
  • 网络technological orientation;technology orientation;Technical Oriented
  1. 在这样的现实背景下,作为企业两种经营导向的市场导向和技术导向,其和企业成长的关系日渐受到关注。

    In the context of this reality , market orientation and technology orientation as two kinds of business orientation , its relationships with firm growth have been attracted increasing attention .

  2. 许多促进发展的ICT项目失败了,因为它们是技术导向而非发展导向或以人为中心的。

    Many ICT for development projects fail because they are technology-led rather than development-led or people-centred .

  3. 电子式电能表应用中的技术导向

    The technical guide in the application of electronic Watt - hour meter

  4. 与市场导向相比,技术导向对企业绩效的影响更大。

    Compared with the market-orientation , technology-orientation has greater impact on organizational performance .

  5. 它们应该是技术导向的还是文化导向的?

    Should they be technological-oriented or cultural-oriented ?

  6. 通用化学品精细化学品专用化学品:产业和技术导向的跨世纪转型我国石化企业发展精细和专用化学品生产的策略

    Commodity Chemicals-Fine Chemicals-Specialty Chemicals Strategic Considerations on Developing Speciality Chemical Business by China 's Petrochemical Enterprises

  7. 投资过程中的技术导向

    Investment of Technology as a Direction

  8. 市场导向与技术导向并重,并据此合理配置企业资源。

    Emphasizing on Market-oriented and Technology-oriented both , Rationally allocate enterprise resources according to the strategy .

  9. 强调技术导向的课程表这种政策能够在一定程度上解决这种差距。

    Policy choices that emphasise a technology-oriented curriculum can go some way towards addressing this gap .

  10. 而且,市场导向、技术导向通过转化性学习的中介作用对企业绩效产生正向影响。

    Moreover , market-orientation and technology-orientation promote organizational performance through the mediating role of transformative learning .

  11. 在新的市场环境下,传统的生产导向,产品导向以及技术导向已经转变为顾客导向。

    In the new market environment , the traditional production-oriented , product-oriented , technology-oriented have transferred to customer-oriented .

  12. 本文实证研究结果表明,市场导向和技术导向均促进了企业转化性学习和利用性学习的行为。

    The empirical results show that both market-orientation and technology-orientation facilitate exploratory learning , transformative learning and exploitative learning .

  13. 扎克伯格强调,随着更多不同的公司做出了更好的东西,技术导向型企业必须更胜一筹。

    It is a vicious cycle but Zuckerberg insists that tech companies need to do better because more diverse companies do greater things .

  14. 显性升级是企业集群在全球价值链U型曲线上从低附加值环节向高附加值环节的位置攀升,是技术导向性的升级模式;

    The apparent upgrading , which is technology oriented , is defined as the cluster climbing up the U GVC curve from lower segment to higher segment .

  15. 企业的管理主题已经从过去的生产导向、营销导向、质量与技术导向,转变为今天的顾客导向。

    The management topic of the enterprise already has led to customer direction now from the past production direction , the marketing direction , quality and the technique direction .

  16. 我国应积极地调整有关战略和策略,注重规模经济,追求投资效益的提高,优化投资结构,从出口导向转向技术导向,以充分利用外资。

    Based on the situation , in order to make good use of FDI , our country should adjust our strategy and focus on economy of scale , improve investment benefit , optimize industrial structure and transition from export-oriented to technology-oriented .

  17. 对网络资源知识管理模型设计以人性导向模式为主以技术导向模式为辅的观点进行建设和设计,系统设计过程有流程设计、功能模块设计和框架设计。

    Model design knowledge management of network resources is given priority with humanity oriented pattern and technology oriented model as the auxiliary pole point for construction and design . System design process have flow design , function module design and framework design .

  18. 研究结论显示,技术导向型机会的开发更能获取较好的创业绩效;当环境感知不确定性增加时,三种机会类型的开发与创业绩效间的正向关系都将被减弱。

    Conclusion of the study showed that the development of technology-oriented opportunities for a better start to get better performance ; When the environment is perceived uncertainty increases , three types of development opportunities and positive relationship between entrepreneurial performance will be weakened .

  19. 当今世界各国经济连接成为相互依存、共同运行的整体,企业的经营管理战略正进行着由技术导向顾客导向时间导向的演变。

    Nowadays , economy of every country in the world has joined together to a whole which depends on each other and operates together . Then , the managing strategy of enterprises are under an evolvement from technique guided to customer guided , and finally to time guided .

  20. 本工作的SG-HT-EISA法、纳米晶自组装技术和导向剂法制备介孔TiO2,是对传统制备方法的改进。

    In our work , SG-HT-EISA method , nanocrystal self-assembly technology and induced agent method made better than general method in preparation meso-TiO2 .

  21. 发挥技术政策导向作用推进我国建筑节能工作

    Promoting Construction Energy Efficiency by Guides of Technical Policy

  22. 旋转自动导向钻井技术旋转导向闭环钻井系统

    Rotary closed-loop steerable drilling system spin control

  23. 得到的结果很好地反映了当前移动数据业务以技术为导向,以用户为出发点的特性。

    The results have been very good to reflect on the current mobile data services to technology-oriented , user-oriented features .

  24. 一般来讲,高科技企业要赢得竞争优势,必须以技术为导向,具备技术实力。

    On the average , high-tech enterprise must direct technology towards and possess technical force to gain the superior and inferior of competition .

  25. 实验结果表明,利用形式验证的技术来导向模拟的过程,抓住了高复杂度的多错误定位问题的特征,提高了电路错误诊断的效率。

    Experimental results show that using formal techniques to direct simulation captures the main characteristics of error location and improves the effectiveness and efficiency of design error diagnosis .

  26. 本文综合近年来面向移动通信网络建设数字地图的生产应用实践,结合当前技术发展导向分析,旨在探索面向移动通信网络建设数字地图生产与集成的有效途径。

    In this paper , according to technology development with production and application these years , the effective production and integration approach of digital map in mobile communication network construction is introduced .

  27. 自成立以来,坚持以产品技术为导向,以国际的品质,更贴近消费群体少而精的产品路线。

    Since its inception , we 're persist to use product technology as a guide , basis of quality to press close to the " fewer but better " requirement of our consumers .

  28. 首先,经济全球化趋势日趋明显,以信息和电子技术为导向的新技术革命浪潮不断高涨,区域经济一体化深入发展,国际资本流动加快。

    First , the economical globalization is increasingly obvious , following the surging of information and electronic technology , the development of region economic integration and the rapid movement of capital across the countries .

  29. 基于自动仓储技术的自动导向小车(AGV)的研究

    Research for AGV Based on Automatic Storage Technology

  30. 利用碱性磷酸酶融合表达技术研究神经导向因子netrin-4的功能

    Application of alkaline phosphatase tag in functional study of axon guidance factor netrin-4