
  • 网络pro bono;Social Services;Service;Pro bono service
  1. 社会公益服务机构和当地医生应该加强协作。

    There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors .

  2. 相反,它们的法规制度简单易行,可以保证企业获得较高的生产率。而且,它们侧重于有价值的干预措施,保护知识产权,提供社会公益服务。

    Instead , they have simple regulations that allow businesses to be productive and focus intervention where it counts & protecting property rights and providing social services .

  3. 高的失业率将大量的需求放在国营的社会公益服务计划上。

    High unemployment puts heavy demand on state-run social service programs .

  4. 浙江省海洋公益服务的重大事件

    Important events in marine for public services of Zhejiang Province

  5. 她逐渐相信市场研究是一项社区公益服务。

    She gradually became persuaded that market research was a community service .

  6. 这位第一夫人是优秀的律师公益服务者教育�

    a first lady whose life in service as attorney , public service , educator

  7. 政策扶持和公益服务;

    Provide policy support and commonweal service ;

  8. 但是在快速发展的背后,公益服务领域的发展却不尽人意。

    But behind this , the development in the field of charity service is unsatisfactory .

  9. 尽管服务的品质普遍下降,公益服务的费用却急遽上升。

    The cost of public services has risen steeply despite ageneral decline in their quality .

  10. 对人民警察公益服务职能的思考

    Reflections on Police Service for Public Welfare

  11. 史黛西是个很有才华的律师,她为社区的民众做公益服务。

    Stacey is a talented lawyer who does pro bono work to help people in her community .

  12. 我国现行的公益服务类事业单位养老保险制度是与我国计划经济体制同时产生的。

    China present endowment insurance system of public services institution is together with the planned economy system .

  13. 旨在提高公园的管理水平,最大发挥公园的公益服务性。

    Aimed at improving the management of the park , play park , the largest public service .

  14. 志愿服务提供的无偿公益服务,满足了他人和社会的需要,应当予以提倡和鼓励。

    Free public welfare meets the need of others and society , which should be advocated and encouraged .

  15. 他们那样热心公益服务,现在理当有机会稍稍休息,在这样一次航行中让身心舒畅一下。

    Their public services have entitled them to the rest and relaxation of a voyage of this kind .

  16. 气象公益服务管理问题在社会主义市场经济条件下亟待强化。

    The management of meteorological service to the public welfare must be strengthened under the conditions of socialist market economy .

  17. 并为大学生推荐工作机会、简历辅导、行业专家及人力资源见面会、大学校园职业规划讲座等公益服务项目。

    Furthermore , we have arranged career fair where college students could interact with professional experts and human resource specialists .

  18. 如果你达不到预期的公益服务时间,相信我,你会得到惩罚的。

    If you fall short of your expected pro bono hours , believe me , you 'll hear about it .

  19. 转投公益服务工作能否被简单地归为利他主义的突然爆发还有待商榷。

    It 's doubtful the shift toward public service jobs can simply be ascribed to a sudden outbreak of altruism .

  20. 这是政府为公益服务部门确定杰出的榜样所采取的主动行动,以求提高它们的水平。

    This is a government initiative to identify examples of excellence in public services with a view to improving their standards .

  21. 塑造图书馆公益服务形象和特色服务形象是图书馆兴盛的关键。

    In the end , it is the key for flourishing library to shape her image of public service and featured service .

  22. 维森特洛佩斯的官员说,因这辆公车免费搭乘,所以被认定为是当地居民的「公益服务」。

    Officials in Vicente Lopez said the service is free-of-charge , which was conceived as " a public service " for residents .

  23. 医疗机构作为公益服务性质的部门,应以百姓为核心;作为政府与百姓联系的纽带,代表政府的形象。

    As part of public services , medical institutions representing government image should be a people-based link between the government and people .

  24. 彭明盛自己将在巴尔的摩公立学校系统自愿提供公益服务,他承认他的个人学业成绩非常普通。

    Palmisano , himself , will volunteer in the Baltimore public school system , where he confessed his personal academic performance was mediocre .

  25. 人们迫切需要对公益服务管理的地位与作用、主要内容、目标与原则以及领导体制等问题进行系统化的理论认识。

    The theoretic understanding of the position , function , contents , aim , principle and leadership system of this management must be systematized .

  26. 除了工作和照顾家庭外,她还利用仅馀的闲暇时间参与很多志愿公益服务。

    In addition to working and looking after her family , she also does a lot of voluntary community services in her limited spare time .

  27. 我国学者多以企业的角度研究其品牌化发展,而对社区志愿服务为代表的公益服务品牌化发展的研究较少。

    Chinese scholars mainly study brand development from the perspective of enterprises but seldom study the brand development of public service represented by community voluntary service .

  28. 进入新的历史阶段,面对人民群众日益增长的公益服务需求,迫切需要深化事业单位改革,促进社会事业发展。

    Faced the increasing demand for public service in a new era , it is an urgent need to deepen the reform of institutions for developing social undertakings .

  29. 事业单位改革使得标准院承担着三种不同的社会角色,即标准化公益服务提供者、组织机构代码和商品条码行政确认类工作的技术支撑者以及信息技术服务的市场竞争主体。

    SDIS plays three social roles in the institution reform , provider of public standardization service , technical supporter of administrative affirmation and market competitors of information technology service .

  30. 医务志愿者在医院以第三方的视角,通过为患者提供公益服务,为维护就诊秩序、密切医患关系发挥了重要作用。

    With third-party perspective , volunteers in hospital play an important role through the services for patients , the maintenance for treatment order , and the remission for doctor-patient relationship .