
ɡù dìnɡ jī jīn
  • fixed fund
  1. 固定收益基金的平均回报率也比巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)美国综合债券指数(U.S.AggregateBondIndex)落后了4个百分点。

    And the average fixed-income fund trailed the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index by four percentage points .

  2. 施罗德投资(SchroderInvestmentManagement)亚洲固定收益基金经理AngusHui则表示,人民币不太可能贬值。

    Angus Hui , fund manager , Asian fixed income at Schroder Investment Management , says depreciation is unlikely .

  3. 新实体将被称作“纽约银行梅隆西部基金管理”(bnymellonwesternfundmanagement),将管理一系列股票和固定收益基金,计划通过银行、保险公司以及券商出售给散户投资者。

    The new entity , to be called bny Mellon Western fund management , will manage a range of equity and fixed income funds , which it plans to sell to retail investors through banks , insurance companies and securities houses .

  4. 尽管这些管理公司仍在推出新的本土股票和固定收益基金(后者在第二季度吸引的新资金最多),但它们都在热切关注qdii计划更长期的潜力。

    While these managers continue to launch new local equity and fixed income funds ( with the latter attracting the most new assets in the second quarter ) , all eyes are keenly focused on the longer-term potential of the QDII scheme .

  5. 首先,美元疲软很可能会减弱投资者对固定收益基金的热情。

    First , dollar weakness may well dampen enthusiasm for fixed income funds .

  6. 固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。

    Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills , debentures , bonds , and mortgages .

  7. 他们开始放弃中间选择:主流的股票基金和固定收益基金,尤其是在发达市场。

    They are abandoning the middle ground of mainstream equity and fixed income funds , especially in the developed markets .

  8. 台湾及泰国投资者采取了谨慎做法,主要投资于以本币计价的固定收入基金。

    Taiwan and Thailand investors were taking a cautious approach , putting their money into funds focusing on local currency fixed income funds .

  9. 最初的计划是发起一个针对印度市场的本土股票及固定收益基金,推出的目标日期是2008年第一季度。

    The initial plan is to launch domestic equity and fixed income funds for the Indian market , with the aim of going live in the first quarter of 2008 .

  10. 投资者仍对债券感兴趣&实际上固定收益基金的资金净流入从4000万美元增加至3.88亿美元。股票基金资金净流出达5.24亿美元,彻底抵消了一周前净流入的4.71亿美元。

    There was still appetite for bonds - inflows into fixed income actually increased from $ 40m to $ 388m - but equity funds reported $ 524m of outflows , more than erasing a $ 471m uptick a week before .

  11. 开放式基金是指基金发行总额不固定,基金单位总数随时增减,投资人可以按基金的报价在规定的营业场所申购或赎回基金单位的一种基金。

    The open-fund refers to the fund that the circulation is not fixed , the sum of fund unit may increase and decrease at any moment and the investors may ask to purchase or redeem the fund unit according to quoted price in a stated location .

  12. 如:这位慈善家每年都筹集固定数额的基金用于公益。

    The philanthropist annually amount of fund for public welfare .

  13. 化身成本固定的海战基金作出贡献。

    Avatar cost contributing to naval battle funds fixed .

  14. 这位慈善家每年都筹集固定数额的基金用于公益。

    The philanthropist annually raises a fixed amount of fund for public welfare .

  15. 进一步改革企业固定资产补偿基金和修理费用的财务制度

    Reforming the Financial System of Compensatory Fund for Fixed Assets and Repair Expenses in Enterprises

  16. 通过一个多元固定影响模型对基金绩效的影响因素&基金特征、管理特性进行了分析。

    The fund-specific characteristics and managerial attributes influencing fund performance were analyzed through a multiple factors fixed-effects model .

  17. 为了可靠地进行成本计量,应建立固定资产修购基金制度或折旧制度。

    In order to measure the cost reliably , a system of the repairing funds for fixed assets or depreciation should be established .

  18. 即使你拥有它们希望你在一个固定时期内投入基金的好几百万资金,费用可能也非常高昂。

    Even if you have the serious millions that a fund will want you to place with them for a fixed period , the charges can be high .

  19. 开放式基金是指基金份额不固定,可以在基金合同约定的时间和场所进行申购或者赎回的一种基金运作方式。

    Open-end fund is the fund shares are not fixed , fund shares may be carried out in the time and place of the fund contract to purchase or redemption .

  20. 封闭式基金,是相对于开放式基金而言的,是指基金规模在发行前已确定,在发行完毕后和规定的期限内,基金规模固定不变的投资基金。

    Closed-end funds relative to the case of open-end funds , refers to the size of the fund prior to issuing identification , and after the issue within the period specified , the fund size fixed investment funds .

  21. 改革方法有两种,一是增加固定资产减值科目和固定基金转回科目,并将此二项目在资产负债表或其附注中列示;

    There are two reform methods , the one is to increase the fixed assets ' reduced-value items and the dead fund reversal item , even shown them in the balance sheet or in its notes ;