
  1. 方法:收集2002~2004年我院抗菌药物使用的数据,采用DDD分析法和金额排序法进行统计和分析。

    Methods : The data of the antibacterial use during 2002-2004 were study by the methods of DDD analysis and ranking of amount of money .

  2. 方法:统计降血糖药物的使用数据,采用DDDS法、金额排序法和金额序号与DDDS序号对比法进行分析研究。

    Methods : The utilization data of hypoglycemic drugs were collected , analysed and studied by means of their order and contrast of DDDS and sums of money .

  3. 方法:采用DDD分析法和金额排序法,对广州地区医院2001年~2003年间抗高血压药购入数据进行综合统计分析。

    METHODS : To analyze and sum up antihypertension drug-purchase data in hospitals in Guangzhou during 2001 ~ 2003 by using the methods of DDD analysis and ranking of amount of money .

  4. 方法:采用金额排序法、用药频度法和分类排序法,对我院2003~2005年心血管类药应用数据进行统计、分析。

    METHODS : Consumption of cardiovascular drugs used in2003 ~ 2005 in our hospital was audited and analyzed through rankings of sales value , DDDs and category .

  5. 方法:采用南京地区22家医院2001年-2003年的抗感染药购药信息,按金额排序法对品种和金额进行归类分析。

    Method : According to the order of the sum , the purchasing information of anti-infective drugs used in 22 hospitals of Nanjing during 2001 - 2003 was collected an analyzed .

  6. 方法:根据我院医院药品库存管理系统的原始数据资料,采用限定日剂量法和消耗金额排序法进行分析。

    Methods : By using original date of hospital 's drug stock and management system of our hospital , the drug consumption was analysed by defined daily dose and price arranged .

  7. 方法采用金额排序法和频度分析法对我院2001~2004年口服抗糖尿病药物应用情况进行统计分析。

    Methods To analyze and sum up the use of the oral antidiabetic agents in our hospital from 2001 to 2004 by using the methods of DDDs analysis and ranking of amount of money .

  8. 方法:采用金额排序法和用药频度排序法,对南京市22家医院2003年~2005年抗酸及治疗消化性溃疡病药物用药数据进行统计分析。

    METHODS : In ranking of amount of money of drugs and DDDs , the drugs for antiacid and peptic ulcer diseases in 22 hospitals of Nanjing area during 2003 ~ 2005 statistically analyzed .

  9. 方法主要采用金额分析法对2000~2005年长江流域6大城市样本医院碳青霉烯类抗生素的消耗数据进行分析。

    METHODS The data of consumption for carbopenems used in six cities in the Yangtze areas during the period of 2000 ~ 2005 were analyzed by using analysis method of sum of charges for drugs .

  10. 然而,由于新农合补助金是一种带有配套要求的专项补助,而上级政府大多采用一刀切式的固定金额补助法,这样财力较弱、农业人口比重高的地方政府不得不承担相对较大比重的筹资责任。

    Since the NCMS subsidies are appropriated as a categorical grant with matching requirement and fixed rate , local governments with high proportion of agricultural population and weak financial strength have to bear heavier financing responsibility for the schemes .

  11. 方法:采用金额排序法分析了南京地区17家医院神经系统药物消费比重和主要品种,并与《国家基本药物目录》(1998年版)作了比较。

    METHODS : According to the order of sum of money , the share and main varieties of drugs used for nervous diseases in 17 hospitals in 1997 were analysed , and compared with the CATALOGUE OF NATIONAL BASIC DRUGS ( 1998 edition ) .