
  • 网络Brand Proposition;Brand Allegation;brand claims;Opinion
  1. 今天,这一理念被升华为“伊斯泰得”的品牌主张:背得起的奢侈!

    Today , The idea is sublimed to be EASTIDE 'S brand view : Let 's bag luxury !

  2. 我们甚至不需要强化我们产品的特征,而强化品牌的主张与内涵。

    We do not even to enhance our products , we strengthen the brand 's proposition and connotation .

  3. 最后重点论述影响品牌文化价值主张的两个因素,一是宏观的国家品牌特性因素,即企业是否应该主张与国家品牌特性一致的价值主张;

    At last , two factors that affect brand culture 's values proposition are given . One is macro-factor , national brand characteristic , which whether companies should propose the same values as national brand characteristic is studied .

  4. 本部分文案主要是将BOBO族、艺术精神与我们品牌之间进行串联,从而带出我们品牌的主张及之后的产品体系。

    This section mainly builds the connections among BOBOs , art spirit and our brand , and brings out our brand 's proposition and the following product system .