
  1. 我国金融不良资产评估存在的问题及建议

    The Question And Measures of Evaluation in Bad Financial Assets

  2. 二是,对金融不良资产评估的重新定位。

    Second , re - positioning evaluation of NPLs .

  3. 金融不良资产评估方法与价值变现研究

    Study on Evaluation and Value-cashing of the Non-Performing Loans

  4. 法律尽职调查与金融不良资产评估此即合宪性、合法性标准。

    Legal due diligence investigation and non-performing financial assets valuation due process of law .

  5. 金融不良资产评估的新坐标

    New Coordinates for Non-performing Financial Assets Valuation

  6. 风险管理的基础和核心是对金融资产进行评估,而金融资产间的相关性研究在风险评估中处于十分重要的地位。

    Evaluating financial assets is the foundation and the core of the risk management , the dependence of financial assets is very important .

  7. 规范金融不良资产评估推进行业健康发展&记金融不良资产评估座谈会

    Standardize the Appraisal on Bad Financial Assets to Gain a Healthy Growth of the Profession & An Record of the Meeting on Lately Issued Guidelines on Bad Financial Assets Appraisal

  8. 金融不良土地资产评估为评估界的新业务。

    Appraisal of financial faulty land assets is a new business in the circle of appraisal .

  9. 本文对德尔菲法在金融不良资产价值评估中的应用前景、收敛性检验的必要性进行讨论,对所选用的检验方法进行分析,以期完善德尔菲法在不良资产价值评估中应用。

    The paper discuses its perspectives in evaluation of non-perform loan , the necessity of convergence test and some valuation issues .

  10. 金融资产是国民财富的重要组成部分,金融资产交易在经济生活中日益频繁和重要,而金融资产价值评估是金融资产交易的基础。

    Financial Assets is an important component of the national wealth to enter financing and produce , the trade of the financial assets is frequent and important increasingly in the economic life , and financial assets value assessment is foundations of the trade of the financial assets .