
  • 网络Spirit;Brand spirit
  1. 较为完整的产品形象,是由与企业理念、品牌精神等相关的理念识别层面,和在其指导下的产品综合外在视觉表现形式所构成的。

    Complete products identity is formed by mind identity related to enterprise conception and brand spirit as well as product external visual performance guided by mind identity .

  2. 传其神&品牌精神在产品设计中的延伸,将抽象的品牌形象与具体有形的产品设计视觉形象有机地联系起来。

    Spread its " spirit " - the brand spirit is extended in product design , and contacts brand image with the vision of material product design .

  3. 围绕五个核心价值&诚信,正直,尊重,团结和洲际集团品牌精神的服务,发扬工作文化。

    Promotes the desired work culture around the five core values of Trust , Integrity , Respect , One Team and Service of the Inter-Continental Hotels Group and the brand ethos .

  4. 巴宝莉的总裁马尔科·高比提表示,可持续性是品牌精神特质的重要元素,所以他们进行了这样的变革。

    Marco Gobbetti , chief executive officer of Burberry , explains that sustainability is a significant element of the brand 's ethos , which is why they 're implementing the changes .

  5. 其中产品理念识别(MI)是产品识别的核心,强调的是企业或品牌的精神理念和核心价值。

    Mind Identity ( MI ), which emphasizes the brand value , is the core of the PI system .

  6. 品牌本质与精神内涵是什么?

    What are the essence of brand and the spiritual connotation ?

  7. 医院品牌、医院精神与医院文化的辩证关系

    The dialectical relations between hospital brand , hospital spirit and hospital culture

  8. 另一方面,品牌丰富的精神内涵,为产品形式要素的设计提供了明确的方向。

    On the other hand , the abundant connotation in the brand provides a clear direction for the design of form factors in products .

  9. 我们将继续本着“务实求是、不断创新、统一管理、互利互赢共同发展,追求卓越品质,创造优质品牌”的精神。

    We will continue the spirit of " seeking a pragmatic , innovative , unified management , mutual benefit and win and common development , the pursuit of excellent quality , and create high-quality brand " .

  10. 科技公司、公司品牌以及具有企业家精神的社交媒体明星在竞相利用互联网最形象的文化单元的力量——表情符号以及它极度活跃的表兄弟GIF——他们可能会无意中摧毁周围兴起的创意世界。

    In a rush to harness the power of the web 's most evocative cultural units - emoji and their hyperactive cousins , GIFs - tech companies , corporate brands and entrepreneurial social media stars could risk inadvertently flattening the creative world that 's sprung up around them .

  11. 抓形象,树品牌,培育企业精神。

    Cultivate visualize and brand , breed corporate spirit .

  12. 从本质上,品牌偶像是商业精神的航标。

    In nature , the image of brand name reveals the way to business spirit .

  13. 在其它任何(奥运)年份中,火炬传递都会被视为营销的黄金时机&可以将自己的品牌与体现奥运精神的活动联系在一起。

    In any other year , the torch relay would have been viewed as marketing gold – an opportunity to attach one 's brand to an event that has come to epitomise the Olympic spirit .

  14. 能否在纽约举办男装周,关键在于考验这些土生土长的美国品牌是否具有美国精神,之前它们有的去其他地方展示,有的干脆不展示。

    The possibility of a New York event is testing the American spirit of the brands born and bred in the United States that have migrated elsewhere to show , or elected not to show at all .

  15. 通过比较研究,得出以下结论:第一,中、西式快餐企业品牌形象在品牌精神文化系统维度总体上存在显著性差异。

    On the basis of statistic analysis , it concludes the results as follows : First : China and Western style fast-food brand identity have significant differences in the " spiritual and cultural of brand identity " dimension on the overall .

  16. 品牌视觉设计是通过具有强烈冲击力的视觉符号,表现品牌的文化特征、经营内容、产品特点,品牌精神,将具体可见的视觉形象与内涵特质的抽象概念融为一体,以传达品牌的情报信息。

    Direct and brief symbol is important character of visual communication expressing cultural 、 management 、 product characteristic and spirit of Brand , its meaning can be accepted by consumers without explanation , constituted with concrete images and abstract ideas .