
  • 网络value marketing
  1. 只有进入社会价值营销观念阶段,才能实现社会价值最大化。

    Only at the social value marketing stage can social value maximizing be realized .

  2. 概论市场营销新观念:社会价值营销

    New Marketing Concept : Social Value Marketing

  3. 价值营销的精粹是:让消费者获得令他满意的价值。

    The cream of value dealing is to let the consumer get his satisfactory value .

  4. 以读者为中心的图书馆价值营销

    Value Marketing in the Reader-Centered Library

  5. 基于功能价值营销理念的旅行社合作营销模式探讨

    To Study on Cooperate Marketing Form of Travel Agency Based on Idea of the Function Value Marketing

  6. 基于这一背景,对乡村旅游体验价值营销策略进行了研究。

    Against this background , the experience of the value of rural tourism marketing strategy is studied .

  7. 同时,本文通过对典型案例的剖析,论证了在财产保险业实施价值营销模式的可行性,并对推广该模式可能存在的问题提供了相关对策。

    Meanwhile a real case is introduced to prove the feasibility and solutions are given for the problems during its popularization .

  8. 本文运用文献综述与理论分析、理论结合实际以及案例分析的研究指出,在财产保险业实施价值营销模式是摆脱当前财产保险业发展困境的一条可行途径。

    With the theory analysis combined with case study the implementation of value marketing mode is proved to be feasible to take the property insurance out of dilemma .

  9. 文章以华为公司作为案例研究对象,总结提炼出大客户价值营销的三步曲:价值识别,价值选择,价值提供。

    Taking Huawei Corporation as the case research object , this paper summarizes the trilogy of key account value marketing : value recognition , value choice and value providing .

  10. 文章以价值营销理论和流程再造理论为指导,首先,分析了高校图书馆价值营销和价值营销流程再造的基本概念;

    According to value marketing theory and Business Process Reengineering theory , In the paper , firstly we analyze the basic conception of the university library value marketing and Business Process Reengineering ;

  11. 价值营销理论是市场营销学的继承与发展,强调关注消费者价值构成、成本构成,深入理解消费者价值让渡系统。

    The theory of value marketing inherits and develops the theory of marketing , and pays attention to value formation and cost formation of consumers , and then goes deep into the system of value transfer of consumers .

  12. 本文首先采取比较研究的方法对远大公司传统的营销策略进行了分析,用规范研究和案例研究方法对远大空调公司的价值营销策略全面进行解读则是本文的重点。

    The traditional marketing tactics that this paper takes the method to relatively study to Broad Air Conditioning have been analyzed , with standardize research and case research approach which is the key point to unscramble Broad Air Conditioning value marketing tactics .

  13. 服装消费市场中的顾客感知价值及营销策略

    Customer Perceived Value and Marketing Strategy in the Apparel Consumption Market

  14. 基于客户价值的营销渠道维护及拓展

    Maintain and Expand Marketing Channel Based on Customer Value

  15. 城市价值的营销学思考

    Thinking about Marketing of City Values

  16. 最后对公司基于顾客价值的营销战略进行了分析、总结。

    Finally , the paper analyzes and summaries the marketing strategy based on the customers ' value .

  17. 第六部分,福特科光电公司基于顾客价值的营销能力模型的构建部分。

    The sixth part is construction of marketing competency model which is based on the customer value .

  18. 在上述基础上,提出了医药市场的十大营销趋势,同时,结合我国医药市场的实际情况,对非处方药、处方药、原料药的市场营销提出了有指导借鉴价值的营销策略。

    On the base of the above , we raise the ten Marketing tendency of the medicine market .

  19. 以获取关键顾客价值和营销竞争力为基础分析战略营销管理框架对于企业应对复杂的竞争环境具有深远的影响。

    The influence of strategic marketing management framework obtaining key customer 's value and marketing competitiveness as foundation is far-reaching for the enterprise itself .

  20. 在竞争激烈的现代市场中,服务逐渐成为最能创造价值的营销利器,日益成为市场营销的核心。

    In the modern market with keen competition , the service gradually becomes the core of marketing and the marketing weapon that can create most values .

  21. 网络购物市场迅猛发展,网络已经成为一个非常有价值的营销渠道,被誉为历史上最振奋人心的营销创新模式。

    The network shopping market developed rapidly , and the network has become a very valuable marketing channel , known as " the most exciting marketing innovation mode in the history " .

  22. 在分析检验的基础上,结合文献回顾和归纳,得到本次研究的结论,进而对文章研究的问题,进行了实证的诠释,并依此结论,提出了针对性和有价值的营销管理启示。

    Based on the analysis of the test , combining with literature review and induction and get the conclusions . And according to this conclusion , put forward the pertinence and valuable marketing management .

  23. 第三部分从提升营销理念、客户市场细分、实施整合营销、运用客户关系管理四个方面提出了强化机构客户营销、提升机构客户价值的营销策略和客户管理策略。

    The third part proposes the marketing strategy and customer management strategy to intensify institutional customer marketing so as to raise their value from aspects including promoting marketing mentality , subdividing customer market , implementing integrated marketing and customer relation management .

  24. 人们发现满意和价值是营销品牌忠诚的重要因素,但有时顾客满意不一定导致顾客忠诚,由此,营销领域开始探讨其他影响品牌忠诚的因素。

    People find satisfaction and value is an important influence factor of brand loyalty , but sometimes customer satisfaction does not necessarily lead to customer loyalty and , thus , the marketing scholar began to explore other factors that affect brand loyalty .

  25. 最后在前面分析和论述基础上,从管理软件开发的技术经济角度出发,分析通用和定制方向策略;然后从价值链营销、系统营销和电子商务几个方面讨论了营销策略。

    After that , from the angel of technology economy , make analysis on general and customization and then undertake research into marketing strategy on value chains , project and E commerce , which could offer a favorable guidance to management software enterprise .

  26. 基于CRM提升客户价值的个性化营销策略

    Individuation Marketing Strategy of Promoting Customer 's Value Based-on CRM

  27. 在分析基于顾客感知价值的整合营销传播系统的复杂适应性基础上,构建多Agent模型,对单要素传播、多要素传播以及系统的优化进行计算机仿真,结果运行良好,支持了前文的研究结论。

    By an analysis of complex adaptive of IMC system based on CPV , this dissertation establishes multi-agent model and simulate the interaction of one-factor and multi-factor communication and the optimization of system . The outcome proves the conclusion of this dissertation .

  28. 论顾客价值导向的营销文化塑造

    Discussion on Creating Marketing Culture of Taking Consumer Value as Guide

  29. 根据解决方案价值制定内部营销的高级管理人员分配方案

    Develop executive elevator pitch for internal marketing on solution value

  30. 最后提出基于顾客价值的服务营销组合策略。

    Finally proposes based on the customer value service marketing combination strategy .