
  • 网络Price combination;price mix
  1. 通过logit品牌选择概率模型与效用函数的结合,定义了不同价格组合下旅客的选择概率。

    Through the combination of the Logit model and Utility Function , the choice probability of passengers in different price combinations is described .

  2. 基于最优加权法的煤炭市场价格组合预测模型

    Combined coal price forecasting models based on optimal weighting

  3. 生产者应根据不同的市场状况适时调整产品价格组合,引导消费者的选择,满足市场需要。

    Producers should adjust the product-cost association and guide consumers ' choice according to different market situation .

  4. 在任意的资本和劳动力价格组合下,持有银行股权的企业会更多的使用资本进行生产,偏好资本密集型的生产方式。

    Under any combination of the capital and the labor . Enterprises with bank equity connection will use more capital for the production , and preference capital intensive production mode .

  5. 房地产定价的目标是根据价格组合的总和,设定可以实现预期利润率的价格水平,预期利润率不与价格上涨成正比。

    The aim of real estate price_setting is , on the basis of the sum total of price combination , to fix a price level at which the anticipated profits can be assured so that the anticipated profits and the price increase are not in direct proportion .

  6. 我国股票价格的组合预测

    The Application and Some Discussion of Combination Forecast about Chinese Stock Market

  7. 通过模拟算例的检验,得出结论:运用多属性组合拍卖模型对不良资产进行处置比用单纯关注价格的组合拍卖模型进行处置获得的效用更高。

    We can make a conclusion through simulation examples of the test that multi-attribute combinatorial auction model can obtain a higher utility than combinatorial auction model that only concern about price .

  8. 投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。

    Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price

  9. 价格是营销组合的最积极的因素。

    The price is the marketing combination most positive factor .

  10. 基于当前价格的证券组合比例的选择及其风险

    A selection of the portfolio ratio based on present price and its risk

  11. 用于电力远期价格预测的组合灰色神经网络方法

    The Composite Grey Neural Network Method Used for the Forecast of Power Forward Prices

  12. 准备并审核新梯订单台量、价格、产品组合及库存订单分析。

    Review and prepare NE orders units , price , mixture , margin , and backlog analysis .

  13. 这对不同生产商的影响是不一样的,影响的大小取决于运费率和合同价格的精确组合。

    The impact on the individual producers will differ depending on the exact combination of freight rates and contract prices .

  14. 在定价策略上,注重价格与市场组合相一致,根据不同的市场,进行差异化定价策略。

    Second , in pricing strategy , price should be determined by various markets , and in accordance with market mix .

  15. 两部分价格的不同组合,构成了高等教育服务价格的三种不同类型,即国家全额支付型、个人全额支付型和国家与个人共同分担型。

    These two parts constitute three different kinds of higher education price , that is , government-paid , individual-paid and their combination .

  16. 这些定价政策被认为是最高利益获取价与价格渗透的组合,定价方法被视为需求导向。

    These pricing policies are considered to be the combination of price skimming and penetrating , while the pricing method is considered to be demand-oriented .

  17. 引资谈判涉及当事各方的商务安排与利益调整,主要包括认股价格、投资组合、业务合作、董事席位及公司章程修改等内容。

    Capital introduction involves the business arrangement and interest adjustment of various parties concerned , mainly including share subscribing price , investment portfolio , business cooperation , directorate seats and revision of the corporate constitutions .

  18. 但是,对于网络企业而言,价格是营销组合中唯一可以为企业带来直接利润的手段,因而企业千方百计想要提高价格,获取更多的利润。

    However , as to network enterprise , the price is the only means that the marketing mix can bring the direct profit to enterprises , therefore managers try their best to raise prices and obtain more profits .

  19. 按照已知的产能扩张计划,铁矿石供应的紧张形势可能在2008年结束。这对不同生产商的影响是不一样的,影响的大小取决于运费率和合同价格的精确组合。

    Based on what is known about capacity expansion plans , it is possible that the tight supply situation for iron ore will come to an end in 2008.The impact on the individual producers will differ depending on the exact combination of freight rates and contract prices .

  20. 水产品收购价格预测的时序组合模型研究

    A Time Series Decomposed Model for Forecasting Farmer Price of Aquatic Products

  21. 人们通常认为价值是价格与质量的组合。

    Often ' value ' is thought of as a composite of cost and quality .

  22. 资产配置可以帮助基金经理降低资产价格波动对投资组合的负面影响,通过适应不同类型基金投资者的风险偏好来实现其长期投资目标。

    It helps fund managers to reduce negative effects from asset price volatility and reach their investment objective .

  23. 价格促销作为营销组合的重要组成部分,也是企业应用广泛的营销手段之一。

    As an important part of the marketing mix , Price promotion also is one of the extensive used marketing means .

  24. 城市地价是与城市土地的各项使用价值相对应的价格因数的有机组合。

    The city land price is combined with the price factor corresponding to the values for using of the city land .

  25. 但由于它们通常不会以低于买入价的价格出售这些坏账组合,因此,投资者的盈利空间并不大。

    But as they generally cannot sell these portfolios for less than they bought them for , it does not leave much room for investors to make a profit .

  26. 同时针对目标市场的现实需求和潜在需求,提出了攀钢的市场、产品、价格等市场营销组合策略。

    Meanwhile , the paper suggests the marketing-mix strategies which contain market , products , price , and so on , to meet the demands of present and latent target markets .

  27. 2006年国际金融市场经济走势、货币政策、市场价格和投资投机组合等方面,都发生了明显的变化。

    In 2006 , greater and obvious changes have taken place in such respects as economic trend of international financial market , monetary policy , market prices , investment and speculation portfolio , etc .

  28. 价格是市场营销组合的重要因素,铁路货物运价制度运用得当与否直接关系着吸引运量的多少和铁路运输企业利润的高低,并影响着运输市场营销组合的其它因素。

    Price is important factor of marketing combination . How to apply the price system of railway freight transport directly decides the attracted transport volume and the profit of the railway transport enterprise , also affects other factors of marketing combination .

  29. 算例结果证明了电力期权的参与可以有效地降低购电组合的风险,并且期权价格和敲定价格对购电组合也有比较明显的影响。

    A numerical example has demonstrated that electrical options can reduce risks of portfolio effectively , and the price and strike price of options have obvious effects on the portfolio , too .

  30. 本文对当前价格的证券投资问题进行研究,得到基于当前价格的证券投资组合比例及其相应的风险.并说明Markowitz的证券投资组合比例仅是这一问题的一个特殊情况。

    In this paper , by studying the portfolio investment problem based on the present price , we got the portfolio ratio and its risk based on the present price . And we can show that Markowitz 's portfolio ratio is only a special case .