
  • 网络Fixed income;fixed income securities;fixed-income securities;Equity and Fixed Income;Fixed-Income Instrument
  1. 他们购买固定收益证券,债券。

    They bought fixed income securities , bonds .

  2. 如何理解、认识和控制利率风险是固定收益证券管理中的一个关键内容。

    How to understand and control interest rate risk of fixed income securities is a key element .

  3. 麦肯锡全球研究院(mckinseyglobalinstitute)在一份报告中表示,在这样一种环境中,投资者几乎肯定会撤离股市、转投较为安全的国债及其它固定收益证券。

    McKinsey Global Institute , a thinktank , says in a report that investors are almost certain to switch out of equities in this environment into the safety of government bonds and other more secure fixed-income securities .

  4. 本文将固定收益证券理论以及结构化金融的基本原理作为分析的指导理论,揭示了CMO证券的一些内含特征,这些特征是我们进行MBS证券创新的重要内容。

    This dissertation takes fixed-income securities theory and economic principle of structured finance as guiding theories , and reveals the characteristics inherent in CMOs , which is very important for us to develop innovative types of MBS in China .

  5. 固定收益证券投资风险及套期保值研究

    Study on the Risk of Fixed-Income Securities and Hedge

  6. 这部分首先对资产证券化的风险进行了概述。资产证券化作为一种固定收益证券具有固定收益证券具有的一般风险。

    Firstly outline the risks of asset securitization compared with the general fixed-income securities .

  7. 固定收益证券组合投资与风险管理研究

    The Studies on the Portfolio Investment and the Risk Management of Fixed - Income Securities

  8. 通货膨胀对固定收益证券到期收益率和信用利差的影响:基于中国的实证研究

    The Influence of Inflation on the Yield to Maturity and Credit Spread of Fixed-income Securities

  9. 固定收益证券的定价及风险度量分析

    Fixed-income Securities Pricing and Risk Analysis

  10. 固定收益证券创新中的风险规避

    Risk Tergiversation in Fix-Income Securities Innovation

  11. 固定收益证券定价研究

    Pricing of Fixed Income Security

  12. 它既属于固定收益证券,又属于股票的衍生产品。

    They belong to both a kind of fixed income security and a kind of derivative security .

  13. 固定收益证券或债券,可赎回的价格可能调用的产量。

    Fixed income securities or bonds that are callable may be priced to their yield to call .

  14. 考虑到全球投资者对于安全固定收益证券的贪婪需求,他们会愿意以极低的利率购买这些债券。

    Given their voracious demand for secure fixed income , global investors would fund this at extremely low rates .

  15. 该计划允许合格境外投资者利用离岸人民币,买进以人民币计价的a股及固定收益证券。

    The programme allows licensed foreign investors to buy renminbi-denominated A shares and fixed income securities with offshore Chinese currency .

  16. 结构性理财产品是一种结合固定收益证券和金融衍生品的新型投资理财工具。

    Structured financial product is a new kind of investment tool , which combines fixed income securities and financial derivative .

  17. 结构性金融产品是指将固定收益证券的特征与衍生产品特征相结合的一类新型金融产品。

    Structured product is a new type of financial product that includes the features of both fixed income securities and derivatives .

  18. 固定收益证券最优化的方法包括目标罚金方法和均方差方法等两种方法。

    The methods to achieve the optimal allocation of fixed income securities include the target-penalty method and mean - variance method .

  19. 现金支付方式所占的比重最大,是最主要的支付方式,其次为股票交换,而使用固定收益证券支付方式只占很小一部分。

    Cash payment manner is the main payment manner , occupying the largest proportion . The next is stock exchange manner .

  20. 自2004年以来,政府允许一些保险公司将海外股票发行筹得的外汇,投资于海外固定收益证券。

    Since 2004 , some insurers have been allowed to invest foreign exchange earned by overseas share sales in offshore fixed income securities .

  21. 规定银行及机构投资者可持有以及持有多少固定收益证券的法规条例依赖于相应证券的信用评级。

    Rules governing the fixed income securities that banks and institutional investors can hold , and in what amounts , rely on credit ratings .

  22. 去年明显偏向固定收益证券投资的私人银行客户,如今对股票的兴趣日益浓厚,这是一个令人鼓舞的信号。

    One hopeful sign is the increasing interest in equities from private banking clients , who were heavily biased towards fixed income last year .

  23. 2011年出人意料的环境也许是,在不确定性日益增长之际,随着美国国债和固定收益证券上扬,美国的利率进一步走低。

    The surprise circumstance in 2011 may be lower rates as US Treasuries and fixed income securities rally in the midst of growing uncertainty .

  24. 结构性产品为由固定收益证券和衍生合约结合而成的产品,也可以简单的表述为债券加期权。

    Structured products base on grounds of fixed-income securities and derivative contracts . Structured products can be look as a simple bond plus options .

  25. 据业内人士估计,主权财富基金传统上一直都是非常谨慎的投资者,会将绝大部分资产投资于固定收益证券。

    Traditionally SWFs have been very cautious investors , with significantly more than half of their assets in fixed income , according to industry estimates .

  26. 基本面稳定加上资金大规模外流,使得新兴市场固定收益证券和股票的绝对与相对估值都具有吸引力。

    The combination of stable fundamentals and extensive outflows has left absolute and relative valuations in both EM fixed income and equities at attractive levels .

  27. 但随着交易所交易债券的增加,更多机构和散户投资者纷纷在自己的投资组合中加入固定收益证券。

    But with the increase in exchange-traded bonds , a wider variety of institutions plus retail investors have been clamouring to add fixed-income securities to their portfolios .

  28. 挑战之一:新兴市场本地投资者倾向于将钱存入银行账户及购买固定收益证券,而不投资股票市场。

    One challenge : local investors in emerging markets tend to put most of their money in bank accounts and fixed-income securities rather than in the stock market .

  29. 可转换债券属于固定收益证券,也是股票衍生产品,是企业债和股票看涨期权的混合证券。

    Convertible bonds belong to the fixed income bonds and the affiliations of the securities . They are hybrids of the enterprises ' bonds and the stock call option .

  30. 利率期限结构是金融研究中最为重要的课题之一,在固定收益证券定价、利率风险管理及货币政策制定等领域有着重要的应用。

    Interest rate term structure is one of the important topics in finance research , and widely used in fixed-income securities pricing , interest rate risk management and conducting monetary policy .