债安全带来隐患。

    Foreign Liability Risk Management in most Chinese enterprises was not conducted , which should make the enterprises operating uncertainty and country of foreign Loans unsafely .

  2. 湖南省高速公路建设进行外汇贷款风险管理是高速公路建设自身的客观要求,同时也是国家外债整体安全和国际资本市场的客观要求。

    Hunan Province highway construction on foreign exchange loan risk management is the highway construction itself , but also the objective requirement of national debt overall safety and the objective requirement of the international capital market .

  3. 国家对外债实行登记管理制度。

    The State institutes the policy of managing external debts by registration .

  4. 第二十五条国家对外债实行登记制度。

    Article 25 The government adopts a registration system for external debt .

  5. 这个国家的外债高达70亿美元,全靠税收来支撑。因为津巴布韦不能增加贷款金额。

    The country has a foreign debt of $ 7 billion and survives on tax revenues , as it cannot raise loans .

  6. 而俄罗斯国内依法建立国家宏观外债管理体系、将外债问题纳入国家整体经济发展战略则是解决这一问题的重要制度保障。

    Meanwhile , to establish national macro management system of foreign loans by law and incorporate this problem into the whole strategic framework of economic development is a significant institutional guarantee .

  7. 帮助方法之一是取消像巴西这样国家的外债,并与它们合作解决其他经济问题。

    One way they could help would be by cancelling the international debts that countries like Brazil owe , while also working together with these countries to solve their other economic problems .

  8. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的资料,从1300年到1800年,共有6个欧洲国家拖欠过外债(其中一些国家不止一次)。

    Six European countries defaulted on external debt between 1300 and 1800 some of them several times according to Credit Suisse .

  9. 20世纪70年代以后拉美国家大量举借外债的原因

    The reasons for Latin American Countries ' Massive Raising Loan After 1970s

  10. 那个国家的大部分外债是向私人银行借的。

    Most of that country 's external debt is ~ d to private banks .

  11. 在新兴市场主权国家减少借外债的同时,包括银行和公司在内的企业都增加了他们的外债。

    As emerging market sovereigns have reduced their foreign borrowings , corporations-both banks and companies-have increased theirs .

  12. 西班牙家庭与企业疯狂举债,引发房地产泡沫,使国家背负巨额外债。

    A debt binge by Spanish households and firms fuelled a property bubble and left the country enormously in hock to foreigners .

  13. 同仁堂瘦身上市&借港出海,走向世界20世纪70年代以后拉美国家大量举借外债的原因

    Tongrentang " in lean body " entered into stock market The reasons for Latin American Countries ' Massive Raising Loan After 1970s

  14. 国有商业银行在国家确定的外债余额内,依法自主决定贷与不贷。

    Within the balance of foreign debts determined by the state , the state-owned commercial banks are able to decide legally whether to borrowlend or not .

  15. 研究指出,对于发展中国家,通过确定其国家的最优外债币种构成就可以防范其国家面对的外债风险。

    Stijn Claessens ( 1988 ) shows , for developing countries , fixing their optimal currency composition of external debt can take precautions against exposure to external debt .

  16. 经济学家分析原因发现,在这些国家公共部门外债增加的同时,私人资本持续大量外流。

    Economist analyzed the reasons and found that when the foreign debt increased in the public department of these countries , a large quantity of private capital drained continually .

  17. 截至目前,大量被限定在国内的储蓄资金使政府有能力对国家大量的外债保持非常低的利率。

    Hitherto , the large sums of money trapped inside the country in savings had allowed the government to negotiate remarkably low rates of interest on the country 's massive foreign debt .

  18. 有些国家借了很多外债,不能说都是失败的,有得有失。

    Some countries have borrowed large amounts of foreign funds .

  19. 最明显的落后者是中东欧,该地区的许多国家都过度依赖外债。

    The notable laggards are central and Eastern Europe , where many countries relied too heavily on external debt .

  20. 它让半数的欧元区国家落入有如外债高筑的发展中国家的处境。

    It leaves half the eurozone relegated to the status of developing countries that became highly indebted in a foreign currency .

  21. 当高速增长的条件变得不够充足时,为了继续保持速度,这些国家转向靠借外债来维护经济增长。

    When the condition of high growth becomes inadequate , these countries turn to maintain economic growth with contract a foreign loan in order to keep the pace .