
  • 网络corporate investment;Corporate Funding;Investment In Associates;Investment;company investment
  1. 公司投资于普通合伙企业的法律风险及其防范

    Legal Risk and Prevention on Corporate Investment in General Partnership Enterprise

  2. 相似的,无节制的公司投资留下了巨大的无用的加工能力。

    Similarly , excessive corporate investment has left enormous unused factory capacity .

  3. 向这类公司投资大有油水可捞。

    There are rich pickings to be had by investing in this sort of company .

  4. 她想成立自己的公司投资电影。

    She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films .

  5. 他在这家公司投资很多,希望以后获得利润。

    He put a lot of money into the firm with the hope of gain in the future .

  6. NS证券公司投资银行总部的绩效工资制度

    The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities

  7. CAPM在上市公司投资项目选择中的应用

    Application of CAPM to selecting investment projects for Listed companies

  8. 来自TrueCapital零售公司投资基金的马特.楚曼相信,所有这些都预示着网络和传统零售商将“相互融合”。

    All this suggests that online and traditional retailers are " migrating to a middle ground , " believes Matt Truman of True Capital , a fund that invests in consumer companies .

  9. 今年,该公司投资10亿美元在伦敦兴建当地最高的酒店,并另支付10亿美元并购英国圣汐游艇公司(SunseekerInternational)。

    This year , it paid $ 1 billion to build London 's tallest hotel , and another $ 1 billion to buy British yacht maker Sunseeker International .

  10. 通过财务状况和投资可行性的分析,总结并给出了XX集团公司投资3PL具体可行性的分析报告。

    Passing the analysis of financial situation and investment feasibility , have summarized it and provided the analysis report of concrete feasibility that XX Group Company invests in 3PL .

  11. 然而,ebx称,它将在2010年至2014年间向油气、能源和采矿行业的初创公司投资150亿美元。

    However , ebx says it will invest $ 15bn between 2010 and 2014 in start up companies in the oil and gas , energy and mining sectors .

  12. 不同市场阶段中公司投资价值评估指标的研究

    Research on the Investment Valuation Indices of Companies during Different Market Stages

  13. 中国电力国际发展有限公司投资价值分析

    An Analysis on the Investment Value of China Power International Development Limited

  14. 你给那家公司投资了多少钱?

    How much your money was sunk in the firm ?

  15. 技术不确定性对公司投资研发的影响

    The effect of technological uncertainty on the investment of R & D

  16. 中国股市上市公司投资价值的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis on Investment Value of Chinese Quoted Companies

  17. 社会资本、政治关系与公司投资决策

    Social Capital , Political Connections and Corporate Investment Decision

  18. 很多公司投资建立博士后研究中心。

    Many companies invested in establishing postdoctoral research center .

  19. 新形势下吸引大型跨国公司投资的战略研究

    On Strategies of Attracting Investments of Large Multinational Corporations

  20. 寿险公司投资策略最优化研究

    A Study on the Optimal Strategy for the Investment of Life Insurance Premium

  21. 跨国公司投资与区域经济发展

    Transnational Corporations ' Investment and the Regional Economic Development

  22. 论跨国公司投资中国体育赞助的文化冲突和整合

    Multinational Corporations Investing in Sport Sponsorship in China : Cultural Difference and Integration

  23. 公司投资机会的增加会对大股东的资产替代行为产生影响;

    The investment opportunity can have effect on the extent of asset substitution ;

  24. 跨国公司投资与城市环境保护的关系

    Multinational Corporation Investment and City Environment Protecting Relation

  25. 跨国公司投资与区域产业竞争力研究&以上海浦东新区为例

    Study on transnational coorporations and regional industrial competitiveness

  26. 实物期权在永利公司投资分析中的实践研究

    Study of the Application of Real Options to the Investment Analysis of Yongli Corporation

  27. 服装上市公司投资分析研究

    The Investment Analytic Research of the Clothing Corporation

  28. 对广大的投资者来说,则直接关系到对该公司投资的信心,并影响其进一步的投资行为;

    For the investor , it is connected to the confidence in the company ;

  29. 他把自己的钱向几个不同的公司投资。

    He invested his money in several different companies , by which means he .

  30. 你需要做的是选一家公司投资。

    What you have to do is to choose a company to invest in .