
jīn shǔ
  • metal
金属 [jīn shǔ]
  • [metal] 一大类物质(如金、青铜、钢)的任一种,它们共同特征是:典型地显出特有的光泽,是良好的导电体和导热体,不透明,可熔,通常可锻而有延展性

金属[jīn shǔ]
  1. 机翼显示出金属疲劳的迹象。

    The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue .

  2. 金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。

    The metal container began to emit a clicking sound .

  3. 一根细金属丝从静脉里穿到心脏。

    A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart .

  4. 机器在金属薄板上冲出一排孔。

    The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet .

  5. 这不能把木料粘贴在金属上。

    It cannot be used to bond wood to metal .

  6. 她的手指头让金属丝刮掉了皮。

    The wire had scraped the skin from her fingers .

  7. 这金属最大的一个优点就是不生锈。

    One great advantage of this metal is that it doesn 't rust .

  8. 我们需要多大直径的金属丝?

    What gauge of wire do we need ?

  9. 他剪掉了一段金属线。

    He clipped off a length of wire .

  10. 一定不要让金属线搭在一起。

    Make sure the wires don 't touch .

  11. 铁锹撞在什么金属物件上发出刺耳的声音。

    The spade jarred on something metal .

  12. 喷金属漆是自由选择的,要额外收费。

    Metallic paint is an optional extra .

  13. 金属受热就膨胀。

    If metal gets hot it expands .

  14. 框子是用金属做的。

    The frame is made of metal .

  15. 酸腐蚀金属。

    Acid corrodes metal .

  16. 他从帆布包里拿出一个金属瓶子。

    He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag .

  17. 一阵狂风把铺在屋顶上的一块金属片掀起来了。

    A gust of wind pried loose a section of sheet-metal roofing

  18. 木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。

    Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.

  19. 某些种类的食物也可以装入密封的金属罐里。

    Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters .

  20. 我把其中一个刻度盘的金属边撬开了。

    I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials

  21. 它发出了金属碰击般的哐啷声,跟破钟似的。

    It gave a metallic clang , like a cracked bell .

  22. 铅是早在古代就已知的金属之一。

    Lead was one of the metals known to the ancient world

  23. 一辆载满废金属的卡车掉货了。

    A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load .

  24. 裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。

    The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer .

  25. 核燃料生产出来后被装在金属罐中。

    When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans

  26. 问题原来是飞机机身出现金属疲劳。

    The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage .

  27. 随着一声金属碰击的咔嗒声,大门打开了。

    There was a metallic click and the gates swung open

  28. 他喉咙深处有一股金属味儿。

    There was a metallic taste at the back of his throat .

  29. 许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。

    Many are employed in the prison 's wood and metalwork factories .

  30. 车子成了一堆扭曲的金属。

    The car was left a mess of twisted metal .