
  • 网络Price Marketing
  1. 通过进一步的对WX公司竞争战略的分析和对目标市场的明确选择,具体而详细地从产品营销策略、价格营销策略等四个方面阐述了WX公司伺服系统营销策略的制定。

    Through further analysis of the WX company competitive strategy and a clear choice of the target market , the specific detail from four aspects of product marketing strategy , price marketing strategies described the formulation of marketing strategy of the WX company servo system .

  2. 价格营销的系统思考

    SYSTEM The Systematic Thinking on Price Marketing

  3. 地点、产品、推销和价格营销中的4个P必须是一个有机的整体,并且互相协调,以使综合营销取得最效益。

    Place , product , promotion , and Price-the4 Ps of marketing-must be integrated and coordinated in order to bring about the most effective marketing mix .

  4. 采取政府营销、事件营销、媒体营销、价格营销等方式;四是培养旅游人才。

    Adopt government marketing , event marketing , medium marketing , price marketing etc. Fourthly : cultivating tourist talents .

  5. 本文提出了价格营销存在的困难,并对价格营销进行了系统分析,以及提出了相关的应对措施。

    In this paper I explain the difficulty that price marketing exists , and analysis the price marketing systematically , and put forward the relevant counter-measure .

  6. 从品牌营销的定义入手,通过广告营销、价格营销的对比阐述了品牌营销的特点,并对IT企业内品牌营销特点进行了分析。

    According to the definition and the contrast of advertisement and price marketing , discussion is made on the characteristics of trademark marketing and analyzed IT industries .

  7. 价格是营销组合的最积极的因素。

    The price is the marketing combination most positive factor .

  8. 经过十几年的市场洗礼,国内白酒业的竞争已经从低层次的价格、营销之争,过渡到品牌、文化之争。

    After more than 10 years of baptism , domestic liquor industry has been competition from low-level prices , marketing struggles and the transition to brands , cultural rivalries .

  9. 且营销一般管理、产品、品牌、产业营销、网络营销等主题呈上升趋势,价格、营销渠道等主题研究呈下降趋势。

    In which , research on the subject of general management , products , brands , industrial marketing , network marketing has the trends of rise , and adverse on the subject of prices and marketing channels .

  10. 但是,对于网络企业而言,价格是营销组合中唯一可以为企业带来直接利润的手段,因而企业千方百计想要提高价格,获取更多的利润。

    However , as to network enterprise , the price is the only means that the marketing mix can bring the direct profit to enterprises , therefore managers try their best to raise prices and obtain more profits .

  11. 价格作为市场营销4Ps组合的要素之一,对企业的营销策略的实施起着重要的影响作用。

    Price , as one of the key elements of the marketing 4Ps , plays essential influence on the implementation of the marketing strategy of enterprises .

  12. 信息商品的价格分析与营销探讨

    Discussion on the Price Analysis of Information Commodity and Marketing

  13. 应对价格战实施营销管理升级策略

    Implementation of The Upgrading of Marketing Mana-gement to Deal with Price War

  14. 价格促销作为营销组合的重要组成部分,也是企业应用广泛的营销手段之一。

    As an important part of the marketing mix , Price promotion also is one of the extensive used marketing means .

  15. 然后对中华轿车的产品策略,价格策略,营销渠道策略,促销策略,售后服务策略进行了深入细致的分析。

    Then , it analyse the tactics of products , price , marketing channel , sales promotion and service after sale .

  16. 第五章在总结前文分析的基础上提出了爱喜·嘉年华项目的营销策略,其中主要包括产品策略、价格策略、营销渠道策略和促销策略等;第六章总结了本文研究的主要结论。

    Chapter 5 demonstrates a series of marketing tactics and strategies of product , price , place , and promotion for Esse · Carnivale .

  17. 当今的市场竞争已经不仅仅是价格战、营销战,专利战也愈演愈烈。

    Competition in the market today has just been more than a price war or a marketing war , the patent war is also intensifying .

  18. 同时针对目标市场的现实需求和潜在需求,提出了攀钢的市场、产品、价格等市场营销组合策略。

    Meanwhile , the paper suggests the marketing-mix strategies which contain market , products , price , and so on , to meet the demands of present and latent target markets .

  19. 深入分析了产生营销过度的原因,并针对这些原因提出了注意需求量变化、降低单位营销活动价格、关注营销准入成本变化等防范营销过度的几点对策。

    Analyzes in depth the causes of over-marketing and proposes some measures to take against it , such as focusing on the change in demand , cutting down the marketing cost and caring about the cost for admission to market .

  20. 08年金融危机全面爆发后,行业中众多公司采取价格战等营销策略应对危机,s公司却因为坚持其差异化营销策略轻松地战胜了危机。

    A lot of companies in the industry were taken price war to deal with the crisis when the 2008 financial crisis broken out , but S company easily overcome the crisis because the company maintained its differentiated marketing strategy .

  21. 随着江苏IT市场竞争的加剧,为了获得持久的竞争优势,各IT厂商纷纷把竞争的重点从产品、价格转移到营销渠道上,营销渠道的作用日益凸显。

    With competition intensifying , many IT manufacturers lay emphases on market channels instead of product and price as usual in order to obtain constant competition advantage . The functions of market channels get more and more important to IT manufacturers .

  22. 价格是市场营销组合的重要因素,铁路货物运价制度运用得当与否直接关系着吸引运量的多少和铁路运输企业利润的高低,并影响着运输市场营销组合的其它因素。

    Price is important factor of marketing combination . How to apply the price system of railway freight transport directly decides the attracted transport volume and the profit of the railway transport enterprise , also affects other factors of marketing combination .

  23. 本文研究中华轿车市场营销战略,围绕中华轿车的竞争战略为中心,具体探讨了中华轿车的产品策略,价格策略,营销渠道策略,促销策略以及售后服务策略等方面的问题。

    This paper researches the marketing strategy of Zhonghua car and analyse the key problems such as products , price , marketing channel , sales promotion and service after sale . It makes the competition strategy of Zhonghua car as the center topic .

  24. A公司属于典型的家电制造企业,近年来面临原材料价格上涨,营销渠道扁平化,价格战愈演愈烈,市场变化异常复杂,客户需求多样化的环境。

    The company of A belongs to the typical appliance manufacture enterprise , facing the raw material price soar in recent years , the marketing outlet is even turning flat , the price war plays more and more strong , the market variety complicacy abnormality , customer need diversification environment .

  25. 第二部分,根据市场回应,对CM公司现行的网络营销策略进行了分析评价,引出了调整以价格为主的网络营销策略的必要性;

    In the second part , analyse and evaluate the existing E-marketing strategy of CM Corporation according to the feedback of the market , raise the E-marketing strategy which focuses on price adjusting .

  26. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  27. 价格策略是市场营销策略里的核心策略之一。

    Price strategy is one of the key strategy in Marketing .

  28. 价格战作为企业营销的策略之一,体现了企业为实现自己的营销目标而实行的定价艺术和技巧。

    Price battle is a marketing strategy , which is also the pricing art and skill for the aim of the corporation .

  29. 结合市场需求开发出石化行业所未涉及的产品领域,获取竞争优势;此外,还应选择灵活的价格策略,拓展营销渠道,提高顾客对武钢焦化品牌的忠诚度。

    Moreover , WISCO coking company should chose flexible price strategy to develop promotion channel and improve the brand loyalty of our clients .

  30. 在我国,企业普遍采用价格策略进行市场营销,价格大战愈演愈烈。

    In our country , enterprises generally adopt the price strategy to carry on the marketing , and the price war grows in intensity .