
  • 网络Value Capture;value appropriation
  1. 从顾客终身价值获取看网络经济时代营销内核问题

    The Marketing Core by Total Customer Value Achieving in the Internet Economy Area

  2. 公允价值获取的现值法研究

    On Fair Value Obtained Through Present Value

  3. 研究了产业集群升级机制,如升级动力机制、价值获取机制和升级路径等。

    Upgrading of industrial clusters mechanisms , such as upgrading dynamic mechanism and value access mechanisms .

  4. 积极的促进价值获取。

    Actively enabling access to value .

  5. 我国品牌竞争力的提升需要转变战略思维,以创造优异的顾客价值获取品牌竞争优势。

    To improve our brand competitiveness , we need to transform our strategic thinking and obtain brand competitiveness advantage by creating superior value for customer .

  6. 本文对于每一种操作符的成本和价值获取进行了分析。并建立了物流企业组织架构调整的价值地形图。

    The dissertation analyzes the cost of each operator and its value gaining and establishes the value topographic maps of a logistics enterprise organization adjustment .

  7. 通过MBO后管理层的努力-可将潜在管理效率释放出来,提高公司市场价值,获取更多利润。

    Through MBO , the potential efficiency of manager can be released , the market value can be improved and more excess profit can be obtained .

  8. 会计信息质量在很大程度上取决于会计信息的确认方法和程序,因此本章就公允价值的获取进行探究。

    Quality of accounting information depends on the recognition method and procedures .

  9. 智力资本的本质是其能够创造和提取价值并获取竞争优势的能力。

    The nature of intellectual capital is the ability to create and extract value and gain competitive advantages .

  10. 商业银行的盈利模式是银行实现利润、创造价值、获取自身核心竞争力的方式和途径。

    The profit model of the commercial banks is a way to gain profits , create value , and enhance competitiveness .

  11. 商业模式是企业运用内外部要素、资源和能力,创造价值和获取利润的逻辑与方法。

    The business model is a method which can help enterprises to use internal and external factors , resources and capabilities to create value and profits .

  12. 探索邮政服务柔性能力问题,有助于提高企业应对外部环境变化的能力,创造顾客价值,获取竞争优势。

    Explore the issue of postal service flexible capacity could help enterprises improve responsiveness to external environmental changes , to create customer value as well as competitive advantage .

  13. 经营模式的转变及传统竞争策略的痼疾,使我国房地产业需要采取基于顾客价值管理获取竞争优势的新型竞争战略。

    The change of management modal and the vice of old competitive strategy make real estate companies adopt new competitive strategy based on customers value to gain competitive advantage .

  14. 本文重点阐述二十一世纪教师社会化的重要意义,二十一世纪教师社会化的具体要求包括内化教师职业价值,获取教师职业手段,认同教师职业规范,形成教师职业性格。

    This article sets forth the significance of the teachers ' socialization in the 21st century . The requirements include : comprehend the teachers ' professional value ; gain the teachers ' professional methods ;

  15. 超额剩余价值的获取成为企业竞争的焦点,劳动价值理论与我国现阶段多元利益分配格局的矛盾越来越尖锐。

    The gain of " excess surplus values " becomes the focus of the enterprise competition , and the labor theory of value has sharply contradicted the diverse structure of benefit distribution in the current phase in China .

  16. 其次,分析了存在真实交易的资产或负债的初始计量和不存在真实交易的后续计量两种情况下公允价值的获取途径。

    Then , the chapter analyzes access channels of fair value , including two cases : First , there is a real trading assets or liabilities of the initial measurement , and second , there is follow-up measurement without real transaction .

  17. 而价值的获取往往通过具体的商业模式来实现,所以现在企业间的竞争不仅仅是产品、营销、服务和资源的竞争,更是商业模式的竞争。

    The access of value achieving often needs a specific business model . So now , the competition among enterprises is not only competition in the product , marketing , services and resources , but also the competition in the business model .

  18. 结论在妊娠中期爱与归属的需要是支配IVF-ET孕妇行为的优势需要,她们渴望在家庭中更好地实现自我价值,希望获取孕期安全保健知识,以满足其安全的需要。

    Conclusion During the second trimester of pregnancy , the high-priority needs of IVF-ET pregnant women were love and sense of belonging needs . They desire to realize their values in the family and hope to get knowledge in health care and safety during pregnancy .

  19. 我们认为,客户价值和客户获取是客户关系管理中最重要的内容。

    We believe that customer value and customer acquisition are the most important content of customer relationship management .

  20. 当前,用户的信息需求由一般性的对于信息资源的完全占有转向了对于信息资源中有价值信息的获取。

    The information requirements of users are transited from the complete ownership of information resource to acquiring the valuable information .

  21. 创造顾客价值是企业获取成功的关键所在,企业只有努力为顾客创造一流的价值,才能在竞争激烈的市场中生存、获取较高的利润。

    Customer value creation is the key to success . Enterprises only strive to create a first-class values for customer can survive in the extremely competitive market and obtain higher profits .

  22. 而业务价值则应获取自让这些事件成为一种业务过程可使用的形式并将它们与企业内的其他业务数据元素相集成。

    The business value , though , is derived from getting those events into a business process consumable form and integrating them with the other business data elements within the enterprise .

  23. 目的评价三维超声第三平面成像方法对小脑蚓部发育的监测价值,同时获取胎儿各孕周小脑蚓部发育的正常参考值。

    Objective To evaluate the third plane image of three-dimensional sonography ( 3D US ) for determining the normal appearance of the fetal cerebellar vermis and to establish a normal growth chart .

  24. 相信本文对于我国水产品加工企业有效参与国际分工、提升竞争力、在价值链中获取更高额利润具有很强现实意义。

    I believe it has very strong practical significance to Chinese aquatic products processing enterprises to effectively participate in international division of labor , to develop the competitiveness and to obtain more profits in the value chain .

  25. 随着人力资源管理和人文化管理的发展,员工满意度管理在企业管理中成为一个关键要素,也成为企业从服务价值链中获取长效收益的重要决定因素。

    With the development of the HR and humanistic management , the degree of employee satisfaction has become the key determinant factor for making profits in the Service Profit Chain study . And it has become one of the big concerns in the management field .

  26. 大多数捐赠者感到欣慰的是,其收藏品有足够的历史价值,存放想要获取资讯首位。

    Most donors are gratified that their collections are of sufficient historical value that a repository wants to acquire it in the first place .

  27. 事实证明,只有能够切实增进价值的银行才能获取可持续发展的潜力,决定银行价值的主要因素是增长、回报和风险。

    It has been proved that the bank can obtain great potential development by its added value whose key factors are increase , reward and insurance .

  28. 施工企业成本管理是企业在追求企业价值最大化,获取更大经济效益的经营过程中,在控制成本和降低成本方面所采取的重要手段。

    The cost management of construction enterprises is important means of controlling and reducing cost when enterprises in pursuit of maximizing value and greater economic benefits .

  29. 技术创新能力提升有助于企业实现技术升级,加速转型,从而逐步远离价值链低端,获取可持续的竞争优势。

    Leveraging of technological innovation capability is conducive to the achievement of enterprises ' technology upgrading and transition , and it makes manufacturing SMEs gradually leave the low-end value chain and obtain competitive advantage .

  30. 一旦某个公司确定了如何创造价值,交付价值并获取价值回报的基本规则,这些规则就会变得根深蒂固,由各职能部门予以强化,并通过巩固公司文化加以维系。

    Once the basic rules for how a company creates , delivers , and captures value were established , they became etched in stone , fortified by functional silos and sustained by reinforcing company cultures .