
jīn rónɡ tóu zī
  • financial investment
  1. 可称为“昙花一现的潮流”的行为可以是任何形式的,包括语言的使用、服饰、金融投资,甚至食物。

    The specific nature of the behavior associated with a fad can be of any type including language usage , apparel , financial investment , and even food .

  2. 金融投资风险评价BP神经网络模型研究及应用

    Research on the Application of the BP Nerve Network Model for the Financial Investment Risk Appraisal

  3. 财经Web站点,例如银行或投资机构的站点,您用于监视自己的金融投资组合

    A financial Web site , like that of a bank or investment institution , to monitor your financial portfolio

  4. 围绕如何在信贷紧缩中幸存下来这个问题,我撰写了自己的《金融投资学入门指导》(TheLongandtheShortofIt),该书已于今年出版。

    I wrote my own book on how to survive the credit crunch , The Long and the Short of It , published this year .

  5. 劳埃德银行董事长维克托布兰克爵士(sirvictorblank)的离职计划,据信是英国金融投资署计划的一部分。

    The planned departure of Sir Victor blank , the Lloyds chairman , is seen as an integral part of the UKFI plan .

  6. 分析人士表示,放宽对海外金融投资的控制将有助于人民币满足国际货币基金组织(IMF)的要求,即任何官方储备货币都可自由使用。

    Easing controls on outbound financial investment will help the renminbi meet International Monetary Fund requirements that any official reserve currency be freely usable , analysts say .

  7. 尽管越来越多的投资者涌入大宗商品市场,IMF仍重申了自己的观点,即在大宗商品价格形成方面,起主要作用的仍然是供需基本面,而不是金融投资。

    In spite of rising investor flows to commodities markets , the IMF reiterated its view that demand - and supply-related fundamentals , rather than financial investment , continue to play the dominant role in commodity price formation .

  8. ETF作为一种金融投资工具,存在的风险是不言而喻的,如何有效的规避和预测ETF市场风险就成为了一个亟需解决的问题。

    ETF is a kind of financial investment tool , which has a self-evident risk . How to avoid and predict the ETF market risk becomes an urgent problem to be solved .

  9. 结果表明基于Copula理论的时序模型可以灵活有效的度量风险间相关性,为金融投资、风险分析等应用领域提供良好的参考方法和策略。

    The results show that based on the theory of Copula time series model can be flexible and effective to measure the risk correlation , for the financial investment , risk analysis and applications to provide good reference method and strategy .

  10. 本文通过参考相关房地产投资理论和统计方法,包括房地产投资四象限模型、REITS融资理论,定性得到金融投资价格变动会通过影响商业地产开发数量而影响后期的转手价格。

    Reference to relevant theory and statistical methods of real estate investment , including four-quadrant model of real estate investment and REITS finance theory , this paper describes qualitatively that price change of financial investment will affect later resale price through affecting the quantity of commercial real estate .

  11. 英国金融投资署和机构股东都全力支持丹尼尔斯,他们认为,丹尼尔斯有能力完成劳埃德与hbos非常复杂的整合这是英国历史上规模最大的银行业整合。

    UKFI and institutional shareholders are all fully supportive of Mr Daniels , who is seen to have the skills to complete the very complex integration of Lloyds and HBOS the largest ever banking merger attempted in the UK .

  12. 现代金融投资理论的发展和现实意义

    The Development and Practical Significance of the Modern Financial Investment Theory

  13. 论金融投资向现实投资转化

    How About The Financial Investments Being Changed to The Actual Ones

  14. 国际有价证券投资指在别国进行的金融投资。

    International portfolio investments are financial investments made in foreign countries .

  15. 多阶段金融投资决策情景生成问题及实证

    Scenario Generation for Multistage Investment Decision and its Empirical Research

  16. 一个基于谓词逻辑的金融投资辅助决策系统

    A Financial Investement Assistance Decision System Based on Predicate Logic

  17. 善长证券外汇金融投资。

    Good at financial Investment in stocks and foreign Exchange .

  18. 树立金融投资养老的社会风俗

    Promoting Social Custom of Supporting the Aged by Monetary Investment

  19. 不要参与联合金融投资。

    Do not get involved in joint financial ventures .

  20. 个人金融投资品种及风险的成因和控制

    Individual Financial Investment Categories and the Causes for and Control of Their Risks

  21. 它们远远超过您的金融投资组合的规模。

    They 're far more important than the size of your financial portfolio .

  22. 招聘对公司来说是一次重要的金融投资。

    Hiring is a significant financial investment for companies .

  23. 在金融投资领域,风险是个永恒并且倍受关注的主题。

    In the financial investment area , risk is an eternal and attention-attracting topic .

  24. 金融投资中介化、噪声交易与金融危机模型的微观建构

    Financial intermediary , Noise Trader and Financial Crises

  25. 证券投资是一种高风险高收益的金融投资。

    Portfolio investment is a financial investment with the high risk and high income .

  26. 他在家里也曾听到许多金融投资和金融投机的谈话。

    At home also he listened to considerable talk of financial investment and adventure .

  27. 经济全球化必然伴随金融投资活动的全球化。

    Economic globalization will certainly be coupled with a global movement of financial investment activities .

  28. 这一切都表明,在华金融投资公司有了更多的机遇。

    What this all points to is more opportunities for financial investment companies in China .

  29. 还有更多的金融投资。

    There was also more financial investment .

  30. 上周初,英国金融投资署仍未决定会如何投票。

    At the beginning of last week , UKFI was still deciding which way to vote .