
  1. 年轻富有创造力的设计师团队以独特的设计视觉获得客户和同行的尊重,同时专业的品牌视觉运作使我们的价值得到彰显。

    Because of unique point of view , abundant creativity and professional brand vision design , our design team plays an important role in this field .

  2. 基于这样的背景展开研究,本文从消费者心理的角度进行分析,研究旅游纪念品的品牌和品牌视觉设计,并找出消费者心理与他们之间的共同点。

    Based on this background , this article , analyzes from the consumer psychology , studies brand vision design as well as positioning strategy of souvenirs and try to find the common point between them .

  3. 体验经济背景下品牌视觉识别设计研究

    The Brand Visual Identity Design under the Background of the Experience Economy

  4. 品牌视觉识别系统的建构

    The Construction of Brand Visual Identification System

  5. 服装品牌视觉风格谈

    Talk about Visual Style of Garment Brand

  6. 浅谈品牌视觉形象的塑造

    Designing of Brands ' Vision Image

  7. 因此,品牌视觉形象的操控能力、创意能力、表现能力和执行能力的提升格外重要。

    So the improvement of controlling ability , creative ability , expressive ability of brand image is extremely important .

  8. 品牌视觉设计的方法也从以前的平面为主开始转向三维和动态的表现方式,在材质和色彩的运用上都有很大的创新和突破,这使得品牌视觉形象的表现都更加生动和有活力。

    With the innovation and breakthrough in color and material , Visual design of Brand is getting vivid , energetic more and more .

  9. 然后结合个案设计,将品牌视觉形象识别和包装设计加以整合,进行综合性的应用研究。

    Then , combining case design , brand visual image recognition and packaging design with integration , the application of comprehensive research is realized .

  10. 其次,探讨了品牌视觉形象设计的概念、设计范畴、以及在品牌形象塑造中的作用。

    Secondly , to explore the visual image design of the brand concept , design scope , as well as in shaping the role of brand image .

  11. 第四部分根据长流水景区新的旅游产品和新的旅游主题确定,设计景区品牌视觉形象。

    Part ⅴ is based on a long scenic stream of new tourism products and new tourism theme , designing the visual image of the brand scenic spots .

  12. 第四章,传统图形在品牌视觉形象设计中的运用方法,主要阐述了传统视觉思维对在品牌视觉形象设计的作用。

    Chapter IV , the methods of traditional graphics applying to the brand image design , mainly expounds the roles of traditional visual thinking to brand image design .

  13. 抛砖之为引玉,希望更多的设计师和研究人员能够关注品牌视觉形象设计的现代化进程,为企业创作出更具生命力的优秀作品,更好的解决现实问题。

    The argument for throwing bricks and hope more attention to designer brand image of the visual design of the process of modernization , in order to create more business vitality of the outstanding works .

  14. 在信息高速发展的时代,服装品牌视觉营销战略是不容忽视的,而服装品牌视觉营销的核心是品牌理念的视觉传达。

    The rapid development in the information era , the clothing brand visual marketing strategy can not be ignored , and the clothing brand visual marketing is the core of the brand concept of visual communication .

  15. 服装品牌视觉传达中标识色因为观念的不同、地域的差异以及民族不同等原因,而具有不同的文化涵义,在宣传、树立品牌形象战略中的作用是显而易见的。

    Clothing brand visual identification color because of different views , regional differences and nationality are different , and have different cultural connotations , in the promotion , establish a brand image strategy function is obviously .

  16. 本文通过移动互联网企业品牌视觉特征和产品视觉特征的内在联系入手,提出了建立品牌一致性的设计方法和意义。

    Starting with the inner link of the visual characters between the brand and products of mobile interne company , this thesis indicates the significance and strategies of the visual design unity of the mobile internet brand .

  17. 而在苗族银饰品牌视觉形象的运用中应该注重将苗族银饰自身的视觉元素解构应用。品牌产品的设计创新,应具有自身独特性和时尚性。

    Should focus on the use of the visual image of the Miao silverware brand Miao silverware visual elements of deconstruction of the application of brand products , design innovation , should have their own unique and stylish .

  18. 另一方面,这种从商业化策略的角度研究视觉传播的研究结果,可以为品牌视觉传播的发展提供一定的实践意义和借鉴价值。

    On the other hand , this kind of studies results from the angle of commercial strategy , can provide certain fulfillment meaning and reality to draw lessons from value for the development that the brand of vision spread .

  19. 之后又综合研究艺术设计学、计算机科学、心理学、社会学、市场营销学和可用性工程学等相关理论,对影响移动互联网企业品牌视觉和产品视觉的相关因素进行了全面的分析和研究。

    Then researches on the theories in art design , computer science , psychology , sociology , marketing and usability engineering comprehensively , and analyzes the influences to the visual identity unity of mobile internet brand and its products .

  20. 品牌视觉设计是通过具有强烈冲击力的视觉符号,表现品牌的文化特征、经营内容、产品特点,品牌精神,将具体可见的视觉形象与内涵特质的抽象概念融为一体,以传达品牌的情报信息。

    Direct and brief symbol is important character of visual communication expressing cultural 、 management 、 product characteristic and spirit of Brand , its meaning can be accepted by consumers without explanation , constituted with concrete images and abstract ideas .

  21. 学校文化建设是就是要以精神文化为基础确立先进的办学理念,以制度文化为保障规范师生的行为,以物质文化为基础打造学校品牌视觉系统。

    The construction of school culture is the spiritual culture as the foundation is to establish the advanced idea of running school , the cultural system for regulating the behavior of teachers and students , to material culture to build school brand visual system .

  22. 第二章,传统文化与品牌视觉形象,重点阐述了传统文化与品牌视觉形象的关系及传统文化思想在品牌视觉形象设计中的体现两方面内容。

    Chapter II , the traditional culture and brand image , focusing on two aspects that are the relationship of traditional culture and brand image design , as well as in the characterization and reflection of traditional cultural thinking applying to brand image design .

  23. 其中对学校组织文化与学校品牌视觉形象的关系、学校品牌视觉形象的管理创新和素质教育的效能阐明了笔者的观点,并借用部分学校的案例作为观点的佐证。

    The author provides some cases of schools as evidence to express his own opinions about the relations between school organization culture and school brand visual image , and about the management innovation of school brand visual image as well as the efficacy of Quality-Centered Education .

  24. 品牌文化视觉元素提升品牌价值。

    The video elements of brand culture can escalate brand value .

  25. 旅游地品牌形象视觉识别符号设计研究

    Research on Tourism Destination Brand Image Visual Identification Symbol System

  26. 论品牌形象视觉识别设计的个性化

    Research on the Individualization of the Brand Identity Design

  27. 学校品牌的视觉形象研究

    Studies on Visual Image for School Brand

  28. 企业品牌的视觉形象极大地影响着企业的生存与发展。

    The brand key visual has a great impact on the survival and development of a company .

  29. 服装品牌终端视觉形象的创建成为服装营销策略中越来越重要的一个部分。

    Founding the terminal visualized effect for Dress brand has become a more and more important part of Dress marketing strategies .

  30. 品牌的视觉元素与典型消费者形象对高级性纬度的形成具有明显的性别差异。

    The brand vision element and the image of typical consumers have obvious gender difference in the formation of advanced dimensions .