
  • 网络net revenue
  1. 以净营收计,房利美今年的排名可能低至第94。

    Using net revenue , Fannie would have ranked a lowly No. 94 this year .

  2. 今年前9个月,CHS的净营收增长9.8%达到了102亿美元,预计它还会继续四处收购。

    CHS would continue to make acquisitions of hospitals here and there , with net revenue for the year climbing 9.8 % to $ 10.2 billion after the third quarter .

  3. 高盛、摩根大通、摩根士丹利(morganstanley)和其它银行上月报告,2009年员工薪酬总额占净营收的百分比有所下降。

    Goldman , JPMorgan , Morgan Stanley and others reported last month that total compensation as a percentage of net revenues fell in 2009 .

  4. 另一方面,中国互联网平台新浪(Sina,微博就是从该公司剥离出来的)第三季度的利润超出市场预期,不过净营收略低于市场预期,导致其股价在盘后交易中下跌2%。

    Meanwhile , Chinese internet platform Sina , from which Weibo was spun off , topped third-quarter earnings estimates but reported sales just shy of expectations , prompting shares to slip 2 per cent in after hours trading .

  5. 但据知情人透露,优步的营收是Lyft的10倍,优步今年预计净营收约为20亿美元。

    Yet Uber has revenues 10 times higher than Lyft 's , according to people familiar with the matter . It expects net revenues of about $ 2bn this year , they said .

  6. 净营收为1.96亿美元,较上年同期增长9%。

    Meanwhile , sales climbed nine per cent to $ 196m .

  7. 净营收同比增长58%,至8410万美元。

    Sales climbed 58 per cent to $ 84.1m .

  8. 有证据显示这一计划已初有成效,今年1月底至7月底,其净营收增长了约五分之一。

    There is evidence that the plan is bearing fruit ; net revenues rose by about a fifth between the end of January and the end of July .

  9. 高盛的高管在公开场合表示,该行奖金占净营收的比例一贯低于大多数同行。

    Executives at Goldman have argued publicly that the bank has consistently paid out a smaller portion of its net revenues than most , if not all , of its peers .

  10. 如果Facebook要给出这样的回报率,需要实现怎样的净利润和营收?

    What earnings and revenues does Facebook need to produce those 10 % returns ?

  11. 华尔街分析师曾预计,新浪第三季度净利润823万美元,净营收1.963亿美元。

    Analysts on Wall Street were looking for net income of $ 8.23m on sales of $ 196.3m .

  12. 华尔街分析师此前预计该公司净亏损802万美元,净营收8040万美元。

    Wall Street analysts were looking for a loss of $ 8.02m , on sales of $ 80.4m .