
  • 网络logo;Brand mark
  1. 他们品牌标志上的钩,并不是随便划上去的,而是由千千万万的客户反馈结果所认可的,是名副其实的CHECKLIST。

    The hook on their brand logo , isn 't drawn up casually , but by the hundreds of thousands of customer feedback results recognized , is truly a CHECKLIST .

  2. 那是因为设计运动品牌标志能够对运动品牌的推广产生很大的作用。

    That is because the sports brand logo design can have a great role in the promotion of sports brands .

  3. 带有该品牌标志性“双G”金属搭扣的皮带正常零售价在250欧元至1500欧元之间,而假货的价格只有这一价格的一个零头。

    Leather belts bearing the brand 's distinctive " double Gancini " metal buckle retail for between 250 and 1500 , although fakes were being offered for a fraction of this cost .

  4. 天鸷品牌标志,用一种反应快速的的鹰类(鸷鸟)的图形来作为GPS定位系统品牌形象,生动直观,体现产品定位。

    Kenji brand LOGO , with one kind of response fast hawk class ( birds of prey bird ) the graph took the GPS positioning system brand image , vivid is direct-viewing , manifests the product localization .

  5. 美国一家创意组织CreativeEquals致力于支持有才华的女性以及促进创意产业的多元化。该公司决定用女性形象来代替原来的知名品牌标志,以此来突出强调媒体上品牌标志性别不平衡的问题。

    Creative Equals , an organization aiming to support talented women and promote diversity in creative industries , has decided to replace iconic brand logos with female figures in order to highlight the issues of unbalanced branding in the media .

  6. 埃迪・波尔格(EddieBorgo)(内嵌橡胶)、宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)(模仿该品牌标志性编织皮革的交叉阴影图案)、还有佩昂(化石海象象牙)都是很好的例子。

    See : Eddie Borgo ( inlaid rubber ) , Bottega Veneta ( a crosshatch motif that mimics the brand 's signature woven leather ) and Ms. Pean ( fossilized walrus ivory ) .

  7. 期刊品牌标志的表现手法及传达特性研究

    Studies on Expression Techniques and Transmission Characteristics of Periodical Brand Mark

  8. 酒吧大门前展示的各种啤酒品牌标志。

    Bar fronts displaying various beer signs .

  9. 同时,对中国服装品牌标志设计的现状作了分析与思考。

    Analysis and reflections are made on the status quo of the designed brand mark .

  10. 在文章的最后,展望了期刊品牌标志设计的未来发展空间。

    The outlook of the future development space of the design of periodical brand marks was forecasted .

  11. 车徽是汽车的品牌标志,包含了汽车的重要信息。

    The car emblem is a label of the car and contains important information about the car .

  12. 所有的后视行的目的是集中在中间的品牌标志。

    All the lines of the rear view are designed to concentrate on the brand symbol in the center .

  13. 外部场地照明不得降低建筑物主要门面或主要品牌标志的效果。

    Exterior lot lighting must not diminish the impact of the building 's primary facade or the main brand signage .

  14. 我们使用因素分析方法萃取出品牌标志与品牌音乐共同意象语汇空间形容词对;

    We use the factor analysis to extract the common image vocabularies pairs of the brand logo and brand music .

  15. 在本研究中我们藉由实验设计找出品牌标志最适配的品牌音乐;

    In this paper , we use the lab design to find out the best match brand music for brand logo .

  16. 我们注意到不少企业都会花费极高的成本和精力来对品牌标志进行重新设计。对一家大型企业而言,一个典型的品牌标志重设会花费两年的时间以及1.5到2千万美金的金额。

    A typical redesign can take up to two years and cost $ 15 million to $ 20 million for a large company .

  17. 这时,廉价设计师的服装正好迎合相反的品味,衣服经常带有大大的品牌标志以便让其购买者大肆炫耀自己的品牌。

    Cheaper designer items cater to the opposite impulse , often featuring large logos that allow their purchasers to conspicuously show off the brand .

  18. 酒店精心定制的会议包价为会议决策者提供轻松高效的选择,铂尔曼品牌标志性的创新会议茶歇,旨在提升与会者的独特会议体验。

    Event packages deliver ease and efficiency for decision makers , with Pullman 's renowned innovative breaks are designed to enhance everyone 's experience .

  19. 把品牌标志及用户情感滥用于太多产品后,这个品牌就会变得毫无意义,核心用户也会因此疏远品牌,它的业务也会随之遭受重大损失。

    Lend a logo , and a sensibility , to too many things , and the brand becomes meaningless , the core customer alienated , and the business suffers .

  20. 秀台背景是一片雾气弥漫的奇异荒原,仿佛连接着她的童年风景,时装有着精心的裁剪和品牌标志性的疯狂想像力。

    A strange , misty moorland - not unconnected to the landscape of her childhood - was the setting for the combination of beautiful tailoring and wild imaginings that characterize the house .

  21. 他查看了他们所用的照片,回顾了菲尔森产品目录过去这些年来所采用的不同风格,甚至修改了品牌标志。

    He looked at the photography they used , went back through the various styles the filson catalog had taken on over the years , and even put the logo through a revision .

  22. 梅格希指出,她的研究显示,品牌标志在多数情况下都会带来明显的好处,但女人之间却会存在明显的性别歧视,至少,嫉妒心可能会起到一定的作用。

    Megehee noted in her study that brand logos had considerable benefits in most interactions , but there was a clear gender bias between women where , at least anecdotally , she believes jealousy may be at play .

  23. 如果参vb观一下品牌重新标志的展厅,就会对我们的品牌和我们的价值观留下很深刻的印象。

    If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms , you 'll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for .

  24. 11月21日,中国电动汽车制造商蔚来汽车在伦敦的萨奇艺术馆展出了其EP9车型以及其NIO品牌和标志。

    On Nov. 21 , Chinese electric carmaker NextEV unveiled its EP9 model at the Saatchi Gallery in London , along with its NIO brand and logo .

  25. 比如,购物中心里的麦丝玛拉(MaxMara)店铺展示了三位中国艺术家的作品,他们都用了该品牌的标志性大衣。

    The MaxMara store at the mall , for example , exhibited works by three Chinese artists that all used the brand 's signature coat .

  26. 产品是保证,品牌是标志。

    Product is the guarantee , and brand is the logo .

  27. 那么为什么要设计运动品牌的标志呢?

    Then why to design a sports brand logos ?

  28. 庞蒂亚克品牌的标志很可能消失。

    The iconic Pontiac brand is probably finished .

  29. 旅游品牌形象标志设计探讨

    Exploration of tourism brands image logo design

  30. 这可不是一家充斥着品牌与标志的商店,而是一家充满值得购买的魅力商品的商店。

    This just isn 't a shop full of brands and logos . It 's a shop full of fabulous things to buy .