
  • 网络financial future;futures
  1. 以及中国金融期货交易所——大成律师事务所(DachengLawOffices)为其提供建议。

    and China Financial Futures Exchange , advised by Dacheng Law Offices .

  2. 中文日报《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)援引多名期货交易员的说法称,他们已接到中国金融期货交易所(ChinaFinancialFuturesExchange)打来的电话,指示他们不要做空市场。

    The 21st Century Business Herald , a Chinese daily , quoted multiple futures traders as saying they had received phone calls from the China Financial Futures Exchange instructing them not to short the market .

  3. 利率期货(IRF)是众多金融期货形式中的一种,套期保值是利率期货最基本的市场功能。

    Interest rate futures is one kind of many financial futures forms .

  4. 周四,中国金融期货交易所否认了高盛(GoldmanSachs)等外国投资者用期货做空A股的传闻。

    The futures exchange on Thursday denied rumours that foreign investors including Goldman Sachs were using futures to place big bearish bets on mainland stocks , known as A shares .

  5. 2l世纪伊始,单一股票期货交易的崛起,已经成为国际金融期货市场的最新发展特点,有最终衍生品之称。

    At the beginning of 21 century , the growing up of Single Stock Futures ( SSF ) has been the newest development characteristic of international financial futures markets , and it 's labeled as " the ultimate derivatives " .

  6. 事实上,上周二,也就是交易启动后的第三天,中国金融期货交易所(cffe)的股指期货成交量已经超过了上海证交所(sse)的股票成交量。

    Indeed , on Tuesday last week , the third day of trading , the value of stock index futures traded on the China Financial Futures Exchange exceeded the value of stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  7. 在中国金融期货经纪业务将由期货公司专营的政策安排下,创新类券商在金融期货市场发展初期,将通过收购期货公司,以期货介绍经纪商(IB)身份参与金融期货经纪业务。

    Under the policy that futures broker business will be monopolized by futures companies in China , in the initial stage of the development of futures market , innovative security companies will participate in the financial futures business as introduce brokers ( IB ) through takeover futures companies .

  8. 金融期货交易中的套期保值和基差风险分析

    The Analysis of Hedging and Basic Risk in Financial Futures Markets

  9. 金融期货与期权市场监管制度初探

    On the Supervisory System of the Financial Futures and Options Market

  10. 利用金融期货规避商品价格风险的研究

    The Research of Utilizing Financial Futures to Avoid Commodity Price Risk

  11. 持有成本理论模型在金融期货定价中的应用

    The application of carry-cost theory to the pricing of financial futures

  12. 股指期货有望再次敲开中国金融期货大门

    Stock Index Futures may be the Start of Chinese Finance Futures

  13. 我国金融期货市场法律制度研究

    The Research of the Law System of Financial Futures Market in China

  14. 金融期货交易可以发挥杠杆原理,以小博大,促进经济的发展。

    The financial futures trading can exert leverage and accelerate economic development .

  15. 构建中国金融期货市场的法律监管体系

    Building the Supervision System of Financial Futures Market in China

  16. 外汇期货是金融期货的一种。

    Futures is one of the types of financial futures .

  17. 论我国金融期货市场环境及法律

    On Environment and law of Financial Future Marker in China

  18. 为了有效规避风险,金融期货应运而生。

    In order to effectively avoid risks , financial futures came into being .

  19. 金融期货业务将给我国的证券公司监管带来挑战。

    The financial Futures will bring challenges to the securities invigilation in China .

  20. 入世后中国金融期货的发展及其风险控制

    The Development and the Risk Control of Chinese Financial Futures Market after WTO Entry

  21. 第四,弗里德曼在金融期货发展方面起到了关键作用。

    Fourth , Friedman played a crucial role in the development of financial futures .

  22. 股指期货:亟待开发的金融期货新领域

    Stock index futures : the new field of finance futures which demands prompt development

  23. 谨慎发展金融期货品种;

    To develop the monetary futures with caution ;

  24. 瑞士期权及金融期货交易所有限公司

    Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange AG

  25. 金融期货风险管理的研究

    Research on Risk Management of Financial Futures

  26. 我们经营大额存单、金融期货和金银块买卖。

    CDs , financial futures and bullion .

  27. 手势语在金融期货交易中的使用

    Hand Signals Used in Financial Futures

  28. 国家对期货市场进行了清理整顿,关闭了金融期货,目前只有商品期货仍在交易。

    The government cleared up and restructured the futures market and closed the financial futures market .

  29. 东京国际金融期货交易所

    Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange

  30. 我国开展金融期货,可采用先大合约规模、后小合约规模方式进行。

    China , to introduce its futures trading , could initiate large contract size before small size .