
  • 网络Promises;Brand Promise;Brand commitment
  1. 未来,我们将以持久的努力坚守品牌承诺,立足中国,迈向世界,为更多的人创造舒适的生活享受。

    G.bird will stick to the brand promise by continuous effort , building up a world-famous brand by creating more enjoyment for people .

  2. 他在采访中表示:如果你注意社会目前的发展动向,你就会发现我们的品牌承诺与这种态势是一致的。

    If you look at what is happening in society , our brand promise is in line with developments , he said in the interview .

  3. 研究结果也证实了使用经历对主观规范、态度、品牌承诺与行为意向之间关系的调节作用。

    The result also proves the moderate effect of purchase experience on the relationship between attitude and intention , subjective norm and intention , brand commitment and intention .

  4. 渣打银行认为,想要真正践行其品牌承诺,就必须全面了解自身活动对业务所在国的影响。

    To really live up to its brand promise , Standard Chartered felt it needed to fully understand the effect of its activities on the countries in which it operates .

  5. 将创新与振兴和明确的品牌承诺相结合,由健康、有道德的公司提供上佳的产品体验这是取得财务上持续成功的必由之路。

    Innovation and revitalisation allied to a clear brand promise , delivering a great experience backed up by a sound and ethical corporation that is the route to continued financial success .

  6. 基于前有文献研究结果,发现消费者对品牌承诺、自尊、自我监控和消费者对品牌自信均会对偏好改变发生影响。

    According to past research in this domain , it proposed that four variables , including brand commitment , self-esteem , self-monitoring and self-confidence of consumer to brand , had influences on preference change .

  7. 这家总部位于英国的跨国银行将其品牌承诺确立为“一心做好,对客户始终如一”。

    The UK-based multinational bank states its brand promise as being ' here for good * sticking by clients and customers through good times and bad , and always trying to do the right thing . '

  8. 结果发现,当将品牌情感承诺引入到TRA中后,不仅品牌承诺对行为意向的预测作用是显著的,同时整个模型的预测能力显著的提高(整个模型的决定系数提高了四个百分点)。

    The results show that the brand commitment is a significant predictor of behavior intention and the predicting ability of whole model is improved significantly when we put the commitment into the TRA .

  9. 本研究依据意见领袖的异质性,从人格特质的角度切入,研究不同人格特质对品牌社群承诺的影响,具有一定的理论意义。

    Based on the heterogeneity of the opinion leaders , this study starts from the personality traits .

  10. 这也是我们品牌的承诺,要为客户提供最顶级的服务。

    This is already a promise of the brand also to be treated as a premier customer .

  11. 品牌的质量承诺功能实现的创新策略

    New strategies to Realize Brands ' Quality Guarantee Function

  12. 第二个假设是雇主品牌与组织承诺显著正相关。第三个假设是雇主品牌在可雇用性与组织承诺之间起调节作用。

    The second assumption is that the Employer Brand has a significant positive correlation with Organizational Commitment .

  13. 用一句原创的、精雕细琢的语句表述品牌的终极承诺或定义的观点是什么。

    In one original , well-crafted phrase , what 's the brand 's ultimate commitment or defining point of view ?

  14. 它把品牌名称和品牌承诺联系起来。

    It is part of the communication of a brand name and brand promise .

  15. 一个强有力的品牌符号和品牌承诺建立起完整的品牌印象,代表着南山服饰在时尚产业上的高标准形象。

    A powerful brand symbol and a promise for brand name build up a perfect brand impression representing the high standard image of Natsun Garment in fashion industry .

  16. 品牌核心价值是品牌向消费者承诺的核心利益,它代表着品牌对消费者的终极意义和独特价值,是一个品牌最独一无二且最有价值的精髓之所在。

    Brand core value is the core value that the brand 's promise to consumers , it represent the ultimate meaning and special value to consumers , it is the only one and the most worthy essence in a brand .

  17. 品牌信用度是品牌建设的核心指标,它衡量了品牌承诺实现的程度。

    The brand credit index is the core indicator for brand management , measuring the extent of the brand commitment to achieving .

  18. 本文阐述了品牌依恋与其他相近概念的不同,比如品牌至爱、涉入度、品牌承诺、品牌态度和满意等概念。

    This paper describes some other similar concepts different from brand attachment , such as brand love and involvement , brand commitment , brand attitude and satisfaction concept .

  19. 由此标志X品牌将再次启程,拓展中国户外市场,我们将对中国的户外朋友实现X品牌的服务承诺。

    The well-known American sports agents and marketing companies linear soft-shoe brand K Roller Skating shoes ( SoftbootTM skate ) . This marks Brand X will again leave China to expand outdoor market .

  20. 而最终区别你们的就是设计和品牌。所以在过去50年里,利用新的化学作用和新技术对汰渍进行了大约50次的改善之后,汰渍品牌及其设计权益已经建立起了品牌承诺和对此品牌的信任。

    What really differentiates you in the end is the design and the brandSo while we have improved Tide 50 or so times in 50 years , with new chemistry and technologies , what has built the promise and trust is the Tide brand and design equity .