
  • 网络net profit margin;net profit rate;ROE;roa
  1. 过去的四十年中,把全球航空公司算在一起,平均的总净利润率只有极其微薄的0.1%。

    Averaged over the past four decades , the net profit margin of the world 's airlines , taken together , has been a measly 0.1 % .

  2. 财务报告显示,1季度净利润率12%,与上年同期持平,但低于前一季的16%。

    The financial report also showed its net profit margin at 12 % in the first quarter , flat with the year-ago figure but down from 16 % in the previous quarter .

  3. frontierstrategy估计,拉美平均净利润率为10.5%,占到总利润率的近三分之一。

    Frontier strategy estimates that the average net margin in Latin America is 10.5 per cent , or nearly a third of gross margins .

  4. 美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)指出,中国非金融企业今年的净利润率可能下滑至4%,低于去年的5%。

    Net margins at Chinese non-financial companies could fall to 4 per cent this year , down from 5 per cent last year , Bank of America notes .

  5. 鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(HonHaiPrecisionIndustry,简称:鸿海精密)的净利润率从2004年的5.5%降至2011年的2.4%。鸿海精密负责代工生产iPad。

    Net margins for Hon Hai Precision Industry , producer of the iPad , fell to 2.4 % in 2011 from 5.5 % in 2004 .

  6. 这家公司的利润随之大幅反弹,净利润率高达30%。

    Profits have bounced back in a big way , with net margins at about 30 % .

  7. 在巴西,净利润率为5.4%,占总利润率的近七分之一。

    In Brazil , net margins are 5.4 per cent , or nearly one-seventh of gross margin .

  8. 剔除银行和其他金融公司,净利润率预计将为8.4%,是2010年第一季度以来最低水平。

    Excluding banks and other financial companies , net profit margins is expected to come in at 8.4 % , the lowest since the first quarter of 2010 .

  9. 这家计算机服务外包公司预计,明年公司将能够稳住净利润率,但它警告称,未来还将面临汇兑压力。

    The computer services outsourcing company predicted it would be able to hold net margins steady in the coming year but cautioned there would be currency pressure going forward .

  10. 快速发展中的中国快餐市场尽管存在种种问题,净利润率却依然能够达到15%至20%。考虑到这一点,快餐业经营者无意在这个市场低头认输。

    With a rapidly growing market that still , for all its problems , generates net margins of 15-20 per cent , fast-food operators have little intention of throwing in the towel .

  11. 净利润率的紧缩,基金成本和收益差额的放大都强调出美国经济中一个大问题。

    The contraction in their net interest margin , the gap between their cost of funds and the rate at which they deploy them , underscores a larger problem in the American economy .

  12. 咨奔表示,由于赎回力度不大,除了新近成立和规模最小的资产管理公司,大多数资产管理公司去年仍实现了盈利,平均净利润率达34%。

    Other than the newest entrants and smallest players , most asset managers remained profitable last year , with an average net margin of 34 per cent , Z-Ben said , aided by modest redemptions .

  13. 据预测,全球航空产业税后利润额从2011年的79亿美元降至今年的30亿美元,净利润率仅为0.5%。

    The global industry 's after-tax profits are forecast to fall from $ 7.9 billion in 2011 to $ 3 billion this year ; that is just 0.5 % of revenue ( see chart ) .

  14. 他补充说,在尝试多年均告失利、净利润率接近于零的情况下,宏碁只能通过收购打入美国市场,原因在于一个事实,而正是这一事实拖累了该公司的整体业绩。

    He adds that the only way Acer could squeeze into the US market after years of failures with net margins close to zero , is a fact that has dragged down Acer 's overall performance .

  15. 他认为,随着中国持续修路建厂,狂热的建设活动将对产出产生完全可以预见的影响,同时伴随着所有各方净利润率的大幅下降。

    He figures that , as China keeps digging more roads and building more factories , the frenzied activity will have an entirely predictable effect on output , accompanied by a collapse in net margins for all parties .

  16. 最优资本结构与流动比率、非债务类税盾、净利润率及成长性负相关,与公司规模,有形资产占比,公司成熟度正相关,且存在年份与行业的差别。

    The optimal capital structure is negatively related to current ratio , non-debt tax shield , net profit ratio and growth , and positively related with the size of the company , the proportion of tangible assets , and the survival time .

  17. 电子商务能力维度为:电子商务战略能力、电子商务技术资源和电子商务管理能力;测量企业绩效的指标为:资金周转率、销售增长率、销售利润率、净利润率、交易成本和顾客满意度。

    E-business capability dimensions including : E-business strategic capability , E-business technology resources and E-business management ability ; the indexes of measuring firm performance including : Capital turnover , Sales growth , Sales profit margins , Net profit margins , Transaction costs and Customer satisfaction .

  18. 根据国家信息中心的数据,2004年连锁零售企业平均利润率仅为0.85%,连锁超市百强的净利润率为1.22%,而国外连锁超市平均利润率为2.22%。

    According to the data of State Information Center , in 2004 chain retail enterprises average profit margin was only 0.85 % and the top 100 chain stores net profit rate was 1.22 % . But foreign supermarket chains and the average profit margin was 2.22 % .

  19. 净利润增长率及变动趋势;

    Net profit growth rate and movement trend ;

  20. 第五,对于送转前,具有较高净利润增长率和净资产收益率的公司,表现出较弱的市场反应。

    Companies with high net profit growth ratio and ROE have low market reaction .

  21. 净利润增长率对国有控股上市公司投资规模有较显著的正影响。

    Net profit growth rate of state-owned investment holding company listed on a more significant positive impact .

  22. 净利润增长率和净资产收益率的高低与市场反应强度负相关的实证结果,突破了传统认识和既有的研究结论。

    Companies with high net profit growth ratio and ROE have low market reaction . The result breaks down of traditional knowledge and research findings .

  23. 回归分析表明,中小板企业的净利润增长率与净资产收益率显著正相关,与资产负债率显著负相关。结合实证分析的结果,对中小板块上市公司的进一步成长提出了一些建议。

    The analysis demonstrates that growth rate of gross profit would be relevant to profit rate of net asset and puts forward suggestions on growth of enterprises .

  24. 房地产业较高的行业利润率却并没有在股票市场上有相应的表现,房地产上市公司在净利润增长率等关键指标的表现要稍弱于同期市场平均水平。

    The real-estate industry profit rate is higher , but not has the corresponding performance in stock market . So , does earnings management behavior exist in the real-estate listed companies ?

  25. 据2008-2009年的统计数据显示,装备制造行业平均盈利水平很低,有些财务指标如销售增长率及净利润增长率是负值。

    Average profitability in this industry is quite low . And some indicators such as sales growth and net profit growth rate are negative , according to statistical data of 2008 and 2009 .

  26. 同时,由于它们的国际竞争对手出现了创纪录的亏损,这些银行也很快成为全球最赚钱的银行,平均净利润增长率远远高于50%。

    And as their international counterparts posted record losses , these banks soon became the most profitable in the world as well , buoyed by average net profit increases of well over 50 per cent .

  27. 最后的回归模型表明,制造业企业的违约率与以下4个变量密切相关:净资产利润率、速动比率、总资产对数值、营运资金比率。

    The final model indicates that the PD of manufacturing firms is significantly relative to the 4 measures : return on equity , liquid ratio , the log of the total assets , working capital to total assets .

  28. 米勒指出,虽然过去十年微软的净利润增长率达到稳定的11%,但目前该股估值只是1998年(即网络泡沫进入癫狂前的一年)的一半。

    Although Microsoft has steadily posted earnings growth of 11 % for the past decade , Miller noted , its stock trades at half its level in 1998 , a year before the dot-com bubble went truly mad .

  29. 中小企业目前的竞争程度较为激烈,大多数中小企业的净资产利润率低,利润的积累无法满足其快速发展的需求,从而使银行信贷资金成为中小企业经营资金的主要来源。

    The competition amongst SMEs is very fierce . Because the profit margin of SMEs ' net asset is low and their profit accumulation cannot meet the needs of its rapid development , bank credit funds become the main source of finance for SMEs in China .

  30. 而净资产营业利润率则是一种现实,反映的是企业短期投资价值。

    However , the ratio of operating profit to net assets is a reality which reflects the short-term investment value .