
  • 网络finanCial aSSet inflation
  1. 第二章:中国金融资产膨胀的现状及其对货币政策的冲击。

    The second chapter elaborates the impact that financial asset inflation has on the monetary policy .

  2. 其研究的立论基础是随着经济发展和金融化率的提高,金融资产不断膨胀,居民在进行当期商品消费的同时,选择多渠道资产投资日益成为经济发展的常态。

    The argument is based on the situation that residents select multi-channel asset investment has increasingly become the norm while they consume current goods for economic development with economic and financial , financial assets continuing to expand .

  3. 处于“影系统”中的金融资产价值的虚幻化、金融资产价格的自我膨胀以及外部传染是一国发生金融危机的三个基本原因。

    Financial crisis results from three fundamental causes , namely , the illusion of the value of financial assets within the shadow system , the self expanding of the price of financial assets and the infection from other countries .