
  • 网络brand promotion
  1. 黑龙江移动动感地带品牌促销研究

    Study on the Brand Promotion for the M-Zone of Heilongjiang Mobile

  2. 原型的意向一直都是被各种品牌用来促销产品的,到今天这种手段成为了一种必然。

    Archetypes intention has always been used in a variety of brands to promote their products , and it almost become a necessity .

  3. 第六、丰富营销模式,通过公益营销、文化营销、深度与广度营销和诚信营销等提升顾客对济南国美品牌及促销活动的感知度。

    Charity marketing , culture marketing , depth and width marketing and integrity marketing can all improve the perceptions of consumers toward Jinan Gome and its sales promotions .

  4. 若某雪糕品牌附设赠品促销,会否增加你对该产品的消费意欲?

    If certain ice-cream has a gift promotion , will increase your mind to buy this Ice cream ?

  5. 在如今的商业竞争中,附赠品在儿童食品进行品牌推广及促销活动中,占有越来越重要的地位。

    In today ' sbusiness competition , giveaway for branding and promotional activities in children ' sfood , plays a more and more important role .

  6. 根据公司现存的各种问题提出相关的策略,如产品策略、渠道策略、品牌策略、促销及价格策略。

    Based on the corporation problems , the correlation tactics , such as product tactics , place tactics , promote tactics and brand tactics , are proposed .

  7. 这款手表是深受广大成功人士喜爱,更是企业、商家提高自身品牌形象,促销、馈赠的好产品、好载体。

    This watch is deeply loved , successful business enterprise , enhance the brand image , promotion , the legacy of a good products , good carrier .

  8. 在过去的两年中,超过200种新伏特加酒在美国上架,而一些低价品牌正利用促销活动来走量。

    More than 200 new vodkas have hit U.S. shelves the past two years , and some of the lower priced brands are using promotions to drive scale .

  9. 因此在综合研究的基础上提出了改革它的经营体制、引进先进管理模式、提升规划档次、设计多样化产品及树立品牌、整体促销等策略。

    On the basis of synthesized study , this article bring out the strategy of reforming its managing system , bringing into advanced administration pattern , elevating planning class , designing diversified products and establishing trademark , and whole marketing and so on .

  10. 在本文的结尾部分,提出了建立真正围绕市场与客户需求的自有品牌和各种促销创新策略等营销手段相结合,提升自有品牌自身潜在价值,才有可能扩大产品的市场占有率。

    A genuine combination of its own brand , and a variety of promotional marketing tools , innovative strategies around The market and customer needs , enhance The potential value of own brand , be possible to expand The market share of The product at The end of This article .

  11. 浅议服装品牌建设与打折促销

    A Superficial Discussion on the Clothing Brand Construction and Discount Promotion

  12. 以树立品牌形象为主的促销策略;

    Setting up the brand - oriented promotion policy ;

  13. 大约1.2万种国际品牌参加了这次促销活动。

    Some 12000 international brands were on sale .

  14. 品牌、价格和促销对市场份额影响的模型研究

    Model study of the effects of brand , price and promotion on market share

  15. 当我看到我喜爱的运动鞋品牌新产品的促销时,我会购买此新产品。

    I will purchase the new product of my favourite sports shoes brand when I see its promotion .

  16. 并且,此效果将被品牌熟悉度、促销讯号及认知需求所干扰。

    Furthermore , the discount effect is moderated by brand familiarity , promotion signal , and need for cognition ( NFC ) .

  17. 营销过程中充满了文化的因素,产品概念、品牌、包装、促销都包含了深刻的文化内涵。

    The marketing procedure is full of cultural factors and all the product concept , brand , package and promotion contains profound connotation of culture .

  18. 品牌延伸可以节省促销费用,统一企业形象,有利于迅速提高企业知名度与经济效益,但也存在使企业失败的巨大陷阱。

    Brand extension can on one hand reduce the sales promotion fee , unify the image of an enterprise , and improve the popularity and economic benefit of an enterprise within a short time .

  19. 即总部统一在各地发布品牌广告,制定品牌宣传策略、促销方案。

    Then the headquarters unifies to announce the brand advertisement in every locality , establishment brand publicity strategy , promote sales the project .

  20. 用途:玫瑰花瓶伞是一款让女人心动实用的礼品,非常适用于品牌企业针对女性顾客的品牌宣传、促销推广、顾客馈赠与积分回馈;

    Uses : Rose vase umbrella is a practical gift for a woman heart is ideal for brands branding for female customers , sales and marketing , customer gifts and rebate ;

  21. 本文在对黑龙江移动动感地带客户品牌进行一定理解的基础上,通过对黑龙江移动现行的动感地带品牌促销方法进行深入研究,结合动感地带品牌促销评价理论,重点找出其中有待改进之处。

    Based on the understanding of " M-Zone " of Heilongjiang Mobile , analyzing the current promotion methods , loss and profit analysis and brand awareness , the thesis provides the points to be improved .

  22. 现代企业要使自己的品牌赢得竞争优势,必须增加品牌的文化含量,提高品牌的文化品位,实施品牌文化促销。

    The modern enterprises should deploy the strategy of brand-culture on promotion to acquire competitive advantage .

  23. 第三章我从产品、品牌、渠道、广告等方面详细描述了上海通用汽车的营销策略,其中对品牌和促销策有所侧重。

    The third chapter describes particularly its tactics from product , brand , channel and advertisements , with emphasis on brand and sales promotion .

  24. 品类定位是决定品牌建设首先要解决的问题,本文根据所构建的品类对立定位模型,提出了品类对立定位的具体策略,并完整地提出了信用卡品牌促销策略。

    Category positioning is the first issue of brand building . The paper constructs the model of category opposition positioning and proposes specific strategies . And this paper proposes the strategy of building brand credit such as product strategy , promotion strategy , environment strategy .