
  • 网络Establishing accounts;Creation of account
建账 [jiàn zhàng]
  • [set up accounts] 设立账目

  1. 该系统实现天津通信向客户推出的各类业务的受理、核配设备资源、实施竣工、建账等一系列功能。

    It is a computer software processing system which conducts and supports the implement of various telecom-services provided by Tianjin Communications for customers .

  2. 对于不建账或账务不健全的个体业户,按照《税收征管法》规定,税务机关应当核定其销售额。

    In accordance with " Tax Collection and Management Law ", tax authorities should check the sales of those individual enterprises which do not set accounts and their account are not perfect .

  3. 随着我国财政管理体制的重大改革,现行的事业单位财务把事业经费收支与基建经费收支分别单独建账,分开核算,不符合综合预算的要求。

    With the groundbreaking reform about the system of financial management in China , the existing practice of separating construction account from internal affair account does not follow the comprehensive budget requirement .

  4. 税务机关对不能建账的个体工商户、小微型企业等纳税人的涉税事项一般采取的管理方式是定期定额征收管理。

    Tax authorities cannot prepare accounts of individual industrial and commercial households , small micro enterprises , and other general taxpayers ' tax matters management way is to norm management on a regular basis .

  5. 根据农业高校科研经费来源渠道多、数量大以及按项目单独建账核算等特点,针对目前科研经费管理中存在的主要问题,从更新观念、理顺关系、健全制度等方面提出了一些对策。

    According to the features of agricultural university 's scientific research funds and in the light of the main problems existing in the current management of scientific research funds , this paper puts forward some countermeasures .

  6. 在年度审计、财务档案管理、单独建账和不相容职务分人担任方面做得较好,不合格比例均低于10%。

    The financial management situation in the annual auditing , financial archives management , account setting independently , and incompatible duties with several people respectively were better , the unqualified number was less than 10 % . 3 .

  7. 本文结合《企业会计制度》的实施,针对企业股份制改组改制建账中遇到的一些实际问题,探讨了企业改制后建立新账的一些会计处理问题。

    This article combines implement of 《 enterprise accounting system 》, in accordance with some practical problem meeting in the establish account of enterprise share stock system reconstruct , discuss some accounting handle problem of establish new account after enterprise reconstruct .