
  • 网络fixed income investments;fixed income
  1. 但多数分析师预计,从市场对固定收益投资的积压需求看,此轮并购狂潮将持续一段时间。

    But most analysts expect the frenzy to continue , given the pent-up demand for fixed income investments .

  2. 但现在对于中国发行人来说,一个大问题是来自替代固定收益投资的竞争更加激烈,比如财富管理和信托产品,其收益率达到8%到9%,并且有发行银行担保。

    But a big problem for Chinese issuers now is the tougher competition from alternative fixed income investments , such as wealth management and trust products , which offer yields of 8 or 9 per cent and are guaranteed by the issuing banks .

  3. 出于这个原因,在你的固定收益投资中持有部分财政部通货膨胀保值债券(TIPS)当是明智之举。

    For that reason , it 's smart to have a portion of your fixed-income investments in Treasury inflation-protected securities , or TIPS .

  4. 中投近期完成的一批交易说明,它已解决了与外管局(SAFE)之间的势力争夺战。作为中国外汇储备的官方管理机构,外管局一直在开展自己的非固定收益投资。

    CIC 's recent flurry of deals suggests that CIC has resolved a bureaucratic turf war with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , the official reserves manager , which had been building its own portfolio of non fixed-income investments .

  5. 迄今,由于国内股市在解决了股权分置问题后走势良好,市场人气提升,qdii一直仅限于固定收益投资。

    So far , QDII has been largely restricted to fixed-income investments at a time when the domestic equity market has performed relatively well following the workout of the untradeable shares problem , and improved sentiment .

  6. 资产管理公司TCWGroup的固定收益投资总监泰德•瑞威尔(TadRivelle)说,与此同时,将这些债券推入深渊的种种问题正在慢慢得到解决。该公司管理着770亿美元的美国固定收益资产。

    At the same time , the issues that have plagued these securities are slowly being worked out , says Tad Rivelle , chief investment officer for fixed income at asset-manager TCW Group , which oversees $ 77 billion in U.S. fixed-income assets .

  7. 信用债是固定收益投资品中首选的资产类别。

    Within fixed income , credit is the preferred asset class .

  8. 为了获得有保证的回收和现金流,富豪们将钱投入在固定收益投资上。

    Millionaires poured more of their money into fixed-income investments seeking predictable returns and cash flow .

  9. 另一方面,短期融资券也为各类型的投资者提供了一种短期的固定收益投资工具。

    On the other hand , it also offers the investors a short term fixed income investment tool .

  10. 凯捷称,2006年~2010年,配置于安全笃定的固定收益投资的资产份额从21%上升至31%。

    The proportion of their assets securely parked in fixed-income investments rose from 21 % in 2006 to 31 % in 2010 , says Capgemini .

  11. 此外,富诺指出,极低的利率水平实际利率为负已促使一些投资者用优质地产来替代固定收益投资。

    Furthermore , Grosvenor notes that rock bottom interest rates negative on a real basis have led some investors to substitute fixed-income holdings with prime real estate .

  12. 中投公司还在物色高级研究员、分析师、公关经理以及负责欧洲、北美和新兴市场固定收益投资的经理人。

    CIC was also looking for managers for fixed-income investments for European , North American and emerging markets , senior researchers , analysts and public relations managers .

  13. 2006年,他和他的理财顾问表示,波提克夫妇的投资组合中有50%是股票,其余50%是债券和其他的固定收益投资。现在,100%都变成了固定收益投资。

    In2006 , he and his financial adviser say , the Potyks'portfolio was50 % stocks and50 % bonds and other fixed-income investments . Today , they are100 % fixed-income .

  14. 该机构强调,利率上升可能增添传统固定收益投资的吸引力,如优质的政府、市政及企业债券。

    It stresses that a higher interest rate environment could make traditional fixed income investment , such as high quality government , municipal and corporate bonds , more attractive .

  15. 导致投资者撤离的其他原因不难找到:比如婴儿潮一代人转向固定收益投资,以及投资者受到金融危机和经济衰退的影响。

    Alternative explanations for the outflows are not hard to find , from baby boomers switching to fixed-income investments , to investors scarred by the financial crisis and recession .

  16. 去年初,中投进行了6项投资授权,其中4个是股权投资,两个是固定收益投资,总额120亿美元。

    Early last year CIC picked two or three fund management groups for each of six investment mandates , four equity and two fixed income , with an aggregate sum of $ 12bn .

  17. 但从长远来看,在利率上升的情况下,投资者从固定收益投资上获得的收益,将高于2007年8月前的廉价资本时代(即金融危机爆发前)。

    But over the longer term , higher interest rates will enable investors to earn better returns from fixed - income investments than they could in the years of cheap capital up to August 2007 , or before the financial crisis .

  18. 但是贝莱德(BlackRockInc.,BLK)固定收益首席投资策略师罗森博格(JeffreyRosenberg)对经济承受利率大幅上升的能力表示怀疑;该公司管理着4.1万亿美元的资产。

    But Jeffrey Rosenberg , chief investment strategist for fixed income at BlackRock Inc. , which manages $ 4.1 trillion in assets , is skeptical about the economy 's ability to withstand much higher interest rates .

  19. 固定收益证券投资风险及套期保值研究

    Study on the Risk of Fixed-Income Securities and Hedge

  20. 皮埃尔表示,日本客户属意提供固定收益的投资产品,往往把这种产品作为养老金的补充。

    Mr Perrier says Japanese clients want investment products that pay a regular income , which is often used to supplement their pensions .

  21. 去年明显偏向固定收益证券投资的私人银行客户,如今对股票的兴趣日益浓厚,这是一个令人鼓舞的信号。

    One hopeful sign is the increasing interest in equities from private banking clients , who were heavily biased towards fixed income last year .

  22. 这与债券型基金投资固定收益率投资工具,追求稳定风险较低的收益有很大关系。

    The bond funds investment yields on fixed investment tools , the pursuit of stability risk has a lot to do with lower income .

  23. 而另一方面,在同一时期内,大宗商品、新兴市场股票、投资级固定收益产品投资以及一些外汇全面投资策略都利润颇丰。

    On the other hand , investment in commodities , emerging markets equities , investment grade fixed income and several foreign exchange overlay strategies were very profitable in the period June to August 2007 .

  24. 此外,固定收益市场的投资规模还出现了增加,原因是美联储(Fed)预计会在今年推出自2006年以来的首次加息举措。

    The stakes have also risen for the fixed income markets because the US Federal Reserve is expected to increase interest rates this year for the first time since 2006 .

  25. 固定收益市场受到投资银行的欢迎,原因在于债券的收益率已经下降,因而企业的融资成本降低,同时IPO业务又因股市波动吓跑投资者而陷入低迷。

    The popularity of the fixed-income markets comes as yields have fallen , making it cheaper for companies to raise money , while IPOs have struggled as stock-market volatility has scared off investors .

  26. 瀚亚投资(eastspringinvestments)固定收益部首席投资官黄文彬(ooiboonpeng)补充称,全球各国央行也增大了对亚洲固定收益债券的长期资产配置权重。

    Ooi boon Peng , chief investment officer for fixed income at eastspring investments , adds that central banks around the world are putting greater long-term allocations towards Asian fixed income .

  27. TCW固定收益业务首席投资官塔德·里韦尔(TadRevelle)表示,如果量化宽松未能推动美国经济进入持续复苏轨道,那么此次美元反弹可能后继乏力。

    Tad Rivelle , chief investment officer of fixed income at TCW , says the dollar bounce is likely to fade as QE fails to deliver a sustained US recovery .

  28. 固定收益证券组合投资与风险管理研究

    The Studies on the Portfolio Investment and the Risk Management of Fixed - Income Securities

  29. GIC首次发布的公开年报显示出,近年来它已经将投资重点从固定收益资产转向股票投资和私人资本运营及房地产等另类投资。

    GIC 's first public annual report shows it has shifted away from fixed-income assets in recent years to focus on equity investments and alternative classes such as private equity and real estate .

  30. 研究了依概率准则,投资者如果进行风险对冲,将可转换债券中的期权风险套期,而仅仅获取固定收益时的动态投资策略。

    This paper uses the probability criterion to guide the investor hedge and can hedge the option risk in the convertible bond and only get the fixed interest .