
jiàn cái ɡōnɡ yè
  • building materials industries;industry of building materials
  1. 2.冶金、化学、建材工业;

    ( b ) Metallurgical , chemical and building materials industries ; of or relating to metallurgy .

  2. 2.冶金、化学、建材工业;建筑施工企业内部控制体系构建研究

    ( b ) Metallurgical , chemical and building materials industries ; The Research on Constructing Internal Control System of Construction Enterprise

  3. 磷石膏中P2O5含量是磷石膏能否被建材工业利用的控制指标之一。

    On phosphogypsum as the raw material of building material industry , its P_2O_5 content is one of the most important controlling indexes .

  4. 中国建材工业对外合作发展迅速

    Foreign co-operation of China 's construction material industry development is rapid

  5. 江苏建材工业非金属矿开发利用现状与前瞻

    Exploitation of Non-Metallic Minerals in Building Material Industry of Jiangsu Province

  6. 建材工业的脊梁&柳州水泥厂

    Liuzhou Cement Plant A Backbone Enterprise in the Building Material Industry

  7. 建材工业产品的工厂化生产,是一种发展趋势。

    Building materials industry products factory production , is a trend .

  8. 建材工业的当前形势和今后的主要任务

    The current situation and major tasks in future of building materials industry

  9. 新世纪建材工业发展趋势

    Development trend of the Chinese building materials industry that enter new century

  10. 甜味剂工业现状与发展我国建材工业的现状与发展

    Present status and development of building materials industry in China

  11. 墙体材料是我国建材工业的重要组成部分,其产值约占建材工业总产值的三分之一。

    Masonry materials is an important part of national building materials industry .

  12. 高科技时代建材工业的发展

    The Development of Building Materials Industry in High-tech Era

  13. 庐江县建材工业发展状况分析及政策建议

    Development Situation Analysis and Policy Proposals on Building Material Industry in Lujiang County

  14. 新型建材工业必须走“绿色”之路

    The new building materials industry must progress along a track of " green "

  15. 今年建材工业生产经营的工作重点

    The working focal point of production and management of building materials industry this year

  16. 建材工业投资的初步研究

    Primary study on investment in building material industry

  17. 建材工业氟污染控制技术

    Fluoride pollution control technology in building material industry

  18. 建材工业区域经济增长效率实证分析研究

    Efficiency Practical Analysis of Economic Growth of Region Bunding Materials Industry in Our Country

  19. 宏观调控对建材工业的影响

    Macro Control Affections on Building Materials Industry

  20. 北京市建材工业设计院

    Beijing Design Institute of Building Materials Industry

  21. 非差分法测算我国建材工业经济增长因素贡献率

    Using Non-difference Method to Measure Contribution Rate of Economic Growth Elements of Chinese Building Materials Industry

  22. 适应首都经济需求做强做大建材工业制造业

    Orientation capital economy the need does the strong doing the big building materials industry manufacturing industry

  23. 我们都知道,中国的建材工业面临着严峻的挑战。

    As we all know , China 's building materials industry is faced with severe challenges .

  24. 两项省级重要工程&江西建材工业基地和江西化工工业基地;

    Two provincial_ranking key projects & jiangxi building material industrial base and jiangxi chemical industrial base ;

  25. 金属矿山尾矿在建材工业中的应用现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospects for Developing and Producing Building Materials with Metallic Ore Tailings in China

  26. 内蒙古建材工业学校96级女生体质状况的跟踪研究

    The study of the Constitution Situation of the Grade 1996 Female Students of Inner Mongolia Polytechnic School

  27. 依托当地的石灰石资源,该县基本形成了以水泥工业为基础的建材工业体系。

    Depending on local limestone resources , it has formed building material industry system on the basis of cement industry .

  28. 石英砂是制造玻璃的重要原料,也是建材工业不可少的重要非金属矿产。

    Quartz sand is a major material for making glass and an indispensable nonmetal mineral product of building material industry .

  29. 根据国民经济及建材工业发展的规划,展望了我国建材机械科技研究的发展趋势,并指出其发展特点。

    The tendency of development and characteristics of the study is looked ahead according to the developing plan of our country .

  30. 为同时利用两种废渣、扩大粉煤灰在建材工业中的应用提供了一条新途径。

    Authors gived a new way of utilizing two industrial residues and enlarging the use of fly ash in building material industry .