
  • 网络Join Conditions;Joining condition
  1. 现公司以优惠的加盟条件邀请各界有志人士加盟袋鼠品牌,共同创业,共同双赢!

    Companies are favorable conditions for joining the invited interested parties to join the kangaroo brand , co-venture , co-win-win !

  2. 本文从理论模型上探讨了战略性大股东加盟的基础条件、战略性大股东与公司价值之间的关系,以及战略性大股东的公司治理方式和对我国经济的启示。

    By means of mathematical models , this paper discovers basic condition on which strategic large shareholders have willing to take part in corporate governance , studies impact on corporate value and approaches of governance by strategic large shareholders , and finally enlightens on our transition economy .