
  • 网络technological assets;technical asset
  1. 技术资产区间价格模型评估值确定方法及其改进

    Improvement for method of assessing of technological assets interval price model

  2. 基于市场价值的技术资产评估研究

    Study on Market Value Based Technological Assets Assessment

  3. 并且研究分析了倍率法、超额收益现值法这两种创新方法,以及可以应用于技术资产创新企业整体评估的期权定价法和EVA模型。

    This article analyses two innovative approaches : the net value of assets method and abnormal earnings present value method , and also analyses the option valuation method and EVA model , which apply to technology assets innovative business .

  4. 技术资产有别于技术商品。

    The technical assets are different to the technical commodities .

  5. 高新技术资产评估的数学模型及计算方法

    Mathematical model & calculation method applied to the assets evaluation of advanced technology

  6. 技术资产估价与超额收益法浅析

    Analysis of Technical Asset Assessment and Extra benefit Method On the Benefit of Law

  7. 在不同的社会形态,关系资产与技术资产在创造企业收益中的地位不同。

    The roles of relational asset and technology assets are different in different society .

  8. 基于投资回收补偿的技术资产评估折现率研究

    Discount Rate for Technological Assets and Investment Recovery

  9. 传统经济学只重视技术资产创造价值和收益,实际上,关系资产是企业收益的重要来源。

    In the view of traditional economics , technology assets are the only resource of corporate revenue .

  10. 技术资产复用的增加使您通过普通功能的标准化来增加整体的效率。

    Increased reuse of technical assets enables you to increase overall efficiencies through the standardization of common functionality .

  11. 只有基于技术资产的市场价值才能为交易双方建构公允、公正的评估模型,确定合理的价格区间。

    The fair assessment model and rational price interzone must be based on the market value of technological assets .

  12. 融中外管理之长走质量创业之路高新技术资产评估的数学模型及计算方法

    High quality depends on advanced management mathematical model & calculation method applied to the assets evaluation of advanced technology

  13. 技术资产价值通常可区分为:边际价值、市场价值和成本价值。

    The value of the technical assets can usually be differentiated : marginal value , market value and cost value .

  14. 联合按需提供了推动一个代理更远更快所需要的管理、财务和技术资产。

    Federation provides the necessary management , financial , and technological assets on demand required to propel an agency farther and faster .

  15. 市价法评估技术资产基于三个条件,我国的技术市场难以满足这样的条件。

    The method of cost base on three basic qualification , but it isn 't satisfied in technical market in our country .

  16. 近年来国内产学研发展的具体创新模式表现为:技术资产经营模式、带土移植模式、代理创业模式、学科性公司模式和实验室+企业模式等。

    The specific models in the practice are technological-property model , transplanting model , deputy-entrepreneurship model , subject-company model and laboratory-enterprise model .

  17. 在这种情况下,为了能够在国际贸易尽可能实现公平交易,技术资产价值的评估就显得十分必要。

    In this case , in order to realize in international trade fair trade , provide technical asset valuation is very necessary .

  18. 此方法通过提供跨现有和未来技术资产的可扩展基础设施,为企业集成体系结构提供了坚实的基础。

    This approach provides a scalable infrastructure across existing and future technology assets to provide a solid foundation for the enterprise integration architecture .

  19. 而各个国家也均已意识到这个问题,并且着手采取了不同程度的技术资产保护措施。

    All countries in the world have realized the problem and start to take a different degree of technical assets and protective measures .

  20. 论文首先对技术资产评估的基本理论和基本方法,结合技术资产评估的特点加以论述;

    Combining the characteristic of technological assets assessment , the paper describes the basic theories of technological assets assessment and basic methods at first .

  21. 技术资产,例如组件、服务,或您的整个IT基础架构,的所有者都公开声明可以复用它们。

    Technical assets , such as components , services , or even your entire IT infrastructure , are declared to be reusable by their owners .

  22. 转换活动过程中同时创建了知识资产和技术资产&例如需求和业务规则文档、设计构件,以及技术代码。

    Both knowledge assets and technical assets such as requirements and business rules documents , design artifacts , and technical code are created during transformation activities .

  23. 采用经典的资产价值评估方法确定技术资产价格难以实现公允、公正的要求,难为交易双方接受。

    It is very difficult to achieve the demand that the technological assets assessment should be considered just and sound and accepted by traders using the traditional methods .

  24. 体现在企业会计核算中,分别表现为技术资产、人力资产、文化资产、信息资产、土地使用权等等。

    Embodiment shows respectively in enterprise 's accounting , is technical asset , manpower asset , cultural asset and information asset , land use right and so on .

  25. 以专利权出资参与公司的设立是一种技术资产转化为产业资本的重要形式,是知识经济时代的内在要求,是知识产权资本运营的重要组成部分。

    Patent funded system as an important form of technology capitalization is an inherent requirement of the era of knowledge economy , and an important component of capital operation .

  26. 而专利是重要的科技创新成果的载体,是一个国家或地区技术资产的核心和最具经济价值的部分。

    The patent was an important carrier of technical developments and the core of a country or region . As technology assets , patent contained the most of economic value .

  27. 对现有的技术资产评估模型进行了比较分析,构建了新药价值评估的新模型,为新药技术转让定价提供了经济学依据和可资参考的解决办法。

    After comparing with the existing models of evaluation of technological capitals , the study conceives a new model , providing economics scrip and referenced resolvent for fixing new drug transfer price .

  28. 本文总结了当前国际间技术资产交易比较常用的基本价值评估方法:成本法、市场法和收益法。

    Therefore , this article summarizes the current international intellectual property trade in most common intellectual property of the basic values of evaluation methods : cost method , market method , income method .

  29. 信息战拓击的重点目标,既有技术资产要素,又有人的行为要素,其最终目标是对方军队的战斗潜力。

    The emphasis on the object of IW is distributed evenly among technological assets and human behavioral elements , and it 's ultimate objective is the combat power potential of an opposing force .

  30. 同时,由于技术资产所具有的创造性、生产的一次性、获利能力的不确定性、成本费用的模糊性等特性,导致其价值评估较为困难。

    At the same time , because of its value-creativity , disposable Production , uncertainty of its shape and earning , fuzzy cost and expenses , it is comparatively difficult to assess its value .