
  1. (服务的业务价值–维护成本)/替换成本

    ( Business Value from the service – Maintenance Cost ) / Cost of Replacement

  2. 占有效力的主要价值在于维护社会秩序,保障交易高效安全的进行。

    The main value lies in possession effect maintain social order , guarantee the security trading efficiency .

  3. 而法律正是以其明显的工具意义和强烈的价值期待维护和塑造革命所改造的社会关系。

    And just by its apparent legal meaning and strong value tool maintenance and shaping revolution expect renovation of the social relations .

  4. 智慧的生态系统内存着一个奇妙的自平衡机制,这个自平衡机制恰似一个平衡万物价值、维护和谐的剃刀。

    There is a strange self-balance mechanism in ecosystem , which is like a piece of harmonious razor , also named as balance razor .

  5. 正统马克思主义强调某些观点结论的意义和价值,维护原始文本思想精神。

    Orthodox Marxism emphasizes the significance and value of the conclusion in some points , maintaining the spirits of the original thought for the text .

  6. 对物权公示制度的历史发展予以考察,物权公示的价值在于维护交易安全。

    This paper examines the historical development of the principle of Public Summons of Real Right . The value of this principle is to maintain the transaction security .

  7. 现代行政法的功能与价值在于维护公共利益的同时,保障公民、法人及其他组织的合法权益。

    The function and the merit of modern administrative law lie not only on safeguarding the public interest , but also on safeguarding the legal interest of individual party .

  8. 同时国家建立辩护制度其核心价值在于维护被指控人的辩护权,以权利制约权力、以权利维护权利。

    Established the national defense system the core value is to maintain the defense right of the accused , restrict power with the right , to safeguard the rights of rights .

  9. 农村本身兼具生态美学、文化、景观价值及维护生态平衡等机能,并拥有好的视觉品质、清新的空气、干净的水、独特的文化资源及丰富的游憩资源。

    Rural area is a complex of ecosystem , culture and landscape . It can maintain ecological functions balanced , and bring good vision quality , fresh air , clean water and unique culture resources , and recreation resources .

  10. 占有的基本价值在于维护社会秩序以及维护原权利人的权利,不管是善意占有或者恶意占有都应当给予保护这样才能充分的体现占有的价值。

    Fundamental value of the Possession lies in maintaining social order and safeguarding the rights of the original rights holders , whether bona fide or malicious possession should be protected , so as to fully reflect the value of possession .

  11. 经济全球化对社会主义国家主权带来了冲击和影响,产生了经济安全、制度选择、文化价值观维护等主权问题。

    Economic globalization has brought shock and influence to the state sovereign questions of socialist countries , with which a series questions have happened , such as economic safety , choice of system , maintain of culture value outlook , etc.

  12. 股东代表诉讼制度在消除这两大利益冲突导致的弊端的同时,亦实现了自身的两大价值:维护中小股东权益及加强公司制衡监督、完善公司治理结构。

    The system of shareholder representative action achieves its values while eliminating the malpractice caused by the two kinds of conflict of interest , that is protecting the minority shareholders ' interests and strengthening the supervision , perfecting the corporate governance structure .

  13. 无效合同制度是法律对合同自由的必要干预,通过对合同的否定性评价来引导当事人的缔约行为,其制度价值在于维护社会公共利益。

    Invalid contract system is a necessary intervention of the law on freedom of contract , by negative evaluation of the contract to guide the contracting behavior of the parties , the value of which is to maintain the social and public interests .

  14. 而占有制度的基本价值在于维护安宁的社会秩序以及保护权利人的权利,无论是善意的占有人还是恶意的占有人并非道德分类而都应进行保护。

    The tenure system is to maintain the fundamental value of a peaceful social order and the protection of rights of right holders , whether well-intentioned or malicious person in possession of the person in possession is not a moral classification should be protected .

  15. 用马克思主义整合人们的思想和价值观念,维护社会和谐稳定;

    Combine people 's thought and values with Marxism , safeguard the social harmony and stability ;

  16. 占有制度的价值功能在于维护财产占有秩序和交易安全。

    Its value and function is to guarantee the order of property possession and the safety of trade .

  17. 沥青混凝土预防性养护能有效节约成本而被认为是一种最具有价值的道路维护投资。

    Preventive maintenance can save much cost and is regarded as the most valuable investment in pavement maintenance .

  18. 通过提升顾客的体验价值,在维护环境利益的同时尽可能的降低成本,提高自身经济利益。

    By the way of enhance the experience value of customers , hotels can improve both the economic benefits and environmental benefits .

  19. 程序正义的真正价值就在于维护人的自由与尊严等人之存在的根本问题。

    The true value of procedural justice is that it maintains the essential question of human existence , such as human freedom and dignity .

  20. 商业登记制度的价值取向在于维护交易的安全,提高效率,并协调好两者的关系。

    The value of business registration system lies in maintaining safe trade , improving economic efficiency and coordinating the relation-ship between safety and efficiency .

  21. 组织叙述就是反映组织的目的、志趣、价值观,维护组织利益的话语表达形式。

    " The Organization Narration " is a kind of discourse expression reflecting the purpose interest and intention , value and protecting the benefit of the " organization " .

  22. 电视媒体负有弘扬主流价值观,维护法制尊严,始终关注民生和传播先进文化等多项社会责任。

    TV media takes many social responsibilities for publicizing mainstream value outlook , maintaining legal dignity , paying attention to the people 's livelihood , spreading advanced culture and so on .

  23. 整合营销传播将关系作为其核心价值观,维护与管理品牌与顾客和相关利益者之间的关系成为整合传播的中心任务。

    In Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ), the relationship is its core value , and safeguarding and managing the relationship between brand value and customers and stakeholders is its main task .

  24. 在工业生产现场、生活社区、安全要求敏感等场合,视频监控有重要应用价值,对维护国家及公共安全有现实意义。

    In the industrial production site , resident community , high safety requirements places and so on , video surveillance has important application value , and also has practical significance to safeguard notional and public safety .

  25. 如何对待这种挑战,并在新的经济、政治和文化环境中,吸收新的政治道德因素,发展福利集体主义的价值观,维护社会福利的公正作用,就是本文所要讨论的问题。

    To meet such challenges , the author discusses how to absorb new elements of political morals , enhance welfare collectivism and maintain the justice of social welfare in the new economic , political and cultural environments .

  26. 其次,信息法要体现基础的信息伦理价值,即维护信息传播自由、信息主体平等以及信息活动公正的信息伦理价值,并以实现这些价值为目标;

    Second , information law should protect and be targeted on these three kinds of its basic information ethical value , ie , the freedom of information propagation , the equality of information subject and the justice of information activity ;

  27. 通过提升大学生的自我价值感来维护高水平的自我和谐,使两者的关系走上良性循环的轨道,以促进其心理健康。

    Through the promotion of College Students ' sense of self value in order to maintain a high level of self consistency and congruence , make the relationship between the two embark on a virtuous track , in order to promote the psychological health .

  28. 社会主义社会把公平作为价值取向,维护和实现社会公平,涉及到最广大人民群众的根本利益,是我们立党为公、执政为民的必然要求,也是社会主义制度的本质要求。

    A socialist society as the fair values , the protection and realization of social justice that involves the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people , we serve the public and the inevitable demand for power is an essential requirement of the socialist system .

  29. 企业资产维护管理系统(EAM)是适用于资产密集型企业对高价值固定资产的维护、保养、跟踪等的信息管理系统。

    Enterprise assets management ( EAM ) is an information management system of maintenance , repairing , tracing which can be applied in assert denseness enterprise .

  30. 基于客户价值的营销渠道维护及拓展

    Maintain and Expand Marketing Channel Based on Customer Value