
jì shù mì mì
  • Technical secrets;knowhow
  1. 苹果和谷歌(Google)等科技企业显示出愿意利用自下而上的方法把自己变成平台,共享一些技术秘密,并从开发者基于这些秘密创造的收入中得到分成。

    Tech businesses such as Apple and Google have shown a willingness to use bottom-up approaches to turn themselves into platforms , sharing some of the secrets of their technology in exchange for a share of the revenues that developers get from building on top of it .

  2. 苹果和谷歌(Google)等科技企业显示出愿意利用自下而上的方法把自己变成“平台”,共享一些技术秘密,并从开发者基于这些秘密创造的收入中得到分成。

    Tech businesses such as Apple and Google have shown a willingness to use bottom-up approaches to turn themselves into " platforms , " sharing some of the secrets of their technology in exchange for a share of the revenues that developers get from building on top of it .

  3. 商业秘密是具有秘密性和价值性的技术秘密和营业秘密。

    Trade secret is one kind of secret and valuable information .

  4. 技术秘密的泄露已达到惊人的程度。

    The leakage of technological secrets is reaching alarming proportions .

  5. 在现代商品经济社会里,对技术秘密进行全面的法律保护势在必行。

    In commodity economy society , full legal protection of technological secrets is inevitable .

  6. 企业应加强技术秘密的法律保护

    Strengthening Legal Protection of Technical Know-how in Enterprises

  7. 关于技术秘密立法若干问题的思考

    On Legislative Issues of Chinese Technological Secret

  8. 丙方应对其所知悉的全部商业和技术秘密进行严格保密。

    The Thirty Party keeps all the commercial and technical secrets he knows strictly confidential .

  9. 论技术秘密的法律保护

    On the legal protection of technical secret

  10. 广义的商业秘密应理解为经营秘密与技术秘密。

    The broad senseof commercial secret should be understood as managing secret and technological secret .

  11. 技术秘密权的强制许可研究

    Research on Compulsory license of Know-how

  12. 一款优秀的软件,其技术秘密往往成为他人窃取的重点。

    The technical secret of excellent software , it usually becomes the point that others steal .

  13. 论企业技术秘密的保护

    On Protection of Enterprise Technology Secret

  14. 这是本人的技术秘密,任何人想知道它都必须先付费。

    Anyone who wants to know how to keep remembering for ever , he must pay me .

  15. 职工应当遵守本单位的技术秘密保护制度。

    Employees shall adhere to the system of their own units for protection of the technical know-how .

  16. 当时以政策为主保护的秘密仅局限于技术秘密,经营秘密和管理秘密都在保护之外。

    At that time , we only protected technology secret instead of protecting management secret and others .

  17. 浅谈企事业单位在改革中的技术秘密保护

    Technic Secret Protection during Reformation

  18. 检查机关应当为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。

    The inspecting authorities shall keep confidential the technological know-how and business secrets of the units inspected .

  19. 第三章为可以对技术秘密实施强制许可的几种情形。

    In the third chapter , author introduce when the compulsory license of know-how can be practiced .

  20. 其次,利用博弈分析法对基于技术秘密知识产权战略的技术创新扩散过程作出分析。

    After that , the paper research on process of know-how strategy-based technology diffusion by using the Game Analysis .

  21. 项目转让;桦褐菌工厂化生产多项专利和技术秘密,向世界各国独家转让。

    Project transfer ; bath production of Chaga has patents and know-how , which can be transferred to the world exclusively .

  22. 通过对美国、英国、加拿大等国家商业秘密强制许可制度的比较研究,得出了可以对技术秘密实施强制许可的三种情形。

    By comparative studying of the compulsory licensing of trade secrets in The United States , Britain , Canada and other countries .

  23. 结果与结论:在现行的知识产权保护体制下,对于企业而言,技术秘密更具有经济性。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The know-how has a greater economic value to enterprises under the current intellectual property rights protection system .

  24. 讨论了技术秘密成果的归属与分享;提出了确定技术秘密成果归属与分享的具体建议。

    Giving the overview of laws correlative with the attribution and benefit-shared of technological secret achievement the paper brings up some corresponding suggestions .

  25. 药品监督管理部门进行监督检查时,必须出示证明文件,对监督检查中知悉的被检查人的技术秘密和业务秘密应当保密。

    Pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments shall present certificate documents while conducting supervision and inspection , and shall not divulge technological and business .

  26. 比如侵犯知识产权的行为,盗版,还有窃取别的公司的技术秘密以及客户信息等。

    Violate the act of intellectual property for instance , pilfer edition , still have filch the technical secret of other company and client information .

  27. 即使有一些针对商业秘密的文章,也多半是集中在商业秘密的构成要件、商业秘密权和竞业禁止之间的关系等方面,对于技术秘密权的强制许可进行研究者寥寥无几。

    The few articles available focused on the considerations of trade secret and the relationship between the trade secret right and prohibition of competitive employment .

  28. 比如企业的技术秘密资料外流和公司大客户的流失等。

    Especially the brain-drain of core talents will bring huge loss to enterprises , for example , the loss of secret core technology materials and important customers .

  29. 甲方确保全面实施该技术秘密,并严格按照与乙方提供的技术资料和技术指导操作。

    Party A ensure full implementation of the technology secret , and in strict accordance with Party B to provide technical information and technical guidance to operations .

  30. 首先,解释了技术秘密的概念、技术秘密与商业秘密的关系、以及技术秘密的知识产权属性和强制许可的含义。

    First , explain the concept of know-how , the relationship between know-how and trade-secret , the intellectual property of know-how and the concept of compulsory license .