
  1. 品牌定位战略模型研究

    A model for the brand positioning strategy

  2. 并指出了品牌定位战略过程中需要注意的问题。

    Every phrase is analyzed and some problems should be paid attention to in the course of brand positioning strategies .

  3. 第二章提出品牌定位战略,这是品牌开发战略的第一步,也是最为关键的一步。

    Chapter II presents a brand positioning strategy , which is the first and most crucial step for brand development strategy .

  4. 企业应转变观念,制定满足顾客体验的品牌定位战略,实施突出顾客体验的品牌定位策略,打造知名品牌。

    Enterprises should transform their ideas , and make strategic plan for brand orientation to meet the needs of customs experiences to make the brand famous .

  5. 品牌定位战略及其在营销组合上的落实是建立品牌资产的基础,是决定品牌资产增值与否的关键性问题。

    The brand positioning strategy and carrying it out at the marketing mix are the bases for building brand equity and the key step at in creasing brand equity .

  6. 小灵通的开发顺序是:市场定位、品牌定位、竞争战略选择、竞争策略开发、用户服务、创新。

    Developing PHS should follow an order as market positioning , brand positioning , competition strategies selection , competition strategies developing , services and creation .

  7. 品牌定位是品牌战略的基础和核心内容,也是创建品牌的基础和保障:准确的品牌定位是建立强势品牌的必要前提。

    Brand positioning is the basic and core contents of brand strategy and also the root and guarantees to create brand , the exact brand positioning is necessary to create a powerful brand .

  8. 品牌定位是品牌营销战略中的核心问题。

    Brand positioning is the core of brand marketing strategy .

  9. 房地产企业市场定位策略包括产品定位策略、品牌定位策略和企业战略定位策略。

    The market positioning strategy of real estate include product positioning strategy , brand positioning strategy and the enterprise strategy .

  10. 品牌定位是企业品牌战略的一个重要环节,如何对品牌定位进行有效测评对企业实施品牌战略具有重要意义。

    Brand positioning is a significant stage for enterprise 's brand strategy , how to conduct effective measurement on brand positioning is essential for the overall brand strategy of an enterprise .

  11. 品牌定位是品牌营销战略的起点和成功的关键,企业在进行品牌定位时必须仔细分析消费者的消费心理等相关的因素,才能定位准确,品牌战略才能取得成功。5.资本经营专题会计研究。

    As long as enterprises analyze consumers ' consumption psychology and relevant factors , the brand orientation can be accurate and the brand strategies can achieve success . As long as capital operation is widely put in practice , the basic accounting pattern will change qualitatively .