
  1. 我们在室内定位中引入定向天线,利用定向天线的方向性和穿透能力强的特性来加强定位效果。

    We bring the directional antenna into indoor positioning and use directivity and penetration characteristic of it to enhance the location performance .

  2. 为了加强全球定位系统(GPS)对美军现代化战争的支撑作用、保持其在全球民用导航领域中的领先地位,美国提出了GPS现代化计划。

    In order to enhance the performance of Global Position System ( GPS ) in modern warfare and keep to be the leader in global civil navigation , American proposed the plan of GPS modernization .

  3. 作者相信,在商业银行和项目发起人加强角色定位和完善信息披露等前提下,集合委托贷款将会有较大的发展。

    This instrument is likely to grow , especially if the roles of commercial banks and project sponsors are clarified and disclosure strengthened .

  4. 除了减少导航目的地的数量,加强用户定位能力的另一种方式是提供更好的参考点,即导航标志。

    In addition to reducing the number of navigable places , another way to enhance users ' ability to find their way around is by providing better points of reference-signposts .

  5. 开发这些旅游产品必须加强旅游产品市场定位,重视旅游形象设计和产品的创意与创新。

    We pay great attention to market position , tourist image and product innovation in the development of tourist products of the geopark .

  6. 经过前几章的论述,本部分提出了四方面的建议:树立理念、加强立法、明确定位和引入团体诉讼。

    After discussion of the preceding chapters , this part proposes four suggestions that is establishing sense , strengthen legislation , clear positioning and introducing groups ' litigation .