
  • 网络Brand Concept;Brand Idea
  1. 通过对网络品牌概念和特点的描述,得出网络品牌的特点。

    Through the brand concept and characteristics of the network description of the characteristics of brand .

  2. 这既是诺基亚向消费者给出的承诺,也传达了顾客至上的品牌概念。

    People-oriented , this is Nokia 's commitment to consumers , but also conveys the brand concept of being customer-oriented .

  3. HOK的设计将为保时捷北美区创造一个综合的融合办公,训练,和驾乘体验的空间,营造一个统一的品牌概念。

    HOK 's design will create a single home for the Porsche North America family by bringing together office , training and driving functions while creating a unified brand experience .

  4. 基于符号学的整体品牌概念

    The Concept of Total Brand Based on Semiotics

  5. 服装品牌概念向大众认知转换的机制

    The Mechanism from Brand-Concept to Mass Cognition

  6. 销售策略是一种建立品牌概念单一且专注的方法。

    The Selling Strategy is a discipline that is single-mindedly focused on generating brand-building ideas .

  7. 中小学生品牌概念发展特点研究

    The study of characteristic of the Brand cognition about students of elementary and middle school

  8. 区域品牌概念和理论的提出正是建立在这些思考和实践基础之上。

    The concept and theory of region brand is born out of these reasons and practice .

  9. 市场推广已经成为更大、更模糊也更重要的品牌概念的一个组成部分。

    Marketing has become an administrative part of the bigger , vaguer but more important concept of the brand .

  10. 两种知识体系中的品牌概念及应用&渝东南文化产业品牌开发的理论思考之一

    Brand Concept and Application in Two Knowledge Hierarchy One of Theoretical Reflections of Culture Industry Brand Development in Southeast Chongqing

  11. 一品牌概念虽早已有之,然而对品牌价值的认识却从未停止。

    ⅰ Although concept of brand has existed for a long time , people never stop studying the brand value .

  12. 但是,品牌概念在中国的兴起只是近20年的事情,我国企业在品牌管理、品牌营销等方面比较落后。

    But the brand conception emerged in China only twenty years ago . Our enterprises got behind in brand management and brand marketing .

  13. 把品牌概念引入传媒领域,就是要在搞好节目策划创作的同时,通过一系列包装和推介手段,树立起强势品牌,以达到提升竞争力的目的。

    Taking this concept into the media , we should set up a strong brand to improve competition through a series of promotion .

  14. 从运动鞋到护肤霜,中国消费品公司不再愿意向教会了自己品牌概念的外资企业低头。

    From sneakers to skin cream , Chinese consumer goods companies are no longer willing to kowtow to the foreigners who taught them branding .

  15. 按照蒂伯·卡尔曼的说法,最初的品牌概念是质量,但是现在是一种勇气风格的象征。

    According to Tibor Kalman , the original notion of the brand was quality , but now the brand is a stylistic badge of courage .

  16. 近几十年众多学者通过品牌概念研究、个性维度研究、应用研究等不断丰富和扩展了品牌个性定位理论研究。

    Many scholars enrich and extend the brand personality positioning theory by the concept of brand , personality dimension , and application research in recent decades .

  17. 现代社会汽车企业越来越重视概念车的设计,本文通过对量产概念车和品牌概念车的划分,说明了现代概念车设计的两种思路。

    This paper proposes two schemes for the design of the concept car , through the division of the production conception car and the brand conception car .

  18. 还有一个就是树立我们酒店员工的自信,让他们多去了解外面的酒店,拓宽他们的视野,培养他们的品牌概念。

    In addition , we will set up self-confidence of our employees to understand more external hotels , expand their field of view and improve their idea of brand .

  19. 首先,考察品牌概念的各种传统观念与现代观念,以及与此相对应的各种品牌管理理论和模式,并进行简单的评述和批判。

    Firstly , the paper see about the traditional and modern standpoint , the corresponding brand management theory and model of brand conception , and puts up simple comment and animadvert .

  20. 设计在其中起到了至关重要的作用,从品牌概念到餐厅整体环境,再到菜品的开发等等,无不闪现设计的力量与影响。

    Design has played a crucial role in the brand concept from restaurants to the overall environment , the development of dishes , etc. , are all designed to garner power and influence .

  21. 随着消费者对服装行业信息需求的日益增长,服装类图书市场的发展形势也日益看好,于是许多传播服装品牌概念、服装企业管理、店面销售知识的服装类图书应运而生。

    With the growing information needs of consumers in the garment industry , Clothing books market situation is excellent , many books which promote clothing brand concepts , knowledge of clothing shops selling are emerged .

  22. 以《深圳特区报》的《直通车》专栏为个案,解析该专栏在舆论监督方面的创新,列举它以品牌概念打造专栏的具体做法。

    Further , as an example of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily " through train " column , to resolve the innovations in public opinion , lists the specific approach of its brand concept to create a column .

  23. 概念营销的目的是使消费者形成对新产品及企业的深刻印象,建立起鲜明的功用概念、特色概念、品牌概念、形象概念、服务概念,以增强企业的竞争实力。

    The aim of conceptual marketing is to make consumer be impressed with new products and enterprises , establishing function concept , feature concept , brand concept , visualizing concept , service concept to enhance the competing strength of enterprises .

  24. 本文从九十年代中期国外市场营销学者提出的一种新的品牌概念&品牌识别特征入手,分析了一些品牌的实例后提出建立品牌识别特征是创造名牌的关键。

    Through analyzing many cases of business practices by the new brand concept put forward by overseas marketing scholar in the mid 1990s , this article concludes that the key point of creating famous brands is to establish the brand identity .

  25. 自20世纪50年代美国的大卫·奥格威首次提出品牌概念,到进入21世纪世界经济全球化后,品牌日益显现出对于经济发展的标志性意义。

    50 years since the 20th century , the United States , David ? Ogilvy brand concept was first proposed , to enter the 21st century world economy , globalization , the brand is emerging as a symbol for the economic development significance .

  26. 通过分析品牌概念的演化过程和品牌种群的演化机制,揭示了品牌种群从诞生时少量品牌、到发展时众多品牌、再到成熟期少量知名品牌的变化过程。

    The paper analyzes the conception of brand and the evolution rule of brand population , by which brand population experiences the whole transformation process : small number brands in born days , more brands in development period then a few brands in maturity .

  27. 品牌概念经过几十年的发展已在全球范围内受到高度关注,现已被视为一种资产,相应的品牌营销传播理论、方式和策略也是层出不穷。

    The concept of brand has been put on great emphasis after tens of years development , and now it has been thought as a kind of assets . At the same time , there are various relevant brand marketing communication theories , methods and strategies .

  28. 我们的设计观:保持旺盛的思想力和创造力,力争准确传达品牌概念,做具有销售力的视觉整合,为企业品牌的成功打下坚实的基础。

    Our idea of designing : we will keep vigorous imagination and creation to try our best to convey the idea of famous brand accurately , to express the VI design effectively so as to lay a solid foundation for the success of the famous brand .

  29. 20世纪50年代,美国广告之父大卫·奥格威第一次提出品牌概念,随后,品牌这一概念逐渐被人们所关注,90年代以后,品牌已经成为营销界最热门的主题。

    50 years of the 20th century , the father of American Advertising · David Ogilvy first proposed the brand concept , then gradually the concept of the brand by the people concerned , 90 years later , the brand has become the hottest marketing topics .

  30. 加强政府职能和政府干预,整合有利资源,因地制宜,打造具有特色乡村旅游业,强化品牌概念,为乡村旅游业的发展打开一条绿色的通道。

    Strengthening the government functions and the strengthening of the government intervention , the integration of the favorable resources , adjust measures to local conditions , creating characteristic of rural tourism , strengthen the brand concept , the development of rural tourism open a green channel .