
  • 网络marketing tool
  1. 在爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)泄密事件后,苹果将隐私和加密视为强有力的营销工具。

    In the wake of the Edward Snowden leaks , Apple has seen privacy and encryption as powerful marketing tools .

  2. 营销工具进展得如何了?

    How is the development of the marketing tools coming along ?

  3. 不过,随着人物设计(personadesign)这一新型营销工具的出现,这种情况或许即将发生改变。

    This may be about to change , however , with the emergence of a new marketing tool : persona design .

  4. 通过营销工具和理论的应用得出了立足CDM相关市场的有选择的专门化市场策略。

    And get " bases on the CDM related market " strategy through the marketing tool and the theory application .

  5. 很多人写博客都没有想过要赚钱,更别说去想像利用twitter赚钱了。但作为当下最受宠的web2.0服务,它早已是一个极佳的网络营销工具。

    While microblogging and foremost Twitter is booming many people still oppose the service , that is , do not understand the use of it .

  6. 其他人则心存怀疑,指出了日本市场对于CD的热爱。在该国,CD仍然是唱片公司的主要收入来源,而且还是不可或缺的营销工具。

    Others have doubts , pointing to the Japanese market 's devotion to the CD , which remains a primary source of revenue for record labels in the country , and an indispensable promotional tool .

  7. 这种差别定价方法也成为动态定价,Yuill说这是一种很常见的营销工具,尤其是在旅游业中。

    This kind of price discrimination is also known as dynamic pricing . Mr. Yuill says it is a very common marketing tool , especially in the travel industry .

  8. 香味成了这个过程中最后一种微妙的营销工具。

    The fragrance is a final , subtle , marketing tool .

  9. 网络营销工具及其利用与管理研究

    Study on Cyber Marketing Tool and Their Utilization & Management

  10. 这样,音乐就会成为一种营销工具。

    The music , then , becomes a marketing tool .

  11. 如今包装做为一个营销工具也具有非凡的意义。

    Today packaging also has significance as a marketing tool .

  12. 越来越多的公司正在把快闪店当成提升品牌认知度的一个营销工具。

    More companies are using pop-ups as a marketing tool for brand extension .

  13. 但这种说法低估了它作为一种营销工具的强大影响力。

    But that understates the app 's powerful influence as a marketing tool .

  14. 你自己的虚拟办公室和营销工具。

    Your own virtual office and marketing tools .

  15. 在线视频的威力将成为一个重要的市场营销工具。

    The power of online video is going to become a very important marketing tool .

  16. 公司的社会责任:也是一种特殊的营销工具&拜耳的可持续发展管理战略的实施,为公司提供了创建价值和成功之路的方法

    Corporate Responsibility - A special Marketing Tool

  17. 设计作为中小企业的主要营销工具&设计管理为商业创造价值

    Design as Major Tool of Marketing in SME : Design Management Executes Value Creation in Business

  18. 商务卡是另一种基本的营销工具,并为私人执业的人是至关重要的。

    Business cards are another basic marketing tool and an essential for anyone in private practice .

  19. 那么,该如何设计自己的名片才能使之成为成功的营销工具呢?

    How can jobless older applicants and young graduates devise cards that are successful marketing tools ?

  20. 可以说产品代言人是市场经济条件下不可或缺的市场营销工具。

    Products can be said to advocate a market economy under the conditions of essential marketing tool .

  21. 同一种网络营销工具也可能适用于多个网络营销职能;

    The same kind of cyber-marketing tool may be suitable for a lot of cyber marketing functions too .

  22. 这里需特别关注的是它如何运用营销工具来提高收入和减少支出的。

    More weight is given to how it used marketing tools to improve its revenue at least cost .

  23. 哪些营销工具是来年可以提供给销售,推动购买周期的潜在客户购买的。

    What tools can marketing provide for them next year to help move prospects through their buy cycle ?

  24. 第一部分介绍微博作为媒体营销工具的可能性,包括第二、三、四章。

    The first part studies the possibility of microblog as a marketing tool for media , including chapter 2,3,4 .

  25. 网络营销工具在营销活动的不同阶段可以发挥其不同的营销功能。

    In different stages of marketing activity , the cyber-marketing tool can play different role in different marketing functions .

  26. 服务承诺是一种帮助企业抓住市场机遇、建立竞争优势的有效营销工具。

    Service guarantee is seen as an effective marketing tool for companies to establish competitive advantages and increase market share .

  27. 这些代理人常常依赖于社交媒体这样的口碑营销工具,来扩大公司知名度和并宣传该公司的各种营销活动。

    These representatives often rely on word-of-mouth tools like social media to publicize the company and any promotional events they host .

  28. 前述数据库乃是为所有金色郁金香连锁集团酒店的共同利益而开发的营销工具。

    Such Data Warehouse is a marketing tool developed for the common benefit of all the hotels of the Golden Tulip Chain .

  29. 它也可以用来作为硬件厂商的营销工具,或只是比较同事或朋友之间的硬件。

    It can also be used as a marketing tool for hardware vendors or simply to compare hardware among colleagues or friends .

  30. 电视化妆品广告不仅仅是商家的营销工具,而且对大众文化和社会风气有着深刻的影响。

    TV advertising is not only the cosmetics business marketing tool , but also have a profound impact on popular culture and social climate .