
jìnɡ fù zhài
  • Net liabilities;net indebtedness
  1. 政府净负债与国内生产总值(GDP)之比急剧膨胀至130%。

    Net government debt ballooned to more than 130 per cent of gross domestic product .

  2. 中国房企的净负债产权比率跨度很大,从中国海外发展(ChinaOverseasLand)的30%到恒大地产(EvergrandeRealEstate)的近120%不等。

    Net debt to equity ratios range from 30 per cent at China Overseas Land to nearly 120 per cent at Evergrande Real Estate .

  3. 实际债务下降了10%的,这大大减轻了该国的债务复旦,并且使净负债在GDP中占的比率下降了1.3个百分点。

    A10 % fall in the real now lightens its debt burden , lowering the ratio of net debt to GDP by1.3 percentage points .

  4. 或许也有必要建立净负债包括信用违约互换(cds)的“清算行”。

    Establishing a " clearing house " to net liabilities , including in credit default swaps , may also be necessary .

  5. 其结果是,据瑞信(CreditSuisse)表示,整个钢铁行业的净负债在过去十年飙升10倍,到今年约达500亿美元。

    Industry-wide net debt soared 10-fold over the last decade as a result , hitting roughly $ 50bn this year , according to Credit Suisse .

  6. 净负债与ebitda的比率为2.4,远低于规定的上限。

    Net debt to EBITDA , at 2.4 times , is well within covenant ceilings .

  7. 尤其是在危机前,由于财政负债累累(净负债占到GDP的40%左右)和运营赤字过高,英国无法获得必要的回旋余地。

    In particular , before the crisis , fiscal indebtedness net debt to GDP at about 40 per cent and running deficits were too high to give the country the room for manoeuvre it needed .

  8. 摩根大通表示,上市黄页公司净负债与ebitda之比今年平均将为5.7倍。

    Listed directories businesses will have an average of 5.7 times net debt to EBITDA this year , according to JPMorgan .

  9. 由于2007年末美国对外净负债仅为GDP的17%,实际上,它所有的债务都是另一家国内实体的资产,净和为零。

    Since US net liabilities to the rest of the world were only 17 per cent of GDP at the end of 2007 , virtually all of this debt is an asset of another domestic entity and would net out to zero .

  10. 一些领军企业的资产负债状况相当良好:路易酩轩和克里斯汀迪奥(ChristianDior)的净负债与有形资产之比在30%左右,而瑞士历峰集团(Richemont)则持有净现金。

    Some of its leaders have healthy balance sheets : LVMH and Christian Dior 's net debt to tangible assets sit at about 30 per cent , while Richemont has net cash .

  11. 这些公司的杠杆率很高,净负债与利息、税项、折旧和摊销前利润(ebitda)之比高达7倍。

    Companies were leveraged heavily , with as much as seven times net debt to earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation ( EBITDA ) .

  12. 其营运现金已连续三年实现增长,净负债为息税折旧及摊销前利润(ebitda)的1.6倍,处于可控水平。

    Cash from operations has been growing for three consecutive years , and net debt is a manageable 1.6 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation .

  13. 该行业现在无疑是财大气粗平均净负债仅为未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润(ebitda)的0.2倍,远低于1.1倍的历史平均水平但更多的并购行为,将是愚蠢地滥用资源。

    The sector is certainly flush average net debt is 0.2 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation , compared with a 1.1 times historic average but more M & A would be a daft use of resources .

  14. 部门净负债的数据便可以让我们理解这种挑战。

    The challenge can be understood from data on sectoral net lending .

  15. 与大多数竞争对手不同,赫斯特集团目前的净负债为零。

    Unlike most of its competitors , Hearst now has no net debt .

  16. 净负债在3个月内已减少一半。

    Net debt has halved in three months .

  17. 剔除银行救援方案,目前公共部门净负债占国内生产总值的40.4%;

    Excluding the banking bail-outs , public-sector net debt now stands at40.4 % of GDP ;

  18. 东航的股东权益已为负值,而上航的净负债对股东权益比率达到22倍。

    CE fell into negative shareholders ' equity , while SA 's net debt to equity hit 22 times .

  19. 存量是指母公司的资本,加上分支机购对母公司的净负债。

    Stock is the capital of a parent company and the net liabilities of its branches owing to it .

  20. 近期公布的净负债与股权比率为72%,而5年平均值为48%。

    Recently reported net debt to equity is 72 per cent compared with a five-year average of 48 per cent .

  21. 首先,美国金融行业自80年代中期以来有一半以上的净负债是欠外国债主的;

    First , more than half of the rise in net borrowing of the U.S.non-financial sectors since the mid-1980s has been financed by foreign lending .

  22. 它不会增加联邦的净负债,并且有助于减少家庭的利息负担,即使不会减少家庭的绝对债务负担。

    This would not add to the federal debt in net terms and would reduce the interest burden , if not the absolute debt burden , of households .

  23. 统一企业中国有净负债,但相对于其盈利数额不大,那些貌似热爱这只股票的投资者应该让公司有一些回旋余地。

    Uni-President has net debt , but it is fairly modest as a proportion of earnings and investors who love the stock as much as they appear to should allow it some leeway .

  24. 国泰向国航求助,会令人感到有些荒谬国泰净负债与股东权益之比约为100%,而国航约为250%。

    There would be something absurd about Cathay , a company with net debt to equity of about 100 per cent , tapping up Air China , where the ratio is about 250 per cent .

  25. 这些企业希望通过收购向海外扩张,由于其净负债水平仅相当于市值的9%,从理论上讲它们也许有2000亿至3000亿美元的火力。

    These companies want to expand overseas through acquisitions and with net debt equivalent to just 9 per cent of market capitalisation , they have , perhaps , $ 200bn - $ 300bn of notional firepower .

  26. 就算通过出售资产和配售新股筹集了190亿美元,到年底时,力拓仍可能是业内负债最多的企业,净负债与总资本的比率约为30%。

    Even after raising $ 19bn by selling assets and new shares , Rio will probably end this year as the most indebted of its peers , with net debt to total capital of about 30 per cent .

  27. 这就提出了很多新的会计课题,如:每股净收益、资产负债率的计量。

    It requires a lot of new questions , such as earning per share and debt / asset ratio .

  28. 而另一些控制指标如资产净利率、资产负债率等对审计意见类型也有一定的影响。

    And some other indicators such as asset-net interest ratio , Debt-to-assets ratio also have certain effect to the auditing opinions types .

  29. 研究发现:(1)是否享受税收优惠对主营业务利润率、资产净利率和资产负债率有显著影响;

    The research discovers that : ( 1 ) Whether enjoy the tax preference has the obvious influence to main camp service profit margin , property net profit rate and property ratio of debt .

  30. 同时,公司绩效指标净资产收益率与清洁审计意见正相关;净资产负债率与清洁审计意见负相关;资产规模对审计意见的影响不显著。

    Meanwhile , there is a positive correlation between return on equity and the clean audit opinion . Net assets debts ratio is negatively correlated with the clean audit opinions ; There is little significant impact of asset size on the audit opinion .