
jì shù fú wù
  • technical service;technological service
  1. AA测井公司(简称AA)就是经过重组而形成的一个专业化测井技术服务公司。

    AA logging company , which comes from merging of some companies , is a professional technical service company .

  2. 公司拥有专业的技术服务团队,自主开发的ERP产品,同时可以为客户提供基于微软成熟平台的软件定制开发服务。

    The company has professional technical service team , self-developed ERP products , while providing customers with a mature platform based on Microsoft software custom development services .

  3. 离岸外包提供了以低成本获得信息技术服务的机会。

    Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost .

  4. 希望通过本文总结IBM整合技术服务部的成功经验和成长历程,从实践的角度为从事IT服务和处于高速成长的企业提供一些借鉴。

    With this paper , I hope to provide some practical reference for any service business under high growth .

  5. 制造业信息化ASP公共服务平台是共享信息化技术服务资源,降低广大中小企业信息化成本的一种有效的技术解决方案[1];

    The ASP public service platform in informationization of manufacturing is an effective solution for small and medium-sized enterprises to share resource of informationization technical service and reduce informationization cost .

  6. STAHL技术服务中心,新加坡

    Stahl Technical Services Centre , Singapore

  7. 概述了燃烧优化的主要任务;进而介绍了美国STORM燃烧技术服务公司针对四角切圆型锅炉提出的燃烧优化要点,为实际生产中锅炉燃烧的优化调整提供一种明确的、有效的方法;

    This article related the main tasks of combustion optimization and introduced its main point of corner tangential firing boiler put forward by STORM Technical Services , INC in US , to provide a specific and effective way for combustion optimization .

  8. 在分析了国内大型设备厂商目前面临的挑战和迫切需要的技术服务要求后,文章介绍了一种基于ARM的嵌入式网络装置,通过该网络装置实现对设备的在线监控。

    After analyzing the challenge that manufacturer faces at present and the technological service needed urgently of the domestic heavy-duty equipment manufacturer , a kind of embedded network device based on ARM is introduced . The device has realized online monitoring and control to equipment .

  9. 本文以新疆塔里木工程技术服务公司管理信息系统作为项目背景,针对Web应用系统的安全性,提出了一种应用JAAS技术增强Web应用系统安全性的解决方法。

    This paper takes the MIS of the Tarim engineering and technology service company in Xinjiang Province of China as a project background , and brings up a kind of measure for enhancing its security by applying the technology of jaas aiming to the security of web application system .

  10. 中国核动力研究设计院(NPIC)承担了反应堆及反应堆冷却剂系统及相关的控制、保护、仪控系统的设计与技术服务任务,并承担有关的设计验证工作。

    Nuclear Power Institute of China is responsible for the design and technical service of the reactor and reactor coolant system , and relative control , protection , and instrumentation systems , as well as the design qualifications .

  11. 国际石油工程技术服务投标实施过程及对策

    Bid Preparation Process and Countermeasures for International Petroleum Engineering Services

  12. 加强计划生育技术服务机构能力建设的调查

    Investigation of the Capability of Family Planning Institutions to Provide Technical Services

  13. 农业技术服务是农业产业化发展的重要动力,对于商品型农业技术而言,企业是最优的推广主体。

    Agricultural technology service motivates the development of agricultural industrialization .

  14. 浅谈船舶涂装技术服务与管理

    Preliminary discussion on the technical service and management of finishing for ships

  15. 适应市场需求建设标准化的石油工程技术服务队伍

    Building up a Standardized Oil Engineering Service Crew to Meet Market Needs

  16. 构建支撑现代国际广播体系的多媒体全业务技术服务平台

    Multimedia Full-Business Technical Service Platform for Modern International Broadcasting System

  17. 职业卫生技术服务机构所作评价应当客观、实。

    The assessment organization should make objective and impartial assessment .

  18. 曼北京公司多年来坚持提供灵活,高质量的技术服务支持。

    Technical Mobility has been demonstrated over years to be of top quality .

  19. 安美特,先进的管理咨询、材料及技术服务。

    Ammat , advanced management , materials and technolgoy .

  20. 北京应加速发展高技术服务业

    Beijing Should Accelerate the Development of High-Tech Services

  21. 论技术服务和质量反馈

    A discussion on technical service and quality feedback

  22. 石油技术服务企业设备管理研究

    Facility Management Research of Petroleum Technology Services Enterprise

  23. 吉林省气象卫星遥感技术服务效益评估研究

    The Valuation and Study of Applied Benefits of the Meteorological Satellite Technology in Jilin Province

  24. 指出医学人文服务和医疗技术服务同样重要。

    It pointed out the medical humanistic service is as important as medical technique service .

  25. 成套及技术服务基地。

    Sets and technical services base .

  26. 租赁车辆技术服务的智能化

    Intelligent Technical Service of Car Rental

  27. 知识密集制造业和高技术服务业相关性:基于上海数据的实证研究

    Correlation between Knowledge-intensive Manufacturing and High-Tech Service Industry : An Empirical Research Based on Shanghai Data

  28. 技术服务的内容和许可方技术人员的待遇9

    Contents of Technical Service and e of Technical Documentation and Treatment of Licensor 's Technical personnel

  29. 迎接信息化技术服务&对工程机械行业信息化技术服务体系建设的构思

    Greeting the Service of Information Technology

  30. 造船工业、技术服务

    Shipbuilding Industries , Technical Services